Roch I had to post and say that under the Patient Charter you are entitled to be seen if it is a really emergency! If you are unable to get out of the house they must come and see you at home....if I remember rightly don't you live in hosptal grounds? Your surrounded by doctors! Phone NHS direct or follow the online questionaire and see what it says to do. If the doctors insist they can't see you phone an ambulance! go to A&E maybe they'll listen then. Don't just sit at home feeling sorry for yourself do something. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but I've been there Roch not being able to get out of the house, feeling so low and at my wits end. I've been to hell and back over the last 18 months more than you know but I've picked myself up and can honestly say I FEEL FAB! for the first time in ages. So sending you some positive get on that phone!
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