Here I go AGAIN lol!

Enjoy your weekend!
It shouldn't be anything to feel bad or guilty about this is a lifestyle change... you can get right back on track on mon/tues!

I've got a wedding on Saturday & plan on enjoying it fully! x
seen my doctor today, I have to start looking after myself, I know Ive been naughty and the tests have proved it as well, Ive now been given a time limit of 2 months otherwise I will be rattling with medication which I just dont want to do, doc is lovely and she's seen me through so much, its a pattern which she says I'm in danger of repeating, unfortunateky I know shes right, its now or never

sue x
Well i`m starting again yet again.
We know we can do it, it`s just getting it to sink in......
right celebrations over and its onwards and downwards, am a bit sore at the moment as I have an abcess on the bottom of my spine and am antibotics which hopefully will work if not I have to have it surgically removed :( so fingers crossed.

Good luck newbies

sue xx
that sounds really painful, take it easy for a while.
hope it heals itself............and good luck with the new start.
Lets try and make this our last restart..the three of
Us 3 Atkineers WILL reign supreme!

sue xx
ok my food today, its rather a lot so obviously not in ketosis yet.

Brunch - oopsie roll with tuna & mayo, chocolate sero bar

snack - chicken drumstick, oopsie roll (so naughty)!

dinner - (lazy couldnt be arsed to cook!)
2 tuna & mayo oopsie rolls, choc sero bar, s/f jelly cream

I am addicted to oopsie rolls, but I must limit to 1 or max 2 a day.

sue x
brilliant, woke up this morning without that awful painful bloaty feeling and able to suck belly in, so feel slimmer today, am so excited my daughter returns from her travels and should be back about midday.

breakfast - sero
wohoo the eagle has LANDED
well, I'm not at all hungry so I would say that I'm in ketosis (wohoo),
its been a great day, so good to have my girl back and we having a dinner to celebrate with my family, my eldest daughter is cooking for the family and I am catering for myself, I am not even tempted to have an alcoholic drink either, I shall have my water flavouring with soda. All I've had today so far is ..

sero for brekkie
oopsie roll with tuna mayo for lunch and chicken drumstick.

am planning to have steak & salad tonight.

hope all are having a good day also.

sue xxxx
well what a fantastic evening, the booze and food flowed all night for my family, EXCEPT ME! I intended to be good and I was, I kept to my steak & salad and had a zero coke.

I'm well into ketosis now, so for my challenge, to get passed week 2 this time without the cheat which normally goes on for a couple of weeks.

long may it last

sue xx
Yay well done you! Congrats on staying true to the diet AND having a great night at the same time :) inspiring willpower hun! xxx
thanks hun,

look at you!, well done on your 9lbs loss, brilliant, brilliant

sue xx
went to a wedding reception yesterday, and I'm still 100% focused, drank soda water and ate from the buffet ham, beef, and cheese with a salad garnish, yeah me!

sue x
aw thankyou, if I can do it then so can eveybody else, although I wont quite blow my own trumpet yet as I have to get passed week 1, once I start week 3, hopefully it will be riding a bike again, it will about just not falling off the blardy thing!

so today...

brekkie = 1 plain oopsie roll toasted
snack = chocolate sero bar
dinner = roast lamb, cabbage, leeks & few runner beans

quite content and full.

Ladies night out tonight and I shall continue with my soda water.

I still havent weighed myself, maybe I shouldve because then I would know how much Ive lost in a week, but I'm still too frightened to, I think I will weigh myself on 10th september which will be in 10 days time by then I wouldve gone exactly 2 weeks strict, I did do 2 days prior to that 85% but it wont have made any difference, when I do weigh on the 10th sept I'm hoping the reading will be something I can cope with, so anything 10st and under will be a great mental lift!

sue xx
well I plucked up the courage to weigh this morning and weighed in at 10st 2lbs, which means doing the diet for 6 days means Ive proabably lost 4 or 5lbs, I can cope mentally with 10.2 but it wouldve freaked me out last week.

So it makes me more determined not to cheat this 2nd week and hopefully now I should start losing yukky fat now and not fluid.


sue x
Yayyy well done hun that's fab! Another 4lbs off for me today, here's to 4lbs off for both of us next week!! xxx