sounds like a great wee night, you'll need to keep an eye out for a good deal again
17 degrees!!! it's rainy and blowing a gale here today lol
not much planned at this end...i was gonna take my wee one to the cinema this morning but there's nothing exciting on for him that he's not seen so that's out.
been doing some more thinking about the plan/calorie counting and i'm not sure whether to give calorie counting a go - exclusively but still keeping food optimising in mind.
i feel since january, i'm just pi$$ing about - i'm fine all week but come the weekend, i just don't really want to do all the cooking etc and i don't know what's changed cos last year, it wasn't even a thought...i was on it 7 days, losing weight and not thinking about anything. now i feel i'm on plan all week, off it or struggling cos i want to be off it over the weekend and thinking way too much about stuff like i used to!
i'm thinking maybe i should stick to sw all week and calorie count at the weekend...that way it would give me control of the non sw foods cos just now, when i'm off it, it's like i have to cram everything in during that "time off" which is bad....and definitely waaaay over i'm wondering if i did it that way, i'd still be satisfying the need for the non sw foods...but not going OTT!
OR....i make the decision to calorie count and see how i go?
i dunno why i'm scared to make the decision...i know 100%, i would still be food optimising when it comes to most things...that seems normal now and i'd get more food for less calories that way...but it would give me the freedom to have convenient things if i wanted them.
i want to eat healthily but i'm not in the same mental place i was months ago so instead of saying oh, i had an off plan meal, oh well, i end up saying oh, had that now...may as well blow the rest of the day!
and if i've got something on, it's like the green light to have every bit of junk i've not had for a while the whole day rather than just be out for dinner or whatever.
tried to speak to my OH about it last night but he's just not clue, not interested really (but only cos he doesn't get it and hasn't had to worry about that stuff himself!) but said i wouldn't be able to eat as much. my point was that i'm trying to be mindful of calories cos at the end of the day...if we eat too many, we don't lose weight and right now, i'm able to see how easy it is to eat too much on the sw free foods - guilt free!
i miss the things like being out at the weekend, having a subway ham salad roll (which really, isn't THAT bad calories wise...and a great option compared to mcdonalds! lol) and chicken kebabs which are considered a no no cos of the "dreaded pitta"!
i generally pick healthy options....but when i'm following sw then having time off...i pick the worst options ever...and that's because i want to have all the things i "can't have" when i'm on plan.
so really...i binge on them and that's not good.
sw has really shown me what we can do with cooking better....and how we can make meals healthier and lower in fat....but i want to find a happy medium and not feel so limited!
do you get what i mean?
i had a look on some people's diaries last night for calorie counting and i know i could get way more to eat for my calories than some were having....and that's probably down to me spending my time on here/having sw recipes.
i also looked at ww - the new stuff and it's pretty much the same as sw but you're allowed more calorie controlled bread, crumpets etc.
i did struggle on ww in the end using the pro points..but that's when i thought i had to have a 300 calorie micro meal to let me have crisps at i know i can make meals packed with superfree which are lower in calories and also much healthier!
i just don't want to feel bad for having a bloody slice of 50/50 bread any more (which i haven't lol) cos it's not the end of the world...but i've recognised that right now, for me, i'd take that as the go ahead to ruin the rest of the day cos that's not sw free foods!
i want the normal stuff....but i need to control and i know i can...but not whilst trying to follow SW. i don't want to have the slice of bread instead of my freddo at that's what i'd need to do.
i'm frightened to make the decision and i think it's in case i get it wrong...and that's why i feel i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place!
i have the will power in me....last year on plan showed that, but i'd like the flexibility more these days and CC would give me that.
MFP gives me 1500 calories a day to lose 1lb a week...this week, i've done SW but tracked too and that's meant weighing potatoes and pasta but i've done it.
i lost a lot of weight years ago with calorie counting and it only got difficult when my calories reduced as my weight did. but like i said, i barely cooked anything from scratch so i def know now, that would be a healthier way as well as bulk meals out.
i'm doing my own head in with all this thinking lol...but i need to make a choice and get on with it instead of torturing myself!

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