Silver Member
I know-thought they would be a lot more but thats what ww trackers says so good enough for me
My manager bought a huge tub and can't stop eating them-will be sooo glad when they are all gone lol x
Hmmmm maybe I should need to do something! When I was a veggie would never touch jellies because of the animal gelatine but now eat black pudding which is worse isn't it lol!
Today's food was a bit all over the place, knew I was going out tonight for tea so should have eaten less pp throughout the day but ended up having following
Nachos and hummus (estimating 8 pp)
Leftover Cajun rice (6)
Garlic mushrooms (no idea but poured off the sauce and just had the mushrooms so will say 5)/pasta and meatballs (again no idea so will say about 15 because gave 1 meatball and half pasta to OH)
Activia yog (3)
Total 26/26
Weeklies 11
Still have 33 weeklies left over so suppose wasn't too bad, guess will just have to wait and see what Saturdays WI brings!
Your menu sounded lovelywell done on not over indulging !! Reading that I think I've to stop being so greedy when I'm out
Hope today going good before weigh in tomorrow x
Ah ya poor thing ... Just keep chipping away at it tho no matter what tomorrow brings Hun ... There will be weeks like that where it won't show until following week .. Don't worry about it until tomorrow anywayI bet you will be just fine .. Don't eat too late this eve x
Been ok today-managed to stick to daily pp's.
Today's footage
Activia yog (3)
WW meal (6)/salad/m&s mini pitta (1)
Tofu (4)/noodles (7)/mahoosive stir fry (0)/m&s mini pitta (1)
Popcorn (2)/ww bar (2)
Total 26/26
Great Menu Sweetie, which tofu do you buy? X
Usually get cauldron but its from the Chinese supermarket-was ok but could have had a whole packet of the other one for same pp's -will remember for next time :/ x
Thanks for the tip, I will look for that next time I'm shopping. Not had tofu in ages! X
I love tofu, could eat it all of the time mmmmmm but oh wouldn't be too happy
Well just caved in and had 2 ryvita so another 2 pp
Enjoy xx good luck tomorrow x
Just back from WI-1.5 lb off so happy with thatx