aw thankyou, if I can do it then so can eveybody else, although I wont quite blow my own trumpet yet as I have to get passed week 1, once I start week 3, hopefully it will be riding a bike again, it will about just not falling off the blardy thing!
so today...
brekkie = 1 plain oopsie roll toasted
snack = chocolate sero bar
dinner = roast lamb, cabbage, leeks & few runner beans
quite content and full.
Ladies night out tonight and I shall continue with my soda water.
I still havent weighed myself, maybe I shouldve because then I would know how much Ive lost in a week, but I'm still too frightened to, I think I will weigh myself on 10th september which will be in 10 days time by then I wouldve gone exactly 2 weeks strict, I did do 2 days prior to that 85% but it wont have made any difference, when I do weigh on the 10th sept I'm hoping the reading will be something I can cope with, so anything 10st and under will be a great mental lift!
sue xx