Here i am! *waves* - Brewin'a'Baby & Staying Slim! 2011 xx

tehe, im only five foot 1 and 3 quaters lol!

its funny you should feel that way then, as we are the same height! but everyone holds thier weight differently!
Hi Fern, can't wait to hear how your fishy week works. I did it a while ago and it was quite successful (can't remember how much, i think it was 3 which is a huge loss for me) but i love fish.

I am really trying to consciously eat more superfree at the moment in the quest to get to the bottom of my target range before christmas.

You are an incredible inspiration,

Re: Here i am! *waves* - Journey Back To Target With A Bride To Be <3

FernXx said:
How pissed off am i! i had spurred myself on to go swimming after work (pretty good going to even think about it after i did a run yesterday and doing anything after work just makes me feel bluegh cos im a lazy sod) .. i ran 45 mins late leaving work, blitzed onto the motorway to get to lesuire centre in time, got stuck in 25min traffic jam, got off, got to L.centre, realised the entire pool was full with children and completly unswimable, left, no swimming done.. full refund, drove as fast as i could to SIL as promised to drop off somthing, tried my hardest to get to another lesuire centre by which point it was already half 5 and classes had started in pool's so no lanes or freeswim. :( ho hum. jimmyed myself up for another run, only to just pull up on drive as it starts raining.

i hate exercise, so i was SO miffed that after ALL that motivation id had pull together, i didnt even flipping do any.

anyways, rant over.

breaky: 3 sweet onion ryvitas, 3 laughing cow light traingles HEB and part HEA, 1 Pear and a mullerlight, water.

lunch: cold potatoe wedges, 2 whole carrots chopped into sticks with 2 lauging cow light cheese (rest of HEA) for dipping and a handful of grapes, water.

1 apple, 1 pear, 1 ww yog, ,lots of lilt zero.

noodles, beansprouts, peppers, onions, spring onions, red cabbage, green cabage, grated carrot and other various veggies in a stir fry with a sweet and sour sauce, 4syns.

1 chopped apple.

Whats ur recipe for ur sweet & sour sauce pleaseee? Xx
Whats ur recipe for ur sweet & sour sauce pleaseee? Xx

Ahem.. morrisons.. ha.

Its by all the stirfry veg etc , the little ambient pouchs. It does 3peple i find, and all packets are 9 syns each. sweet and sour and the 5 spice are delish and really are worth the syns for the sake of a 100% tasting stirfry and no hassle of making my own. lazy i know..

Thanks elle. Not so fishy today as evening meal will be meat :( hope this doesnt affect it. Rather pissed off as iv been looking forward to chilli ALL week *fave meal!* and now i dont have any natural yog to go with it, just doesnt seem right!
DAY 5- FISHY WEEK-8/11/10

Breakfast: 2 alpen lights HEB, 1 shape yogurt,-free 1 asian pear -superfree
hot chocolate with milk- 3syns

Lunch: Left over mash potatoe with Tuna - free
spring onion and lots of peas! topped with 28g chedder HEA
Honeydew melon and grapes -superfree

sweetie- 2.5 syns
Tea: Brown rice with chilli con carni,
rice & extra lean mince, kidney beans -free
Red onion, red pepper, tinned tomatoes & mixed leaf side salad-superfree
shwartz chilli 1/2 a syn

6 syns for today.

Not-so-fishy today. Quite peed off today.
reason no. 1
: had wanted an entire week of pure fish, but had friends coming over for tea and so made chilli con carni, Joe pulls a sicky all day and decides we have to cancel (he so says has manflu, but ha ssat on his ass playing fifa and eating biscuits in front of me all day and since i got home!) mince already defrosted so had to make it, love chilli con carni.. realise someone never picked up the vlf yogurt like i asked so i dont have any to go with it :mad:
City of bristol college want £850 for the course i want to do, in full. within the month. I just CANT afford that.. but need the qualifiications!
Bah course fees are hideous, I know my college were wanting 600 odd quid a few months back, they tell me this the start of my 2nd year there! Very organised ¬¬!

Hope you can find a way around it, have you tried applying for learner support or something similar?
Im gunna phone the college financial dept. tomorrow. Even if i can just pay it in 12 month installments would be better.

Problem is i still cant really afford that much :( .. but from the looks of the site, i can only get help once im over 19. which is just stupid. Because im 18 and already hold an NVQ2, i cant apply for any help.. where as - from what i can gather- once im 19, and im applying for my first level 3 course.. i can have reduced fees?

:confused::sigh: work that one out.
Yeah I'm 24 and this is my first full LVL3 qualification so they pay for it, something to do with trying to get more mature students I suppose. Also I am not considered by my parents income any more as I am over 19 so perhaps that is it.

Either way put your parts on and I'm sure they'll find a way!
Having re-read the info, it does say full time courses.. and im not sure, as mine is a distance learning course, it would count.

I live with OH, so i dont think they take into account his earnings as we are not wed!

gawwd what a ****ing mindfield.. and i cant find a decent site onlline with the course i want. Ages ago i found one but cannot remember what the webbysite was called.. :mad: and OH needs to get out of my face before i throw the biscuit tin at him.
i forgot how much i hated that 'nervousness' about weigh ins, i enjoy image therapy- but i forgot how much that uncertainty makes me uncomfortable!
Thanks girlies.
As i said, i dont think the fishy week delivered really, as its not the big loss i had hoped for, but im pleased with the 2lbs loss..

so i have 5.5 lbs to target, and 6 weigh ins untill xmas day.
I am only really concerned of the holiday in 2 weeks/1 weigh in time.. and the xmas meal on the 18th, the week before xmas.

Im certain and confident that i can hold my all over the week away in looe, being that its self catering.

theres a part of me that thinks, screw it. Il just go back to my normal target weight, im tired. Tired of fighting and feel i have SO much going on right now work wise, but then i think.. i can do this, i will fight on. Im perfectly happy the way i am, i only dropped my target for purly vanity reasons! lol. My boss has asked me to take on more classes, so even more on my plate at the mo. It looks like i'l have to stop looking after the boys after christmas. Which is a shame because i really love looking after them, bless thier cottons. . but at the end of the day i have to focus on my 'real' job. Also i hope to start studying again in the next few months so il be working 4 days a week, with 5 sepearate lesson plans to do a week, with prep for the art sessions. . and studies on top.

so. Im half a pound ahead of myself and i need to keep it that way. I can do this.. i can do this... onto the next week! xx
5.5lbs to Target, 6 weeks till xmas.. here we go.

Breaky: 2 alpen lights HEB, shape yog.

2 apples

lunch: pasta and sauce, brocollie and cheese HEA

lilt zero

tea: sw quiche made with a ham base, less than 3% cottage cheese, 2 eggs, yellow pepper, red onion and mushrooms.. topped with 2 laughing cow light cheeses, which i 'sliced' as best i could and popped on top, which gave it a really nice cheesy topping. Bunged in oven for 25 mins untill set.
twas boooooooooooootiful!!! far better than i anticipated. served with baked beans, and green beans.

im thinking 1 syn for the laughing cow light ( i split the quiche into 3) x
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Breakfast: 2 alpens HEB, hot choc 2 syns


1morrisons eat smart sausage, half a can of baked beans and 1 egg. 1 syn
Shape yogurt

mash, made with 1 laughing cow light cheese traingle, split between two so 1 syn, cheeese and beans HEA Side salad..

i actually opened a sweet and then chucked it away today. So cannot be bothered.

Im at home today. Throat and glands are all swollen and my period is SO unbelieably heavy. :cry::cry:
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