Help needed for 1st day......

I'm pretty pleased with myself again lol. I avoided the buffet lunch provided and stuck to my own sarnie and velvet crunch plus blueberries and grapes. I treated myself to two cookies - book says that they are 2.5 syns each but I'm counting them as 5 each as they seemed a bit bigger than standard sized
well done you!
how did it go today?x
Terrible lol. I just ran around like a blue arsed fly all day. Someone went out on a lunch run for us all so I ended up with a prepared sarnie and velvet crunch which I took with me. Then I just grabbed a kit kat this afternoon before my drive home (4 hours) as we didn't end up in the hotel or having curry.
Well I'm not sure about that as it came from greggs - it was granary bread so can't even count that as a hex and had so much mayo in it!! I reckon about the same as curry if not more. I skipped brekkie and just had a quick omelette for dinner. Not very good but could have been worse.

Back on plan 100% from today as I have few plans this weekend and reckon I can control plans on Sunday for my step mums bday. We have afternoon tea booked but I'm fussy with cakes anyway so I'm just gonna take 2 French fancies with me and stick to sarnies. Won't be too bad.
aww...didn't realise it was from greggs! lol. prob right re that and the curry.... bet it was good tho?
good thinking about sunday's plans, i like afternoon tea but always think it's overpriced and hate the crappy cucumber sandwiches -and salmon...give me a "normal" filling anyday hehe...well, what's "Normal" for me isn't for everyone i guess but that's just my opinion x
It was nice to have a 'proper' sarnie lol. But I'll see it as a treat and move on.

I like the occasion of afternoon tea but I always find it hard. I'm allergic to nuts and hate jam, cream, dried fruit, lemon......So I never like any of the cakes lol. It's a bit expensive for a cuppa and a sarnie but everyone I know seems to love it so I always just get short changed lol.

Ill do a red day and use the bread as my 2 x hexb. I can also have most fillings free then as well except cream cheese which can be a hexa milk in tea can be another hexa and then French fancies are 5.5 each so hopefully I will be ok.

How's your day looking?
you've got it well sussed! ;)
i'm on green today and was determined to have the magic porridge pancakes for breakfast - i saw a pic of some that a girl made yesterday on another thread and they looked disaster!
first one was literally the remains of the slodge from the pan which i tried to push together (i did taste what was left from the spoonful) but the second lot was driving me nuts trying to get it "to work" and i ended up binning the whole lot!
so now i've made up some magic porridge as normal (not the full amount of oats though seeing as i ate the 1st spoonful when trying to make the pancakes) so waiting on that doing it's thing in the fridge just now :(

i just made another quiche but used the leek pasta n sauce for a base and added lots of mixed veg to the egg and cottage's really tasty actually so i might have some for dinner later and will cut it up and maybe take some with us tomorrow seeing as we won't be at home all day.

made the korma last night - had no measurements for the curry powder and ginger so just guessed and it was ok for a 1st attempt...too much ginger i think but used a coconut mullerlight instead of the greek ones so it was syn free :D
will prob attempt that too i think...OH gave it the thumbs up so that's always a bonus x
I have never tried the pasta and sauce as a base for a quich.....thinking that I might give it a try over the weekend though as I have a couple of pasta n sauce packets in the cupboard that dont seem to be getting used. I suspect they are great for a green day lunch and dinner (although bf doesnt really 'do' veggie dinners so will have to think of a way to get rid of him haha or else adapt his portion to include some chicken breast or something)

today I didnt have much planning time at all so I have had an apple, mullerlight and alpen light (helf hexb) for breakfast. I have bought some sushi for lunch (3 syns) and some special k crisps (5 syns) plus some mango and my other alpen light (other half of hexb). Hopefully this is enough lol.

no idea for dinner tonight though but it will have to be EE because of the sushi. I have some turkey in the freezer so might get him to take it out and let that defrost and have a pasta type thing?! Doesn't sound very appetising but I can use onion, garlic, peppers and carrots chopped up to make a sauce of some sort with tinned tomatoes maybe?! Or else get some stir fry stuff and have it that way! I hate not being organised!
i get the same too sometimes...think it's a control thing for me tho lol and the turkey idea sounds good - how was it and what did you decide on?
you should def make the quiche. you could always make it on sunday and cut it up then take a few bite size pieces to work for times when you're peckish but not on a break? i think they're really handy and prob make 2 lots a week - one on a monday (cos i'm off) and that does me the rest of the week for work then usually make one on a fri and if i'm on a green day, have some of that with sw chips and salad.
i tried it with the chicken and mushroom one last week and wasn't that keen but so far, i'm liking the tomato and herb one for a base and today's leek one was really good. i always whizz the cottage cheese, use 3 egss and chuck in a lot of superfree, salt and pepper and leave it to do it's "thang" lol

