The ragu recipe was in one of my magasine - might even be the lastest one (Jan/Feb). Its pretty easy - just frying up some onions and garlic til soft and then adding passata, tinned tomatos and some herbs and then cooking through for about 15 mins. The recipe says it makes four portions for two ro four people (cant remember which) but one 'portion' has done me two lunches. Its freezable as well so well worth it.
I will def try to get hold of a joint of pork and give it a try - is it relatively easy to make apart from the fat? My knives are terrible recently - I need to get them sharpened really as at the moment I would be better off using a butter knife lol.
I went to a class when I first started to get the books and a bit of an intro but the C wasnt great - she didnt seem to say anything to all the women who were saying that they were not going to be on plan as they had social engagements and I thought that a C was supposed to motivate you. I know i wouldnt enjoy staying to this group in particular but also I dont have the money every week to go. So I do it from home using the books and minimins

couldnt live without this place! I weigh myself on a wednesday morning as soon as I get up - scales in the same spot each week and my bf reads the scales for me so i cant cheat lol.
11lb is amazing *welldone*. nearly at your stone mark!! How much are you hoping to lose? I cant see any stats for you. Whats is your group like? hopefully better than the one i went to lol. Your attitude to weight loss is brilliant as well - it all takes time and there will be ups, downs and STSs along the way but the main thing is that you are eating healthily and working towards a goal! do you have any friends doing it with you or anything?
I do tend to just do EE or red days because I find it harder on green days (mainly because of my bf not being into non meat based dinners lol). lunches are not a problem as i will have veggie pasta or a SW quiche. but for dinners i would end up cooking a bit of meat for him to go with whatever i made anyway so i may as well do red. I like having the extra hexs which is why i tend to prefer red days to EE. Although if you are socialising then EE is the easiest one to stick to for me. TOnight is our weekly dinner out with the bf's dad and he always takes us out for a steak so I have started having a jacket potato with it - plus my bf always give me his grilled tomato as he hates then and it comes with a giant mushroom and peas so i get some veggies too.
so today is pretty mapped out - chicken and veggie pasta with ragu, tons of fruit and a yoghurt (and some velvet crunch for 4 syns) and then steak and jacket potato tonight for dinner. I have already had 5.5 syns this morning for a sachet of nescafe latte as i am SO SO tired. I cant seem to sleep very well at the moment and feel like i am running on empty. I dont know what to do to stop it short of taking sleeping tablets! argh!! I think I might have to give them a try if this week doesnt get much better though as i cant be being very productive at work lol.
how are you today?