Hi all

Morning Lou, how's things today, and is your little one OK now?
Things are good today, both kids at school :D
Have a driving lesson at lunchtime, its wet, dark and yukky so I'm not looking forward to that. Plus I think I'm hitting that uggh I'm never going to get this driving thing barrier. I think too much instead of just doing it. Have spent all morning thinking how can I get out of the lesson. I still have to pay regardless so its stupid to even think that.
My wrist is playing up a bit but I'll strap it and take some painkillers and get it done.
ah yes, but just think of the freedom and mobility when you pass Lou
driving went ok. I actually managed to slow down and stop at junctions properly without being told how every time so theres some progress. We did however go to my least fav place to drive, a high street with about 6 or 7 crossroads/traffic lights within a mile or so and v busy, cars parked both sides, people in and out of their cars, darting across the road, very much information overload for me atm.
Managed a successful turn in the road (3 point turn, altho you can do it in 5 and still pass)
I'll get there and like you say Jim, its going to be well worth it!
Morning Lou, good lesson then love. I learned to drive in a 4 ton Army Lorry, LOL, that was fun, crash gear box and 8 gears to play with :D
HAHAHAHA I'm struggling to cope with 5! I'm finding 1-3 I can manage fine, 4-5 its the coming back down the gears that throws me. I'm struggling to deal with dropping the gears and braking effectively at them same time.
Slowly getting there, 2 weeks ago I was in sheer panic whenever I had to stop and move away again and now I can do it with little thinking :)
it becomes a habit Lou, I don't even think about it now, you'll be the same
3lb off on this mornings WI. :D
Oh well done lou, now that's good news love. :bliss: :bliss:
I feel like I'm behind on everything this week. Just a quick update.
No WI to report (thats tomorrow but may do it thurs this week, have a work thing online and will probably be heading to bed at WI time). Been to see the GP about my girlie issues and been put on meds, praying for no weight gain with them. Blood Pressure isn't fantastic so they are going to monitor that. Hoping to bring it down with the weightloss as I'm sure that is a factor :)
Driving this week was fun! Managed turning in the road again without much prompting, I even asked to do it a 3rd time because the first two weren't too perfect lol. I sooo can't wait to get this done and have freedom!
This year for me is a huge year of change. Really focusing on improvement all around.
Morning lou, a good day hem I hear some meds can cause weight gain, I hope that's not the case with you love
2lb off. Relaxes slightly about the meds but stays cautious :)
OK, that's good to hear, well done and good morning
goooood afternoon :D

I've got way too much energy today considering I had little sleep.

Picked up smaller jeans today and got them on and up, not pleased with the muffin top effect but pleased they go on. Will stick them away for a few weeks at least, but it did make me happy as I haven't noticed the last load of losses really.
Hey Ho, all in the right direction right :D
Morning lou, you can't beat that wearing smaller clothes feeling :D I went mad one Sunday morning and tried on loads of old stuff, when most of them fitted I was ecstatic :D
and here I was thinking men don't "do" clothes :p

But on a serious note, it is one of those cases of where you see the scales moving but not fee it in the mirror. Really gives you some satisfaction :)
Hi Lou, LOL. I don't do clothes, but finding things fitted and not having to buy from Banks or High & Mighty was/is a thrill I've never quite got over. :)
1/2 lb on for no apparent reason other than my body is being an idiot.
Well that or pills screwing it up a bit.
Morning Lou, it's a blip on the highway, that's all love