Discover Hoping to become a slim bridesmaid! :)

So, my Saturday off plan turned into a weekend off plan. Not much point in posting my food diary for Saturday & Sunday. Lets just say, they involved chocolate, crisps, popcorn, sweets & a lovely glass of wine. I'm not feeling a bit guilty though as I just really needed it & my cravings are gone now & I'm back on plan today. Weighed myself this morning as I wanted to know if I'd gained after the weekend - so far, it's not showing a gain so hopefully if I'm really good today & tomorrow, I might even manage a loss this week!
Getting back on plan is going really well so far! :D Going to keep my points to a minimum today & tomorrow. Had a delicious dinner of stir-fried veg & rice noodles today for 3 1/2 points & it was soooooo tasty! :)


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ohhh that looks nice how did u make that?? x

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ohhh that looks nice how did u make that?? x

Sent from my GT-I9300 using MiniMins

It was a bit thrown together to be honest, but came out nice! :) Just threw lots of veg (mushrooms, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, sugar-snap peas & peppers) into a pan with veg stock, then tossed in some spices (I think I used mustard powder, paprika & black pepper), some soya sauce & a dash of piri piri sauce, and covered until the veg was cooked. Then added a teeny bit of cornflour at the end to thicken the sauce and then threw in some straight-to-wok rice noodles for the last couple of mins.
Thanks Jaly. I've been a bit slack with updating my food diary this week as I was off plan at the weekend and then was trying to keep my points to a minimum yesterday and today.

Weigh in tomorrow morn. Have my fingers crossed I'll have a loss...or that the damage won't be too bad!
Really determined to stick to plan properly this week and get past the stone next week. Ideally, I'd like to make it to 10 1/2 st next week, then that will leave me with 7lbs to lose before Christmas to get into the 9s. Should be achievable! Hopefully...
Wednesday 7th:
2 oatibix with rice milk (3.5)

Homemade leek & potato soup (.5)
Slice of homemade banana bread (2.5)
Pepsi max (0)

Chicken salad-chicken strips in tomato & black pepper marinade, diced rasher, toasted sunflower & pumpkin seeds, sundried tomatoes and lettuce (5.5)
2 mini meringues (.5)
Treat-size dairy milk (2)

Walkers baked salt & vinegar crisps (1.5)
Blueberries/strawberries (.5)
2 sweets (.5)

Total points: 17/18

Woke up with a headache & sore neck this morning and feeling a bit crappy, so hopefully no comfort eating creeps in! Might treat myself to a treat-size chocolate bar later if I'm still feeling crap.
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ahhh thats my downfall an illness just knocks you all to pot. hope your ok soon xx

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good its not good feeling down xx

Sent from my GT-I9300 using MiniMins
Thanks. I think a lot of it is down to stress to be honest, as I have a lot going on at the moment & I tend to get myself worked up a bit when I find work piling up. I get a lot of neck pain and headaches anyway and stress tends to aggravate it.

I'm delighted with the 3/4lb as I was quite bold at the weekend. So close to the stone now so I'm feeling very positive about it! :)
Thanks Jaly! :)

Away today until Tuesday...again! I'm staying in a hotel tonight until Sunday, then staying with my bro on Sunday & Monday night. I'd never heard of the hotel before so took a bit of a risk staying here...and I love it. I stayed here because I've loads of work to do & there's a huge desk that takes up a whole side of the room. There's also a little foyer area where there's a microwave, cutlery, ice, etc... which is perfect for me! :)

Anyway, here's how today turned out:

Thursday 8th:

Oatibix with rice milk (3.5)


Slice of banana bread (2.5)
'Fry': Grilled rashers, mushrooms, tomato, 1 toast & 1 egg fried in frylight (5)


2 alpen light (2.5)
Banana (1.5)
Biscuit (.5)
Skips (1.5)
3 rice cakes (1)

Total points: 18/18
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Plan for tomorrow.

Friday 19th:
(Not sure exactly what I'm going to get - it's a continental buffet so not sure exactly what they'll have)
Small bowl of cornflakes (3)
Slice toast with a scrape of butter (1.5)

Mexican pepper quinoa pot (new microwaveable ones) (6)


WW ready meal (tomato & basil chicken) (4.5)


Crunchie (3.5)

Total points: 18.5/19
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Thanks Emmaline. I'm going to be away 21 out of 30 days in November (maybe even more) so I don't really have a choice if I want to lose weight! Some days I get very tempted, but for the most part I'm managing ok...for now anyway!

The place I'm staying in now also has a gym so I'd really like to try and go there some time tomorrow. Only prob is I have a really bad infection in one of my toes so it's really really sore, so not sure if it'll hurt while exercising. Fingers crossed I'll find the motivation to at least give it a shot!