So yesterday turned out a bit disastrously, I just couldn't muster up any willpower in the evening. My brother and his finacee were home for the weekend so there was so much nice food around, and because it was a bank holiday, there was lots of lazing around and I just couldn't resist all the nice stuff!! So here's how yesterday ended up:
Sunday 28th:
2 oatibix with rice milk & a banana (5)
Chicken in tomato & black pepper marinade, mashed carrot & turnip, peas, mashed potato & some pepper sauce (6)
Dessert - 2 crushed mini meringues, 1 crushed oreo biscuit, tiny bit of icecream & coulis (2.5)
Snacks (throughout the day - was grazing all day!):
Options drinking chocolate (.5)
Alpen light (1)
Caramel biscuit (1.5)
Oreo biscuit (1)
Some cooked ham (1.5)
Small taste of quiche (1)
Walkers baked crisps (1.5)
Banana bread (2.5) - total guestimate!
6 squares of milka daim (3)
Total points: 27/18
I did actually have 3.5 points left over Saturday that I wasn't planning on carrying over, but I am now. So that leaves 5.5 points that I need to save up across today & Tuesday to get me within my weekly points!
I'm sooooooooooooooo mad at myself for eating so much crap - especially after doing the same the day before too - and I'm worried that it might be a slippery slope as I have serious cravings for chocolate, etc... today now too!! :cry: I felt absolutely horrible last night though & had to get up during the night and this morning for the loo (had to take tablets this morn for my tummy as I was going on a long drive & was freaked out that I'd need the toilet on the way!). It's really affected my mood too as I'm feeling really down in the dumps today and I'm really bloated so I'm having one of those days where the mirror is not my friend.
Oh well, I'll just have to try & do my best to get back on track, and do better next week if I gain/STS this week!