second time now, ive said ill do a marathon.
this time i will do it, its in december and a flat easy route.
backed out of my april marathon as i wasnt ready for it, was too soon but ill have done 9 running half marathons before december. i always feel like i can carry on after ive finished them... so sod it ill do a marathon. a full 26.2 mile run, it will be tough and ill be crapping myself with nerves but its been on my mind ever since april the 7th. i trained for a marathon, got scared and backed out. even did up to 20 miles in one run.....
so marathon plans are
one in december
two in april (begining and end!)
reckon i can finish it in 4hrs 30mins if i put in the effort, for a first time that would be amazing!
while any loss is good, when its stress related its never good.
managed to fall asleep at work today luckily on my lunch break but that meant no food again, still managed a decent run and 2 gym classes though.
trying to get used to sleeping at night not daytime and its hard workx