Gold Member
yep that's the one! it's really easy to set up an account and there are literally hundreds of slimming world accounts on there x
i might have a week look then - thanks!
aww no! did you manage to find something?I reckon natural yoghurt would be fine as a substitute for your recipe. Try it and see if it works.
I've not made a good start to the day by leaving my breakfast at home *sigh*. I have a pasta bake and salad for lunch and some fruit but I normally have porridge so need to find a substitute on the way in. Have to try and find some alpen light or something.
How's the cooking going!?
cooking's going good...speed soup isn't as tasty as i hoped, but i'll try my best lol.
went to tesco for a few bits and bobs, weighed myself so taking that as my starting weight, threw all the other WI receipts out and scored out my prev ones in the book too - fresh start!
gonna weigh next monday and have already decided that if it's a STS...then it means any gain from what i've just spent the last few days eating has been sorted....rather than "oh my 1st week has been pointless" do you get what i mean?
dahl loaf is in the oven, rice is made, boiled eggs are sorted and i'm gonna make some mac and cheese and have that for dinner then lunch tomorrow. thinking a green day today to ease myself in and get the extra HEB then EE tomorrow and make the chicken thing for dinner.
green days are easier some days at work but i'm really gonna try and go back to what i did in the beginning...and that was day about
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