getting miffed with the chickpea dahl thing tho...just can't seem to get it out the tin or cases in one piece so not sure what's happening cos at 1st it was fine!
For me, planning is the reason I stick to SW so I need it. I'm going to have a good look in the cupboards and freezer today to see what I can come up with. Ill also batch make some things for lunches to solve that problem next week.

I can see myself starting to spiral out of control and I need to nip it in the bud quickly! Amazing what a busy week can do to your self control!!

I'm still lounging in bed (lazy moo) but I'm gonna get up, have a cuppa and SW brekkie and read through my books and mags for ideas.
not lazy at all...totally justified after the week you've had me thinks ;)
i've been the opposite, done a million things this morning trying to get things done or one thing or another sorted and i'm running out of time! lol.
so far i've managed a big bowl of fruit salad with a ww yog, just made my son and OH a sausage sandwich....i so want one lol. it's the 1st time i've cooked sausages since i've started and at 5 syns for can bugger off! lol
gonna head to get ready and have egg on toast or something like that for lunch. i'm on EE today and we've got the meal later so think i might have just 1 slice of toast and see what happens later.
i've got lots of wee things ready to take with us incase i want to snack, fruit, low syn crisps, alpen light, sw quiche so hoping it goes alright lol x
Oohhhh i didn't realise your meal was today! Have lovely time - cant wait to hear all about your yummy grub! Roast chicken for us today with roasted veg and broccoli. Going to use the chicken left over to make a stir fry and curry the next few days :)
how are you today sparty?
well, that's us back home now and i'm pleased to say it all went very well...without very much effort!

we left later than planned for the hotel so i'd had fruit salad with yog in the morning and spaghetti hoops on 1 slice of toast with a boiled egg for lunch. i ate an alpen light in the car (other half of my healthy b) and then for dinner i ordered a cajun chicken breast salad.
it was fab and was basically a big chicken breast with a sprinkle of something on the top (don't think it had been cooked in anything) a few boiled potatoes, a boiled egg, a mound of salad, a pineapple ring,some branston pickle,grated cheese and coleslaw.
i passed the coleslaw and most of the pickle to my OH and didn't eat the pineapple as i think it was tinned.
when we went back to our room, i had 4 sw ferrero rochers and some skips later so that with 1 syn for pickle, used 9.5 syns which left enough to cover me for anything that the sprinkle of seasoning might be on the chicken, the residue of coleslaw (which was super yummy btw lol) and the cheese if it was over 30g cos i'd counted that as my HEa.

this morning, i took my own banana and yogurts in to have breakfast just in case. i had 1 weetabix with the banana then instead of a cooked breakfast, asked for just scrambled egg and beans and took half a slice of wholemeal (i think lol) toast
i'd cut up fruit from the buffet part but was too full and actually brought it home so just had it there with some yog and one of the new lemon drizzle alpen light bars (they're tasty!)
so i'm able to do green today and have the 1 weetabix and alpen light as 1 HEb, the milk for the cereal will be the 1st HEa and i suppose seeing as i had half a slice of toast this morning, can have something else to make that up to the second HEb which i am allowed as well as some cheese later if i need it for the 2nd A?
i asked for water at breakfast and added diluting juice which i had taken instead of having fresh orange and really, i wasn't phased at all.
don't feel like i've missed out and i'm surprised at what came back home actually lol.

my OH wasn't feeling great so we ended up in bed watching the full monty and sleeping at a decent time which isn't really part of the plan when you have a night away ;) lol but it's still nice to get a change of scenery.

i feel like there was a big difference for me when i was looking at the dinner, before i would be scanning for the worst, most tasty thing cos i'd be "off plan anyway" with being away but last night i looked and thought na, i made that last week, hmmm...don't really fancy that etc so it was a big change for me...mentally :D
we went straight for shopping rather than come home then go out again so its all done now and i managed to get a hot a spicy stir fry pack from asda which was reduced so i'll have that with egg noodles for dinner probably and my boys can have pasta bolognese which i picked up too.

was it today you had the afternoon tea?
how did that go? and how's the rest of your weekend been?x
argh! my hormones had me being a devil all weekend lol. The afternoon tea went well though and I didn't have any cakes (until I got home hmmmmph! although only 2 small angel slices from Mr Kipling). Saturday night I had such bad tempers and cravings that my bf took himself off ot the shop and brought us back a load of goodies. I am ashamed to say I threw caution to the wind and had a little indulgent binge! I wish I hadn't now as my skin is certainly showing it! I always suffered with bad skin as a teenager and I had finally got rid of it since I had been eating less rubbish and taking better care of myself the last 5/6 years.

