Minimins gal x
Tia is such a good little puppy she is clean all night and sleeps in her crate in the lounge as we have a garden she can go outside in the garden although she has not had all her injections yet. She is 95% clean during the day and is a pleasure to have.
Ebs loves her and they get on so well.
Diet wise have been taking it a day by day and sticking to a low cal low carb diet and feeling ok.
Pls dont everyone jump on my back when i say that i am going to try lipotrim starting tomorrow as i have 10 days worth in the house if i find it 2 hard then ill not do it and have not lost anything, but am feeling very unconmfortatble at the moment and my confidence is very low and in this heat i think it will be a bit easier for me.
I am not on any other meds except for pain relief so its ok for me to do total meal replacement, honestly i dont think that i am mentally in the right place to ss with lt but as i have the packs here am going to give it a go and see what happens, so pls dont try and talk me out of it pls just be there to help me to try and get through the first few days.
Ty 2 all of u for always popping by to see how i am i do appreciate it big time.
Off to let Tia and Ebs go in the paddling pool for a bit to cool down, hope u r having a good day and fingers crossed for tomorrow xxx
Ebs loves her and they get on so well.

Diet wise have been taking it a day by day and sticking to a low cal low carb diet and feeling ok.
Pls dont everyone jump on my back when i say that i am going to try lipotrim starting tomorrow as i have 10 days worth in the house if i find it 2 hard then ill not do it and have not lost anything, but am feeling very unconmfortatble at the moment and my confidence is very low and in this heat i think it will be a bit easier for me.
I am not on any other meds except for pain relief so its ok for me to do total meal replacement, honestly i dont think that i am mentally in the right place to ss with lt but as i have the packs here am going to give it a go and see what happens, so pls dont try and talk me out of it pls just be there to help me to try and get through the first few days.
Ty 2 all of u for always popping by to see how i am i do appreciate it big time.
Off to let Tia and Ebs go in the paddling pool for a bit to cool down, hope u r having a good day and fingers crossed for tomorrow xxx