Holiday in 8 weeks - 2 stone to shed challenge (part two)

WI tomorrow...and this morning I have lost another 1lb...whooohooo. That is three pounds in three days, I am so pleased. :clap:
I wonder if I can do another one for tomorrow morning....fingers crossed, however I will be happy with three.

Still feel a bit grotty I think a day in the sunshine is required.
I have been for an hour long dog walk this morning, hoping to move the grogginess did, briefly. But the euphoria of losing weight is far superior to feeling a tad crap.
Funnily enough, O/H is being more attentive since I have been dieting. I wonder if he thinks I will lose weight and dump him :D...very tempting.;)

1 Day to next WI :eek:
9 weigh in's to go

Today's menu.
b/fast - 1/2 strawb shake
lunch - boiled egg, asparagus salad, with french dressing
tea - banana shake
snacks - 1/2 strawb shake, apple, 5 pecan nuts

Water - 4 litres

Exercise - 2 hours walk, 20 mins toning

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil

Have a great day all, hope you are basked in sunshine and positive energy. x x
Three pounds this week...:D < very pleased face, it is week three and my body will have settled down to the diet now.
I shall aim for 4lbs this week...always have to aim higher.;)

7 Days to next WI :eek:
8 weigh in's to go

Today's menu.
b/fast - 1/2 vanilla shake
lunch - cottage cheese salad
tea - banana shake
snacks - 1/2 vanilla shake, pear, 5 pecan nuts

Water - 4 litres

Exercise - 1 hour walk, 25 mins run

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil

We are being spoilt with all this it is making eating salads very easy. I haven't had any food temptations to avoid recently...I refuse to have naughty foods in the house. The liquid temptations are more relevant, The bottles of wine in the pantry are shouting "drink me", but I ignore them and crack open a bottle of water instead...sigh. :rolleyes:
Hiya! :wave_cry:

Just wanted to pop in to say well done on your progress! I've been following your thread for a few days and think you've been doing brilliantly!

Like you, I've got me hols in about 9 weeks and I'm trying to shift about 2 stones far I've got rid of about 7 lbs (I'm 13.7) but still got 28 lbs to go...pray that I can do it! I've had a wobbly few days, with the sun being out came a whole weekend of eating out :sigh: so now it's time for me to get back on track...pronto!

Tomorrow I'm starting Lipotrim...again...and I'm aiming to do a clear stretch of that until 1st August...wish me luck!

I was actually thinking of doing Exante, the bars look quite yummy! How are you finding the taste of the soups/shakes? I find the Lipotrim soups quite light, I much prefer my soups to be slightly thicker.

Anyways, keep at it girl! I look forward to tracking more of your progress!
THank you :) and good luck for your weight loss goals. I am sure you will rattle that last two stone off with Lipotrim, these VLCD are very effective aren't's just those first few days you have to slog through.

The Exante shakes are really good, the soups and shakes are very thick...infact I add twice as much water to the shakes to get them to a consistency I prefer. I like the fact that they are artifical additive free...and the bars are HUGE! I cut one up into 30 pieces and eat it slowly...they are quite nice too. Not quite Cadbury's but hey they seem to be working.

As for your day one today...keep drinking your water, focus on your holiday to get you through the first few days and try and do a few things to pamper yourself...if all else fails and you get hungry, get posting on here, it certainly got me through the first few days.

Let me know how you get on...we can do it...I am with you all the way. :girlpower:
6 Days to next WI :cool:
8 weigh in's to go

Today's menu.
b/fast - Thai Chicken soup shake
lunch - chicken and chick pea salad
tea - vanilla shake
snacks - Exante choc & orange bar

Water - 4 litres

Exercise - 45 min walk, 30 min cardio

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil
Awww thanks, yep...I will have to keep focused in order to stay on track!

Well, day 1 went okay...crossed hard part over with, staying on track is far easier than trying to get on track in my book!

Well done you for another successful day...those pounds are melting away fast!

I will defo keep you posted as to how I'm doing:)
How are you feeling today? I know day 2/3 I felt a bit groggy and had the energy of a slug.
Day 4 I started to feel better and now it's relatively easy...the only thing that makes me think about food is the smell of barbeques. And due to the fab weather there has been quite a few of those recently...roll on the rain I say.:rolleyes:
Is your weigh in day a Monday too?

I look forward to seeing your results, helps keep me motivated too...:) it's nice to know we suffering for holiday weightloss together.
Since day one I have been taking psyllium husks with my shakes so I haven't had any constipation at all, I know some people suffer with it really badly on VLCD...definately worth thinking about if the going gets to speak.

I am pleased to say I lost another 1.25 lb since yesterday ( I got weighed again this morning, I know I am naughty Gaynor and should be doing it weekly only...but I just gotta know:scale: .) I am aiming for 4lbs this weigh in so I only have another 2.75lbs to budge for Monday...I better go and get another glass of water come to think of it.

5 Days to next WI :cool:
8 weigh in's to go

Today's menu.
b/fast - choc shake
lunch - chicken and Mediterranean roast veg
tea - banana shake
snacks - Exante fruit & nut bar, pear

Water - 4 litres

Exercise - 60 min walk, 15 min toning

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil
Good on ya girl! You will totally smack that 4lb target this week, you are producing such good results each week that even if you don't (which I'm sure you will!) you will still be on track.

As for me, today went okay and I am resisting the urge to weigh myself! Seriously, it has now turned into an obsession, I wake up in the morning and simply cannot wait to jump on the scales! And depending on what they say I either have a good day or start the day on a bad note so for now I'm staying away! In fact, I've now got into the habit of weighing myself in the evening now aswell...soooo not good but it usually gives me a clue as to how much I'll weigh come morning. Anyway, that's the past and now I'm going to keep it to just Mondays for my own sanity! Will let you know the result!