So I am once again back on the jazz - seems to be getting a habit of a weekend the last few weeks when I have had a lot of plans. But its a habit I need to break (and at least I didnt drink any alcohol this weekend). I hate how I can do REALLY well for a few weeks and then I guess I get complacent especially as I am so close to target. This week will be hard again but I am going to look at it as a challenge! Today and tomorrow are no problem, Weds I have a lecture after work with wine, champagne and canapes (i am avoiding food like the plague and pleading driving duty so can avoid all of that or just have one glass if i fancy it!!) Thursday we are at my parents for dinner with my nan (not very valentines day appropriate lol). Friday we are having a takeaway at a friends house but I am armed with a list of syns and I will be driving so no real issues there! Sunday I will be batch cooking some lunch things! (PHEW!!)

I have not done my DVD since tuesday so I am going to do it again tonight and tomorrow - weds will be a write off because of this lecture but I can prob do Thursday and Friday as well as the weekend to catch up a bit. Feeling annoyed with myself for my food and exercise lazyness the last few days - i know I can prepare better as I have done so in the past. Getting annoyed will only spur me on though......success express for me until WI on weds!

I am SO SO SO proud of you for doing so well (feels like i am misbehaving massively compared to you) I think you are amazing for all the preparation you did and how good do you feel now its all over? You should feel like a saint!! Its amazing when you have that 'moment' where you realise you just dont want all that grease and rubbish with your dinner! Sounds like you had some yuumy grub anyway - sounds like the sort of thing I would go for. I guess I am lucky with not really liking puddings mush so when I go out I dont even consider having one. How have you done today? I'm on a red day - got chicken stir fry for dinner with tons of veggies!
awww bloody hormones! lol....
but reading that i kinda thought....maybe it's what you need in a keep you on your toes so close to target?
i know it's frustrating but hey...these things happen and every day life changes so we're not always able to be in control so much.

it's easy to be complacent as you said, but it's also normal that we're gonna stray every now and again and the good thing's done now and you've seen the downside to it (ie your skin from eating rubbish) and also, you're obviously in the right place to draw a line under it and get back on it this week cos it would be so much more easy to say oh well, i've blown it, may as well give up!
and might not be as bad as you think?? ;)

as for me being a saint...well, i was impressed that it all turned out ok- without much effort but then last night, i sat down to have my goodies as normal but i sat down to them hungry...big mistake!
as soon as they were done i wanted something else...cos i was hungry...not cos i just wanted to eat rubbish. didn't want a yog,an egg, a bean or pasta, and i wasn't going to go and make a meal at that time and all i wanted was a slice of the hot cross bun loaf that my OH picked up when we were shopping.

i just wanted it....and i had it...with flora buttery and do you know was bloody delicious!

i could see my OH's disapproval as i got up to make it but not cos he was having a go...more cos he prob thought oh here she goes...she'll eat it and will be guilt ridden and then i'll have to listen to her going on about it all but do you know what...i'm not that phased??
i had it and there's nothing i can do, i thoroughly enjoyed it and if i hadn't had it then i would've had the trolls inside poking me with a stick all week til it's gone and had to smell it every time he had it.
i know people use their syns weekly and so far i haven't but i added up what i had used all week and had enough left to cover it plus i'll cut back tonight and tomorrow although i never really use the full 15 a day anyway.

i've only had an alpen light for 1/2 HEb today so gonna have a rocky road hifi tonight instead of syning chocolate so that's saved on some so the only thing i'll be counting is a pkt of wotsits or something.
i lost 1.5lbs tonight and if i put on next week then i truly believe that it won't be cos i had a slice of that stuff....i've got a full 7 days on the plan and its star week next weekend so if i have a gain...that'll be getting the blame lol.

not so much the saint now eh??? hehe or can i still be classed as that seeing as the syns were ok across the week? ;) lol

i mean, i could've had a blow out being away but no...i was as good as gold til i get back to what faces me every other day in here!

