Oops forgot the point of posting here in my excitement about Hev.
I only lost a pound but ery happ wit that after what Paul has been feding me.
Wow! What a lovely offer thank you.
I really don't know. It is probably quite obvious to all when I say that this weight gain came on whence I stopped smoking. (now done 8 months..woo-hoo!!).
I started craving salt, which came in the form of peanuts and peanut butter (straight out of the jar- no messing!!) So that has now (almost) worked it's way out of my system. My other problem is that I can drink more without feeling its effects....so I do seem to!! I, also seem to drop the weight on the four days I work,plus I tend to excercise much more too... and then compensate the three days I don't, with wine and generally socialising!! (more flaming fattening nibbles on the bar...umm, like peanuts!!)
However, next weekend, we are away for our 11th anniversary(all inclusive too otto!!) and as that was the reason forthe original target, and hasn't happened, I am starting a massive campaign with myself, when I get back, for my holiday to England in December.. I only want to lose half a stone, for godness sake. Please Hev, give me a massive kick up the bum..Please!! Mwah
what way does it work if you are sick and dont go to WI? do you get charged for a missed week next week?
Thanks, will get in there just before 12!
PS I tried to rep you for being a thinspiration but i wasnt allowed :cry:
Do you have any before/after photos up anywhere?
Hello fellow slimmers!
I am FINALLY getting round to having a little catch up on Mini's and have to say I'm impressed with everyone's effort in my absence! You little skinny mini's!
Hevs - I've already said it - but I'll say it again - WHOOOOOPPPEEEE - well done you! I knew it was coming soon - just didn't realise how soon that soon was! Well done lovely lady xxx
I am not sure if I checked in last week- if not it was a STS and this week I have LOST 2.5lbs! GET IN! I had a real hard push this week to try to get a decent loss in and it paid off! I was going to change my target to 10 stone but I think I'll leave it where it is for now (9st 10lbs) and see how this challenge goes!
Onwards and downwards gang xxxx
powla :whoopass:
I adore the sense of humour. Thank you so very very much... And I shall be good over the next 3 days before we go up to Puerto
Go for it sweet.. What have you to lose? (no pun intended)Cool!! I wasn't very good with the before photos as like many I used to shy away from the cameras but I'm going to apply for the magazine!! (It's worth a shot anyway!!) so I'm going to try and pinch some Facebook pics from friends and put something together and obviously after photos aren't a problem! So watch this space!! I'm not a photo person full stop- far too self critical even now, but a photo-shoot would be pretty cool! I think it would help with my self-confidence!X
Hmph, sorree, The total 'thicko' springs to mind! I've done it this timeGo for it sweet.. What have you to lose? (no pun intended)
I also would like any one of my lovely friends on this forum, to explain how the quote thing works. I have tried to read up on it, but I am either a total 'thicko' or I need to get back to school! Powla
Hello fellow slimmers!
I am FINALLY getting round to having a little catch up on Mini's and have to say I'm impressed with everyone's effort in my absence! You little skinny mini's!
Hevs - I've already said it - but I'll say it again - WHOOOOOPPPEEEE - well done you! I knew it was coming soon - just didn't realise how soon that soon was! Well done lovely lady xxx
I am not sure if I checked in last week- if not it was a STS and this week I have LOST 2.5lbs! GET IN! I had a real hard push this week to try to get a decent loss in and it paid off! I was going to change my target to 10 stone but I think I'll leave it where it is for now (9st 10lbs) and see how this challenge goes!
Onwards and downwards gang xxxx
(you get an extra whoop for getting to target!)
Well done Chica - the frustrated of the last 7 lbs has gone. YOU ARE THERE.
Hope you had a wee celebration last night.
Big ((( Hugs ))) from me
(sorry not to post earlier - shied away from Minis yesterday and been out all day today with mum).
Thank you lovely lady, and thanks for your support on my diary. Mutual appreciation society going on here !!I'm sorry you were feeling so rubbish yesterday what with the worries about your Mum (you may have seen my post on your diary!) and the disappointment of the gain etc etc! Sometimes we have days or weeks like that where everything seems to be against us but I'm sure a lovely one is just around the corner to balance things out nicely again!
Thanks for your support as always! You're a real rock for me!!XXXXXXXX