hey hunnie, hope you haven't caught the nasty bug going round.
I know it is so hard with the fat content, just shows how much we have been brainwashed into thinking one diet works for all. people still don't understand how I can munch on roast chicken with crispy skin and butter on my veg, but no potatoes and limit the veg LOL
The results show them tho, hope you enjoyed your sausages. I am still hunting to find decent low carb ones, so many round our way are loaded with rusk and sugars![]()
I buy either Asda gluten free ones or Black Farmers - both are nice xx
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Just have to say......I decided to try on a pair of size 14 jeans I've had for a year.....they fit and I can zip them up....few moremlb before I'd happily wear them though.
Thing isn't bought em when I was a stone lighter and couldn't get them done up.....now they fit and I've still got 7 lb to go before I'm the same weight I was when I bought them......?????
I'm quite chuffed really![]()
They were rank, the skins were so hard! Not sure why but it was like chewing on cardboard! They are something like Heather and Andrews 97%, got them is asda and they were gluten free, lower in carbs but so not worth it.
I'm just sneezing and snuffling a lot but I've got a heap of work to do as well as scrum the carpet for the new sofa coming on Monday
Hope you feel better soon chicky xxx
When my sisters and I were on SW we bought those Quorn sausages OMG they were HORRIBLE!!! Like shrivelled up bits of cardboard, at least now I can have real meat sausages!!![]()
Were they Debbie and Andrew sossies? Try the garden herb ones, they are much nicer and only 0.2g carbs in each one. I do them in the oven for half an hour and enjoy them.
Mmm sounds like a lovely dinner - chicken roasting here, should have put it on an hour ago but had visitors so hey ho, I'll eat a bit late.
Snow has just started here in SE London, blooming cold...hope you're nice and warm!