i tasted a wee bit scan bran cake at class tonight, it was ok and i just made one there to try.
i could miss the hifi tonight and have half of that to make up my heb...or i could have half and count 2.5 syns...not sure what to do but just not sure how to syn it if i didn't eat all of it or half cos it's 5syns for the lot or free if using it as a B choice so would need to over syn it if i had say 1/4?
not sure i want half as it's prob quite filling cos of the scan bran but not bad for a taste of something different.

i made the pulled pork for dinner...was cooking the bloomin' thing most of the day and had some there with boiled potatoes and veg. OH loved it and said it's the best thing i've made!

how was the stir fry? i had that last night - a pre packed thing from asda but nearly blew my head off with the chilli that was in it..note to self - pick out before eating! lol x
Ooohhhh I've always fancied doing pulled pork! How do you do it?! Is there a recipe somewhere?

Stir fry was really good and I just had it with the veggies. (Bf had uncle bens express rice with his) I just had a pink wafer with a cuppa as well (3 syns) which has filled me up nicely. Prob the tea rather than the wafer lol. My lunch was yummy today and I have the same tomorrow. I made the SW ragu (and burned my finger quote badly on it lol) and mixed it with leftover chicken, peppers, courgette, mushroom and onions then mixed it into a hexb of pasta and took it to work to warm up in the microwave. Yummy!! Will be making the ragu again for sure.

Today was a good day on plan so I'm pleased I got back on track ok. Ive used 13 syns on velvet crunch, iced gems and my wafer and don't feel like i need anything else.

I know I'm not meant to weigh but ATM its looking like a couple pound on - BUT I'm doing success express and I usually weigh in the morning not night so I'm not gonna pay any attention to that anyway lol. Wednesday is when it counts!

Ooohhhh you can hardly call yourself a devil for your little indulgence. And it's your first ever one so you are doing well - plus you had syns to use so your halo is intact in my opinion. My bf always gets annoyed when I slip and then get the guilts for it. He says just enjoy it, forget it and move on but I always feel terrible afterwards.

Well done on your loss as well :) how much is that so far now?!

As for the hifi bars - I think use it as your hex and add a few syns. I have Alpen lights as I don't go to class.
i've not tried the ragu....where did you get the recipe?

i saw the pulled pork on the sw recipe so just got it from there when i saw a pork shoulder reduced last week so just bought it and froze it and used today to do it seeing as i was off and had the time to do it.
it was a bit of a struggle though cos i knew it would take hours so i needed to get everything else cooked (for work) so by 10am, i had made mini quiches, soup and chickpea dahl loaf lol.
it was quite easy to be honest..hardest thing was getting the fat/skin off the meat...eurgh i almost put myself off it was so gross! think the knives i have now are done and no good for my daily Gordon Ramsay episodes...they're just not used to all this preparation! lol.

i ended up picking at half the "cake" so syn'd 2.5 and ate the rocky for the other half of my HEb.
i love alpen lights tho and had one after weigh in - you must try the new lemon one...its good for a wee change :D

i didn't realise you didn't go to class...where do you get weighed? at home yourself or do you go to scales in Boots or similar?

11lbs off now for me :D dunno what i did differently that gave me the extra lb off compared to last week but i really think if i stick to the plan, what'll be will be and i have to accept that weight fluctuates and there will be weeks it will be more, less, a gain or sts and try not to stress - obviously if i've worked extra hard or been really bad then i would expect to see a difference but if i just keep doing what i've been doing then it'll sort itself???

the weight i am tonight is 3lbs less that the weight i was for most of last year on ww - i just went up and down from that point for the whole year. i'm 4lbs off the lightest i got to on ww and that really was the weight where it just seemed to increase rather than decrease so it'll be interesting to see what happens from this point!
i really wish i could get weighed in the morning at a class..i know it's a mental thing but there are no classes here suitable because of either work or routine stuff that we go to.

for lunch today i had some wafer thin ham, a boiled egg, cheese, salad and a bit of the chickpea thing i made. it's the 1st i've had anything like that (i actually prefer not to have lunches like that cos i "feel like i'm on a diet" and eating salad for the sake of it) but i think saturday night's dinner inspired me and i really enjoyed it. obviously with being at home it was "do-able" so it made a nice change - especially cos i've not had cold meat for ages -which i hadn't even noticed lol

do you only really do red/ee days?
i've not tried a red day but mostly cos i think i'd need to really plan what i was going to have...i generally dont eat a lot of meat...dinner time is prob the only time if at all so greens are not big deal. i prefer lunches on a green day (cos i can have a sandwich with the extra HEb) but i like the choice of dinners on EE so for now, i'm happy having day about x
Morning :)

