Can I honk after day 1??? I know it probably doesn't count, but i think i'll still honk any way, quite chuffed i made it through the 1st day, totally 100%! ;o)
I'm actually 300% because I've only had one shake so far! Busy busy day, but looking forward to two in quick succession now - might try a mousse - I'm mad me!
Hi all and Hi MiniB
I've been 100% since starting and i know I'm only on day 4. I had to go back to my Chemist as i was having severe back and stomach pains and was told that it was to be expected due to my medication and tummy due Lipotrim. They also weighed me just to see how I was getting on ..........
I Have Lost 5lbs already and as I've said on another thread 'I am now a true believer in what you all say about Lipotrim'
Honk! At the end of day 12 and loving the weight loss.
Don't read further if squeamish...
I actually popped a piece of my daughter's dinner into my mouth without thinking, chewed it up and then spat it out. And THEN rinsed my mouth out! Just so I could honk here!
Honk!!!! Been 100% for 9 days now and still loving it.
Fave shake just now is vanilla with coffee, least fave is chicken weird how it changes.
No Hunger but sometimes fancy food. Motivation still very high, family bbq tommorrow so first big challenge to deal with.
I'm feeling a bit slimmer overall which is nice no comments yet from anyone though.
Good luck tomorrow size10. I went to a BBQ at a friend's house when I was on day 6 last time, and it was fine, apart from one very annoying man who kept waving delicious food RIGHT under my nose and telling me not to be so stupid and JUST EAT SOME. Hope there's none of those at yours!
I certainly know what i would have done to that Pathetic Individual .. . which would have been
"thankyou for the burger and let me show you how to eat it" I'd grab him rather affectionately take the burger out of his hand and shove it down his throat and say "Now, now be careful of your weight and you really must not eat all of these bad naughty foods" and i'd walk away gazing at him with shame