Sorry to hear about the car but none of it was your fault. I hope you can manage to do some calorie counting without going to a class both SW and WW have great websites. Hope Aaron is ok
Irene xx
Ty hun xxxHope the pain has eased a little now x
Thanks Sharon, congrats on ur weight loss u look amazing xTake care Roch. I hope you get the pain relief you need soon.
Hey Cheryl, ty hun how r u doing girl xxHope you are well hun, and not in too much pain xxx
Jen u r a special lady and i really appreciate all the support u show me and that u dont ever forget bout me even though i do a dissapearing act far 2 often, hope u r recovering well, take care hun xxgood to hear from you Roch, just wish it was with happier news.
Hi Jen, ty hun, me 2 !!
Forget about WW or SW or any other structured diet... just do calorie counting and you will do great. I wish we lived closer as I would come over and help you. Perhaps when I am fit again we can get together and have a proper chat.
Hope you feel brighter very very soon.
Much love
the days you can eat healthier do so ................... the days you can't well don't go over the top !!! glad that aaron will be ok except i know when they set there heart on a career pattern it is so difficult .............. i think about you most days as do most of us on here ............ you are NOT alone ............... hugs to you xxxxx
Thats great advice Jennie - i think you would do great with the cal counting Roch; you can make your cals go a long way with lots of healthy stuff and it's quite fun working it all out - bit like a hobby or project really.
Give it a go, I think you'd do really well. Hope you are feeling a bit better today.
Lots of love
Hiya New-Roch,
Hope your feeling better hunnybunch, love reading all your goals your gonna do it m8 this is your year !
Luv Jules xxx
I am ok hun how r u doing lady xxHopw are you doing Roch??
I am ok ty jules, how u doing girl xxHiya Roch,
How you doing hunny ? xxx
Hi Susan, ty for the support hun, i am sorry that i worried everyone by dissapearing but i was having such a hard time i could not face coming online as things have got so bad 4 me, ty for caring xxbump................................ we need to know how you are doing ............. xx
Hi Cheryl, unfortunately the pain is something i have to now live with every day. So hunny hows things with u, what u been up 2 xxHope you are well hun, and not in too much pain xxx
Ty jules xxHey Roch,
Thinking of you sweetie xxx
bump x
I know hun u r not nagging but just caring and considerate and i really appreciate it, i just wish the peeps i used to call my friends were as kind and caring as u all are xxbump x not really nagging just concerned xx
Hey girl, congrats on uir baby hun, u lucky lady, hope the pregnancy is going really well, how much longer have u got.Het Roch how are you hun ??????
Did you get your pain relief ????
I wish i had won the lottery and if i had done i would not of gone anywhere with george clooney def with Denzl washington or LL cool J lol xxHiya Roch,
Hope your not posting because you won the lottery and your off on a cruise with George Clooney ( if so where is my invite ?)
As you can see we are all worried and concerned about you ! Sending big love and hugs Jules xxx
Jules who r u talkin 2 think u r posting on the wrong thread hun lol xxwhooooohoooo beautiful xxxx
I am here better late that never xxHey Roch,
coooooooeeeeeeeee! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sorry for worrying u all thanks for being so patient with me and not giving up on me xxCome and talk to us
Irene xx
I have put Denzl down and LL cool j down but been 2 busy with them to use the ships pc lol pmsl xxsurely the cruise has a computer !!!! put george down and let us know how you are ? xxxx
im here xxLMAO mustdoit ! xxx
Here i am xxxbump xx
Sory no can do the pics of me and Denzyl and LL cool j are 2 xxxxx rated for this site lol pmsl xxWe will keep harrassing you until you talk to us , or at least post some piccys of you and george ! xxx
Hello Roch,
you possibly don't know me but I have just read this thread from beginning to end and I am now worried..
Are you ok?
There are sooo many people here who care about you and I include myself in this..
Just a quick post to tell us what's happening, ok?
