Hello everyone!
well, im 43 minutes into day 5!!!
So far, im finding it surprisingly ok. For literally years i've done stupid two week mega diets, and then have torured myself so much during them, that i end up failing..awfully.
But this seems different. for the first time i feel like i have taken back control over myself and my mind AND everyday is a step towards becoming who ive always wanted to be, and who i was meant to be. Free from lack of self control,respect and love. It's making me rethink about food.. and really valuing and apprieciating what i am putting into my mouth, be it the four sachets a day(which so far, i like all of them apart from the spicey tomato- i had it about an hour ago and my stomache is burning like mad!.. think ill give that one a miss next week.
so yes..day 5. I've decided not to weigh myself..and wait to see my councellor.
I feel so proud of myself. And am not going to let what anyone says about what i'm doing effect how i feel about it.
I'm so glad there is a place like this where i feel so connected with so many people, all fighting for the same cause. we are worthy of being happy, and we are worthy of loving oursleves. (not in a big headed way) but in a healthy "i am normal, and i am allowed to feel beautiful on the inside and out kind of way"
I've got 5 stone to loose. bring it on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!xx