I'm about to order some Exante packs online...going to give it a try as the Lipotrim ones are a bit boring and not very thick so we'll see how I get on with the Exante ones...I defo like the fact that they are free from trans fats etc.

What date is your hols gaynor? And what do you hope to weigh by then? Mine is Aug 7th and I'm hoping to be 11 stones by then...I'm wondering if that is a realistic goal? 2 and half stones in 9 weeks hmmmm...

Anyways, I'm off to order the packs...keep glugging that water! :)
hey hey,
glad to see your still doing so well. only lost a pound last week so was bit down but i suppose its better than putting on!
start my a levels this week so bin mad revisin and being on a diet isnt doing much for my concentration but fingers crossed it will all work out ok.
Well done again for keeping it up!
Good morning :)

lmaycock: I think 2.5 stones is totally realistic in 9 weeks on one of these VLCDs, as long as you stick to the plan and guzzle that water...I look forward to seeing how you do in your first week, that first week big loss is always a great motivator. Yooohoooo! another Exantette...:cool: cool!

I have the attitude, even if I miss my goal by a few pounds I will be a couple of stone lighter than I would have been should I have not bothered losing weight. And any weight loss certainly boosts your confidence.

My hols is the 30th July...8 weeks today so I really would like to lose two stone by then, I hope it's doable. :) I can't stop glugging water, I am peeing well and slosh when I exercise lol but it seems to be staving the appetite away.
Good luck on your plan, let me know how you get on and I hope you enjoy your August hols. x x

Thistimeround: Hello my dear, good luck with your exams...focus on doing your best there, you can give your diet 100% when your exams are over. Don't say only "one" pound, it is a pound in the right direction...and it isn't a gain, so pat yourself on the back, you're doing very well. x x

I am going away for a few days tonight so I won't be able to update until Monday...O/H is taking me to away to a spa tomorrow...yay. I am so looking forward to being massaged and pummelled...I wonder if they can drain away a few pounds of fat while I am there...that would be good!
I got weighed again this movement on the scales...ah well, there is always tomorrow morning before I leave.

4 Days to next WI :cool:
8 weigh in's to go

Today's menu.
b/fast - Exante veg soup
lunch - chicken in thai sauce (sugar free) with salad
tea - Exante strawb shake
snacks - Exante choc & orange bar, papaya

Water - 4 litres

Exercise - 30 min run, 20 min toning

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil
How net addicted am I? I brought my lappy because the hotel has wifi...yay! So just a quick update before O/H returns back from the shop, he has gone to get me some water and magazines bless his size 11's.

Did you watch BB last night Thistime? I caught snippets of it as I was usual a total bunch of characters, I am just hoping there is an utter b1tch in there to make it watchable.

I have lost another pound today woohoo! So that is 2.25lbs so far this week, I want another 2lb before Monday...hopefully this spa weekend will sort me out. I won't be able jump on the scales again until Monday tho (I may get withdrawls symptoms...bye bye scales for the weekend :wave_cry:).

Todays agenda:
3 Days to next WI :cool:
8 weigh in's to go

Today's menu.
b/fast - Strawb Shake
lunch - Banana Shake
tea - What ever is lean and green on the spa menu
snacks - fresh fruit salad, 5 almonds

Water - 4 litres

Spa agenda - 60 min aerobics class, exercise table session, deep tissue massage and a faff about in the jacuzzi!

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil

Have a nice weekend all...keep focused and be happy. x x
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Morning all, just a quickie as I am off for a swim in a moment, gawd it's cold today. Where has summer gone?

I had salmon in dill with spinach salad for tea/dinner yesterday and it was delightful. I loved the massage but it was a bit painful at first...when they say "deep" tissue massage they mean DEEP! So all in all the plan is going well whilst away. I am missing Big Brother though...but I have Sky plused it. :D

2 Days to next WI :cool:

8 weigh in's to go

Today's menu.
b/fast - Vanilla Shake
lunch - Strawb Shake
tea - Nut and butterbean salad
snacks - Fresh fruit salad

Water - 4 litres

Spa agenda - Yoga class, Swimming & jacuzzi, therapy facial and then a nice walk around the grounds.

Vitamins - 1000mg of vit C, A to Z multivit, 1000mg Evening Primrose oil

C U soon. x
Ooooh lovely! Wish I was there where you are right now! Sounds lush! Even the massage sounds great!

Just a quick update on how I'm going...still going strong...Exante packs arrived yestoday and I must say that I'm quite impressed! I have tried all the diets at some stage and I think that soups and the bars are the best I've had, haven't tried the shakes yet. They have the right balance of being satisfying but not too sweet and not too bland, I can definately do this for the next 8 weeks!

As for you Gaynor, you are doing fab and it's great knowing that we are in the same boat, with similar goals to reach by our hols!

Enjoy the rest of your spa break!:)

Hi Girls,

Just wanted to send a few short messages to you all!

Looks like everyone is going very well! :)

Gaynor - I'm so glad Exante is working for you. Stick with it and you will be at goal in no time at all! :D

Imay - Good luck with your 1st week on Exante. I love the Exante products and, like you, also love the idea they are free from trans fats etc. :)

thistimearound - good luck with your A Levels! I have an exam (ACCA accountancy) on Tuesday and dreading it! Hopefully it will be ok.

Gonna try and lose the remaining weight after my exam is over.
Just trying to maintain (ie: not gain) at the moment!
YAY!!! Well done Gaynor!

Omg! 22 lbs in 4 weeks!!! Bloody fantastic!

Me? Not so good :cry:I'm finding total solution a bit difficult and am thinking about moving onto working solution, I'll see how I get on tomorrow.

Keep at it, you are doing great!:)