Here I go again.....

Thanks MrsN thought I was going mad! I'm just off to work for a few hours hope everyone has something much better planned! X
The first time i did a vlcd my cycle went a bit haywire, i caught loads of bugs and my hair shed lots more than usual but it didnt last long so wasnt a problem. Keep up the good work and dont beat yourself up about the kebab, it could have been much worse!
Cleaning the rather be at work!
I've got to clean the house when I get home! I'm a bit fed up really had a sneaky weigh in this morning and I've sts so far, I know I had the kebab but was only a little chicken and salad apart from that been 100% I do feel totm ish so maybe it's that but if it's a sts when I officially weigh in that will be 5lbs in 3 weeks!!!! What am I doing wrong? I've upped my water I'm in ketosis so I'm really unsure :( x
Look at the bigger picture - you've lost 20 lbs in 4 weeks :0clapper:

....any VLCD estimates 14 lbs a month, so you are well over target :D

I truly know how frustrating small loss weeks can be :rolleyes:

.....but keep going, and the weight has to go! :)
Stop having sneaky peeks!!! The chicken won't have made any difference. As Darcy says, look at the bigger picture, your weight loss is fantastic.

As for my Saturday, I have cleaned house, have the washing machine going and am soon off to the shops for next weeks supply of fizzy water, mint tea and coke zero:D Oh yeah and a few bits for my OH. Then it is back to work for me.
Do you have to watch what ingredients are in the fizzy water? X
I am buying just plain old sparking water.

I have some flavoured Lidl bottles that I am also working through. I think if they have citric acid in them then we shouldn't be drinking them as it may affect ketosis.

My daily 3.5ltr intake is made up of 2lts of plain ol sparkling, 1ltr of flavoured and a 500ml bottle of still water. I haven't checked the citric acid content of the flavoured bottles I am drinking so I can't really tell if it is/has affected ketosis. I expect my next weigh in will tell me that one.

But, when my flavoured supply needs replenishing I will check on citric acid and only buy stuff that doesn't have it in to be on the safe side. I drink through the plain stuff first and end on the flavoured stuff. It helps me get to the 3.5ltrs.
I wasn't sure about the sweeteners they contain either? I'm really struggling to just do the plain water I do have my Coke Zero fix with my evening meal as a treat! Don think I like plain sparkling water, may give it a try! Thanks Sadie x
Lots of sparking water contained citric acid so just be careful as it will knock you out of ketosis.
Thanks MrsN just hating all the plain water at the min! X
Hard work isn't it!
Yeah the water is harder than the food, never thought I'd be saying that lol x
Really struggling with hunger today, not sure why but I could really do some damage so I'm staying in my pjs so I can't go to the shop. Have brought my partners Xbox downstairs so I can do some keep fit next week. Might do something after my lunch but don't want to make myself hungrier with exercise! Should I be hungry in ketosis? This is worrying me that I'm not?! I'm at just over the 2 stone I keep losing and putting back on so I have to battle through! So frustrating!

On a better note just ordered my 100 for £85 and its reduced further at £80 so ended up saving £121! I'm saving so much doing this diet, massive bonus!!!

Hope everyone is having a better day than me!!! X
Only flavoured fizzy water has citric acid in it, and some don't have it at all. You need to check. I haven't as I had a cupboard full of bottles that needed drinking. But the next lot I get I will check before I but.

As far as hunger is concerned, some days I am hungry others not. I sometimes think it has to do with the amount of water I drink, if I don't get my 3.5 ltrs in then I notice I can be hungry later in the day (like yesterday). Also I think exercise can make you a little hungrier, I tend to have an extra on the days I do exercise - usually around a half bar.

Keep at it you are doing really well :)
Thanks Sadie, will do some shopping around for flavoured sparkling water will be really nice! I had 3 litres of water yesterday but woke up feeling really dehydrated today so I've just finished 2 litres so will just have as much as I can stomach. Still hungry but not as much, trying not to have my second pack until 2 so really looking forward to that, will be pancakes I think, I really enjoy them so can't wait! X
Keep going - it will be so worth it in the end :)

I have hungry days too, for no obvious reason

.....find a distraction, have a hot drink and the feeling will pass :rolleyes:

Onwards and downwards :D
Thanks Darcy just having an Americano coffee-great minds! Think I was going into panic mode that I'm just doing it all wrong and I think a little psychologically my mind is saying right that's it's the 2 stone is off so stop now but I won't!!!!! X
Well done Bex. You really are doing great. I've been on a downer the last 24 hrs but I'm not giving up. No way. Just been out on a walk and done my 10000 steps. We can do this.