Hello Skymagic ty for taking the time out to read my thread hope it did not bore u 2 much lol, really appreciate u posting and caring enough to see how i am although we have never chatted 2 each other, u must be a really special person ty so much xx
Ty Jen i know that there are many lovely people here on this site who really do care and are genuine but as everyone has their own probs to deal with each day why should i burden everyone with my own probs that i have caused myself.Roch, if you are reading these messages you will know that there are many wishing you well. I am among them. If I could find your number I would call you. Take care, be kind to yourself and one day everything will click into place I'm sure. When you're ready to chat I know you will.
Hi Bev, how u doing hun, u look amazing in ur pic hun, hope u r doing good, ty for posting take care and chat soon xx(((Roch)))
Hi Susan, yes the cruise has finished but decided to carry on thwe party on my private jet as i am a lottery winner now lol pmsl xxcruise must of finished by now !!! xxxx
Hiya beautiful (i so am talking to you roch)!
Sorry to hear things have been rubbish lately but am really glad you haven't given up . Talk to us hunny that's what we are all here for . We are looking out for each other i believe you will get to your goals hunny because you want them so badly you won't give in. I look forward to our first meet we promised we would and i believe shopping was mentioned !
Belated birthday Congratulations on you 40th for friday hope it wasn't an unhappy one ! Age truly is just a number good changes can be made at any time in your life .
Take care sweetie and please dont be a stranger lotsa luv Julie xxxxxxxxxx
Hey julie, ty hun for the birthday wish. I know what u r saying about being there for each other but i feel so low alot of the time and so lonely that i feel its not right to come online and just moan or whinge as alot of peeps have life alot harder than i do and i feel i just need a kick up the arse with a size 11 boot.
I remember the time we spoke on the phone and areranged a meet up thats when my life was alot better it has gone down hill dramatically since then and i know i am the only person to blame for this.
I cant have another year like this i am sad and lonely big time and need to change this and make myself happier and face all the issues in my life that make me feel worthless and that make me feel that i am not worthy of a good life and i think that makes others see that i have little self worth and that i am soft and that i am stupid enough to believe they are friends but really they are just after what they can get.
The difference with those kind of peeps and the kind and caring peeps here on the site is that all everyone here on MM want is friendship and to be here 4 each other and i just wish my every day life that i had true friends like this and not the peeps that i have thought in the past were friends but were not.
Sorry i have waffled on so much but it was my 40th birthday that made me realise that in my very day life i dont have true friends and that makes me sad.
Sorry hun was just feelin bit emotional, hope u have had a good weekend, take care and ty for being there 4 me xxx
Waffle away hunny i don't mind ! It is hard to make friends when we are limited socially i understand that. Like you said us mm'ers are just out for friendship for each other we lean on each other good times and bad ! You have lots of people who care about you on here and you have been a great source of support for many of us, so let us return the favour !
Life can be crap but it can be great you have been rockbottom just lately so now it's time for you to be on the up by my reckoning!
You need to be nice to yourself hunny. You are beautiful , your funny your compassionate and caring try focussing on the wonderful things about you for a few hours a day . If you need a rant get yourself on here and do it.
You can turn things around and there are hundreds of us on here we are all right behind you! I believe in you.
Take care gorgeous luv Jules xxx
Right back atchya babbeee xxxxxxxxx
Good morning darling, hope you are well today darling, and in not too much pain. I've been away over the weekend for the MM meet in Brum, it was brill.
Sorry I missed your posts before I went hun. I did post on the birthday thread to you though hun. x x x
Morning Hun, yes i saw ur post on my birthday thread ty xx Everyone was saying how amazng the brum meet up was would like to think that wat ever meet will be in the next few months or so that i will try to come, would be nice to meet u and everyone else who has been there for me soooo much.
Well done 2 u for stopping smoking u go girl, wel, one thing that smoking has not done 2 u is age u,as u look like u r 21 with such a beautiful face and u have the beautiful spirit to go with it as well.
Take care hun and chat later xxxx
Aw thanks hun, beautiful words from a beautiful person. However, I am feeling my age this morning lol x x x
Hiya Roch ............ only just caught up with you on here - sorry to hear about the car ... what a rotten thing for him to have done. Belated happy birthday too ...
Hope you soon start to feel better back wise - and if summer is on it's way - sun's out up north! then that might help with you getting out even for a little bit each day.
Take care - and i'll subscribe to your thrad ... so I stop missing so much! B xxx