Honking for the last few days.
Cos I keep forgetting!
Is that with the new scales Miss? If they weigh a couple of lbs more than the old ones that looks pretty good.......?
Sorry to dissapoint! lol - it
is about 1.5lbish this week, which is pretty good notwitstanding the weekend's outings.
Took me a couple of evenings to decide what to do about the stats. Am now using the new scales, so despite being a bit precious about my start weight, I decided to re-jig
everything to take into account the calibration difference. So the total amount lost is the same (given that at the mo, the weight
change is the important bit), but my start weight and current weights are now a squeak higher than they were.
[GEEK] The old scales measured in 1/4 lbs, the new ones go down to .2lb, so couldn't really mix the two on the charty-thing I keep at home, so ended up just converting the whole lot.[/GEEK]
So the BMI hasn't shifted, despite having both lost and gained at the same time...