Help needed for 1st day......

i was good and just had the weetabix then went to bed.
not felt hungry much at all today tho - which is a first for an extra easy day.
i had a nectarine before i left the house then a banana when i got to work and took my magic porridge with me. i had a wee drop soup left so had taken that to work and sipped on that late morning and in the afternoon only ate half the pasta i'd taken (but had a piece of pineapple before it to go towards the superfree)
its 7.30 now and just made the chilli beef noodles from the website but used was good and i'm quite happy now. still 14 syns left but won't be looking for much later....she says ;) lol x
Well done hun. You are sticking to plan so well - you should be proud of yourself!!

How were the noodles!? I'm finally doing the byriani tomorrow (at last) and its all in the fridge marinating over night. Tonight was a chilli con carne and it was lovely. We always use a jar of 'proper sauce' rather than the SW recipe as it doesn't have enough flavour for me. But it only worked out to 5 syns for my portion.

Having that for lunch as well and saving 10 syns for poppadums with my byriani tomorrow mmmmmmm
Hey chick how are you?

I'm after stealing your chickpea dahl muffin recipe and method coz whenever I've made the loaf it just completely crumbles and is too moist! Help!! Lol xx
Well done hun. You are sticking to plan so well - you should be proud of yourself!!

How were the noodles!? I'm finally doing the byriani tomorrow (at last) and its all in the fridge marinating over night. Tonight was a chilli con carne and it was lovely. We always use a jar of 'proper sauce' rather than the SW recipe as it doesn't have enough flavour for me. But it only worked out to 5 syns for my portion.

Having that for lunch as well and saving 10 syns for poppadums with my byriani tomorrow mmmmmmm

i am a bit impressed with myself lol...i mean, day 25 at 100% and not even a hint of wanting to fall off the wagon....YET! lol
the noodles were nice...a bit dry tho cos you don't really have a sauce (the meat's just coated in a wee bit soy sauce and chillis) but i would make t again, and add some more veg and maybe a splash of something at the end for a bit moisture. really quick so ideal! x

Hey chick how are you?

I'm after stealing your chickpea dahl muffin recipe and method coz whenever I've made the loaf it just completely crumbles and is too moist! Help!! Lol xx

aww i sooo get you on that!!
i cook mine at gas mark 4/5 usually....for ages! (recipe still a packet of savoury rice cooke and mixed in with a can of chickpea dahl, 3 eggs)and that's pretty much the only way that they stick together in the middle. but i'm finding lately, everytime i make them, they're sticking to the bottom and harder at the top (cos they've needed longer in to stop the crumbling) and to be's driving me nuts!
i'm going to try and line my dish/muffin tin with tin foil next time and see if that makes it easier to get them out.
its really frustrating eh!
i did one last week in a smaller dish and it looked perfect. couldnt get it out so it ended up in a million bits and i could've fired the bloody thing lol
good luck! x
i would make t again, and add some more veg and maybe a splash of something at the end for a bit moisture. really quick so ideal! x

I always use soy sauce to keep mine moist. It's syn free and i always add a little chinese 5 spice. another thing you could try is sweet chilli dip - works really well but you have to syn it. Not very high though and a little goes a long way.
Did you get a silicon muffin tin?! I want to try making them but nervous now lol

didnt get a silicon one yet...gonna try tin foil for my next lot and see if that helps. the first few times in the muffin tins were great (maybe cos it was new?) now its cremated on...body magic for trying to get it off i guess lol x
Lol. My body magic is going ok - I have done 6 days of 30 day shred level one over the lat 9 days. Going to do it at least the next three days and then I get hectic with work so it most be tricky to fit it in (especially Thursday). But I'm gonna try my hardest :)
good for you...i must admit, i've barely looked at the body magic stuff that i got in the pack. maybe i will at some point?
i know that would be half my battle but the truth is - i just can't be arsed! bad i know....but honest lol x
Lol. Well as long as you are sticking to plan the body magic can take a back seat in my opinion. :)

How are you doing WI wise? Are you losing? I lost 1lb this week.
1lb was good - when you thought you'd had too much at the weekend :D
are you happy with that?
i've been to 3 weigh ins and lost 9lbs so far...not bad

so glad its friday...i'm sleepy this morning - one of those time when you wake up 20mins before the alarm goes off but can't risk snoozing or you'll end up unconscious and sleeping in lol....x
Yeah I'm really happy with it - trying to be ultra good this week so it doesn't come back to haunt me lol.

I'm out again Saturday night but I'm debating in driving so I don't lose control again. Plus they are going to a really expensive cocktail bar and I'm still skint from Xmas! Lol

How's your weekend shaping up? Anything that could trip you up?
no plans hopefully not! well...other than my OH digging into big bars of chocolate but that's probably going to be as tempting as it gets?
we'll be out next weekend which has been planned for a while so kinda aimed for 4 weeks of 100% before my 1st time in the "real world" so not sure how that'll go. i've tried to get a peek at the menu but can't but to be honest, it's not something that will happen a lot so i might just decide to have what i want, not worry too much and take the hit? not sure, will just see what happens.
its always easier to take a wee gain or stay the same when its justified...its the times where you've been good and gain and you just think wtf???

money seems the perfect reason to drive on saturday and not to stay on track - mentally it might be easier to say no and kills 2 birds with one stone? ;) x
do you know what type of food it will be? (Italian, chinese, pub grub etc) you might be able to arm yourself with a few 'best options' if you cant see the exact menu. I try to do this where I can so I know that if I go for an italian and order a tomato based pasta, I am doing better then if I order a cheesy based one for example. It might be good to just have a bit of a swot up and then see how you feel on the day. If it was me I would feel a bit guilty if I didn't at least try to plan a bit. (But it is up to you!)

the place we are going is an expensive cocktail bar so i will have to have my wits about me if i do drink anyway - i imagine cocktails are so full of syns! Vodka and diet coke for me if I go and I will save all my syns for it (that should give me 6 drinks so that will be plenty!) At least we are not going out for dinner as well!

Unjustified gains are so unfair - but there are so many factors you have to consider - TOTM, water consumption, exercise etc. I am due for star week next week so if I gain on weds I will try to put it down to that and not get annoyed lol.

Got some leftover byriani for lunch today YUM!

its just a restaurant in a hotel so not chinese or indian or anything...
i'm going to go with the flow but not put too much pressure on myself cos for me, it has the opposite effect and will make me want everything i think i can't have.
i just made the quick tomato was quite nice - as near heinz as we'll get and took a few mins to make - have you tried it?
No I haven't actually. I usually make carrot and coriander soup. I need to do a meal plan for the week and I was planning to make some soups for lunches. We have some veggie stalls on the market so I'm gonna stock up a bit.

Work is hectic next week though - working late Monday after an all day conference (food provided is Turkish I think which I have never tried so a bit nervous taste and syn wise) weds and Thursday are long days plus hotel overnight and I will struggle with having to eat lunch out. Need to plan my options really well so I don't get stuck.
at least you're prepared for it tho...or will be once you get your thinking cap on :)
the soup was really easy to make and done in's probably as near heinz as we'll get without synning and i reckon i'll make it again to take to work too - was really just trying it today and so far, haven't sat down to a bowl of it - just a spoonful here and there
my fella's managed to get a look at the menu for this place we're going next week so i'm off to nosey too x