The ragu recipe was in one of my magasine - might even be the lastest one (Jan/Feb). Its pretty easy - just frying up some onions and garlic til soft and then adding passata, tinned tomatos and some herbs and then cooking through for about 15 mins. The recipe says it makes four portions for two ro four people (cant remember which) but one 'portion' has done me two lunches. Its freezable as well so well worth it.

I will def try to get hold of a joint of pork and give it a try - is it relatively easy to make apart from the fat? My knives are terrible recently - I need to get them sharpened really as at the moment I would be better off using a butter knife lol.

I went to a class when I first started to get the books and a bit of an intro but the C wasnt great - she didnt seem to say anything to all the women who were saying that they were not going to be on plan as they had social engagements and I thought that a C was supposed to motivate you. I know i wouldnt enjoy staying to this group in particular but also I dont have the money every week to go. So I do it from home using the books and minimins :) couldnt live without this place! I weigh myself on a wednesday morning as soon as I get up - scales in the same spot each week and my bf reads the scales for me so i cant cheat lol.

11lb is amazing *welldone*. nearly at your stone mark!! How much are you hoping to lose? I cant see any stats for you. Whats is your group like? hopefully better than the one i went to lol. Your attitude to weight loss is brilliant as well - it all takes time and there will be ups, downs and STSs along the way but the main thing is that you are eating healthily and working towards a goal! do you have any friends doing it with you or anything?

I do tend to just do EE or red days because I find it harder on green days (mainly because of my bf not being into non meat based dinners lol). lunches are not a problem as i will have veggie pasta or a SW quiche. but for dinners i would end up cooking a bit of meat for him to go with whatever i made anyway so i may as well do red. I like having the extra hexs which is why i tend to prefer red days to EE. Although if you are socialising then EE is the easiest one to stick to for me. TOnight is our weekly dinner out with the bf's dad and he always takes us out for a steak so I have started having a jacket potato with it - plus my bf always give me his grilled tomato as he hates then and it comes with a giant mushroom and peas so i get some veggies too.

so today is pretty mapped out - chicken and veggie pasta with ragu, tons of fruit and a yoghurt (and some velvet crunch for 4 syns) and then steak and jacket potato tonight for dinner. I have already had 5.5 syns this morning for a sachet of nescafe latte as i am SO SO tired. I cant seem to sleep very well at the moment and feel like i am running on empty. I dont know what to do to stop it short of taking sleeping tablets! argh!! I think I might have to give them a try if this week doesnt get much better though as i cant be being very productive at work lol.

how are you today?
not too bad's you??
well..i'm miffed cos i just wrote you a big reply then thought probably wont post cos it took a while so i'll copy the whole lot, log back in and then paste it and post it....silly bugger me copied it,....then copied a no i needed for work so when i went to paste it...i'd lost the whole lot :( :( grrrrr!

i might give the ragu a shot....i'm not overly keen on tomato type sauces but its worth a try and a wee change now and then is good.

the pork was fairly straight forward as you just trim the fat off, make the bbq sauce up and pour it over the meat and leave it to cook for hours. i kept spooning the sauce from round about it over it as it was cooking but it doesn't tell you to do that.

recipe asks for a shoulder to be used...not sure why that one specifically? maybe it shreds better than what another part would?

i think its good that you keep on track and just weigh yourself and nice that your OH gives you the support too.
i dont stay for the meeting...i just get weighed and go but its not thru choice...its cos i squeeze it in then rush to collect my boys so its not through choice really. only one i stayed at was the 1st one - when i joined...but i'm not sure i'd be in a hurry to go back to that group.

i agree with you tho re this site...its really is fab!
well, if i was to go with all the health charts, i'd prob need to lose about 6 stone! i lost weight myself years ago and got to 2-3 stone above the recommended weight...and looked skeletal! so i'm not sure i really have a number in mind...i set my 1st target in the book as 2 stone less than my 1st weigh in weight but don't want to scare myself with a huge number so will just see where this journey takes me i think?
maybe one day i won't be too embarrassed to udpate stats on here?? lol x

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