Hi There Roch,
I've ONLY JUST found your thread. Admittedly I haven't read through the whole lot, but found and stopped at this post.
Firstly do you know what is causing your acid heart-burn? what has the Dr. said?
I am not going 2 post on here very often i feel like i am always saying negative things and its getting me down even more.
I will be on the site but not posting on here so ls dont think i am being rude by not reponding 2 your messages, thanks
I think it's very cathartic to post even IF you think
1) people aren't listening/reading - you'll find they are
2)you are a failure because you keep falling off the wagon - I'm 19st 7.5Ibs. This time last year I was 18st 8Ibs. In that year I've tried to lose weight on VLCD - I've not lost weight I've put it on! However throughout that time I've posted on my blog, Discovery Health and now Minimins. I post when there isn't much to say, I post when I'm feeling lonely/bored/miserable. I'll keep posting and shall I tell you why? It's because it's therapy for me - I find it cathartic to post my most inner thougths in a place where I KNOW someone can connect and understand me, what I'm going through.
At one point I was so ashamed of myself because I kept falling off the wagon - I didn't want to post. When I started here on Minimins I was still falling off the wagon a little, but I was inspired by the level of support from yourself and others and by the good news stories and pictures I saw.
I think posting is cathartic, because when you fall off the wagon, you can write it all down and that action in a way dots the 'is' and crosses the 'ts' on what happened and how you feel. So next time one is tempted one can read over how badly falling off the wagon makes you feel and how those feelings of being out of control far outweight the pleasure one derives from a momentary 'highs' of eating something naughty.
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please continue to post! No matter how good/bad/negative/positive. I am here for you, we are here for you.