Here's to getting the old me back!

Well done Spangly staying calm and strong. xx
Well, I was wrong! I'd lost 3lb, despite TOTM, which isn't bad at all. Been feeling a bit low over the weekend though. Not sure why. Possibly just tiredness. Just feeling a bit anxious for no reason... can't put my finger on it. Just on edge. Worried. Hmm.

Think a long bath with a vanilla bath bomb may be in order!!

Finding it a bit difficult to accept quite how mahoosive I was, if that makes sense. Now it's coming off, and I'm getting glimpses of "me" again (even wore dangly earrings today - get me!) I am sort-of realising for the first time how much denial I was in. Trying to convince myself I was happy with myself when in fact I knew I looked terrible and was really unhealthy.

Why all this gloom?! Sunday-itis I guess - back to work tomorrow.
Have uploaded some photos from just before I started LL. Crikey. :sigh:
A colleague who knows I'm on a diet asked me this morning how my weigh-in went, and I said about getting to two stones. Another colleague who overheard said, "yes, and you can really tell! It's really showing!"

WOOOOHOOOOOOOOO! Great boost for a Monday morning! :D
Got up this morning and put on my snug trousers and they're falling off! Seriously! Have had to use a safety pin. Also my eldest said to me at breakfast that I'm getting thinner. Strange how the body seems to lose weight in chunks. I really do feel slimmer today. Maybe end of totm?

Think I need to start eBaying and pop to matalan/Tesco for some temporary togs! How exciting!

Have developed a new shopping 'fix'. As a reward for my first stone I got myself some new perfume. Guess what I did for my second stone? Yup! Lol. Well, it doesn't have any calories, does it, and suits the new (dare I say it?) glamorous me who's starting to emerge!
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There isn't a better feeling than trying snug pants on that are now falling off is there?!! :)
And darling there is nothing wrong with treating yourself to a bit of luxury and glamour! You totally deserve it!
I'd offer you a makeover in my store but I don't know where you're based. If you have a Space.NK near you, give them a call and they will book you in for a makeover session (not suggesting you need one or anything but it's always nice to get made up esp now that you look all nice and slim) ;)
Ooh a makeover sounds brilliant! I'm completely clueless when it comes to makeup etc. Made an effort a few years ago but then stopped after going back to work with my second daughter.

I live just outside London, by the way. I work in Camden. Just realised you're in London too!
Perfect! Come and see me in my store and I'll give you a little lesson! :)
Ooh, how exciting! PM me where your store is and I'll see what I can arrange. Thanks!!

Just had a brilliant "stroke" from a colleague who wanted to know how I'm losing weight because "it's just falling off you!" and "you look fabulous!" YAY!
So had a bit of a mixed day. This morning I had a wisdom tooth out, which was actually a better experience than I expected. I've got to go back in January for another one. Then I decided to go to Sainsbury's to try on some clothes... And found that a pair of size 16 trousers and a pair of size 16 jeans actually fitted!!


Ignore the fact the picture is on a slant... Lol


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Wow, well done Spangly!
Like the picture - had to put the lap-top at an angle.
Saw a friend yesterday I haven't seen since I started LL and she was so sweet: kept going on about how much weight I've lost and what is my secret etc etc and how much she likes the new "skinny" me (I'm not skinny at all, but very sweet of her!) Yay!

Feeling really low at the prospect of work today. Need to do something about this as it isn't healthy. Work is such a big part of my life - my husband is retiring soon as he's disabled - so we can't afford (literally and figuratively) for me to be miserable about it! Hmm. Will give it some thought.
Hi Spangly!
You look fab in the jeans and top!
It's lovely that your friend was so positive, it's a great confidence boost! Have you told her your on lighter life?
I know how you feel about work, it's horrible waking up every morning and going to a job you don't enjoy. What are your options?
Well this morning was much worse than expected. Just come out of a meeting where four senior managers were haranguing me about the state of my department. To say I feel stressed would be an understatement. Really angry and upset.

Hannah - I don't have many options at the moment as I pay the mortgage (my OH is disabled) so I'm stuck until a good job comes up somewhere - but I'm going to start actively looking. I've been fed up for a while but this morning takes the biscuit. I didn't want to move so soon - have only just been here a year, but enough is enough!
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Really low today. There have been a few individual incidents at work that I've shaken off but now I really do think it's bullying behavior. It's all very well to give feedback. In fact it's vital! But to have me there on my own, up against four of them, given about an hours notice of the meeting when they all knew about it last week ( I was having a wisdom tooth out), well, it doesn't strike me as very balanced.

Operation new job is on! I was headhunted a few weeks ago but turned them down as the commute would have been a nightmare, but it gives me some hope I will find another role. Just wish I could make an internal move and not have to start from scratch again somewhere new. I did that last year after maternity leave and it was really tough. Hey Ho.

At least I haven't broken the diet! I was very tempted last night but knew it would make me feel terrible so didn't. Why should I let them ruin what i've achieved on LL?
Awwww babes sorry to hear you're having a bad time at work.
Try not to let them get you down. Especially now that you've decided you're going. Just bite your Tongue and smile while you're looking for something else. After all you will only have to put up with them for a short while longer.
I am sure you will find a better job soon!
Remember. Everything happens for a reason!!
And well done for sticking to the program. You're truly a wonderwoman!!!!
Well, today was mixed. Had a heart to heart with my boss and it helped a lot. Had to blow up first but at least I've finally heard some positive things from him about my work and feel less down about staying put for a bit longer. Thank goodness, as I didn't really want to have to start again somewhere new. Not right now, anyway.

Had a weird one with a colleague though. My first really negative stuff about LL (if you discount the rubbish my 'friend' said to me the other week). He was just going on about how it's crash dieting and really unhealthy and I'll put it all back on etc etc. Not really what I needed in the past 24 hours, given how rubbish everything has been!

Anyway, I said it suits me fine and I'm going to do rtm and he backed off a bit.

Then I had the blow up. Phew. What an emotional roller coaster of a day! I haven't broken the diet though, although fond fantasies of food have been playing on my mind today weirdly. I'm not hungry but it was a kind of 'sod it' feeling. I didn't act on it though.

Not sure what's wrong with me at the minute but I seem to be reacting very intensely to things. I work as a volunteer in a local school one lunchtime a week and sessions have just restarted. Went up there today through driving wind and rain and got a major row for being three minutes late. Really shouted at! Anyway, I stood up and said I wasn't going to be spoken to like that and left.

Feel very shaky now. I don't know what the borderline is between standing up for yourself and over-reacting. I am assertive in work situations, but worry I've over stepped the mark today. But on the other hand, I don't want to be treated like that - especially when I'm giving up my lunch break.

Hmm. Been a bit wobbly all week really. Not entirely looking forward to the weekend either because my MIL and her partner (who is a very picky eater and VERY opinionated about EVERYTHING) are coming. Argh.
Well done for standing up for yourself! And no its not overreacting when you've been shouted at.
Noone has a right to do that.
I understand you're wobbly because it's not nice but could it be because you're used to just putting up with stuff like that. I found that with the pounds melting away I have been noticing this new found confidence and ability to fend for myself.
I would say enjoy it and learn from it Hun. Everything in life happens for a reason so maybe this incident will help you get a stronger and more confident woman. Not to mention slimmer! ;)
Stay strong Spangly. Sounds like you were in the right xx