How did your family react to the new you?

Partner and close family are pleased and have been complimentary in regards to my loss so far I still get the feeling they are waiting for me to slip up though

People I work with have been fantastic I have to say there kind words and encouragement are driving me on
I have only just started lost 7lbs at last weigh in all my face by the looks of it lol so everyone has noticed. I was speaking with my cousin (lost 5 stone) she said "enjoy it while it lasts soon they will be telling you not to lose anymore even if you still have a high bmi"

It's like my family didnt want to let go of the old her almost? Anyone else had this?

Yeah a bit. My sister and her family call me anorexic now, yet my bmi is 24.5 to 25. On the very top end of normal. I got the "you dont want to lose any more now" after about five stone. You'll get the "you are starting to look gaunt" as well.

I am sure a bit of it is jealousy but some of it genuine concern. Its an instinctive thing to associate rapid change with bad things. In this case, rapid weight loss is often a sign of a serious illness.

Every doctor ive mentioned my weight loss to, has looked very concerned, until i add it was intentional. People are used to you looking a certain way. Also, when your face is puffed out, all those imperfections are all puffed, but lose the weight and they start to show up.

It can also take a while for your face to grow into the new you. I do like playing the "guess how much ive lost" game.
sexyfiredragon - I had a similar comment from my mum as you had from yours... "losing it's the easy bit, it's the keeping it off that's hard"... and I wanted to knock her block off haha! since when is this easy?!

There is a truth in it though. When you are focussed with an end goal in mind, collecting all the different awards, the accolades of success. It can be easy, you are on a roll, and then you reach your target. Now all you are doing is the less exciting and mundane staying where you are.
The reaction from my family has been really positive. My Mam keeps saying how nice it is to see my slimmer and I look more like me, which is nice.

People in work always ask me how much I've lost this week and then raise their eyebrows and exchange looks with each other.
I haven't really bonded with them anyway and don't really see eye to eye with some so I think there's a bit of jealousy. Some have been trying to lose 4/5lbs for months and on SW I can sometimes do that in a week cos the plan is so good.

I'll stop when I'm happy and comfortable in myself. X

Congrats, and done in a great time frame. I remember when i was about your bmi, be prepared for the fact that your next stone you will see a big difference. The closer you get down to the normal weight, the more of a difference each couple of pounds makes.
None of my family can notice my loss, which is so upsetting. My boyfriend is the one that tells me how great I am looking.

I just created the picture to the left, and sent it to my cousin - she said "why have you sent me two photos of yourself?". I then pointed out why, and she said "well you look the same". Sigh

lol.. Dont worry, hit your club 10 and people will be falling over themselves to mention it!
There is a truth in it though. When you are focussed with an end goal in mind, collecting all the different awards, the accolades of success. It can be easy, you are on a roll, and then you reach your target. Now all you are doing is the less exciting and mundane staying where you are.

I guess you're right, I was definitely in the defensive frame of mind when she said it, as it felt like she was saying "you've done this so many times before and always put it back on".... I should have assumed positive intent ;)

And I have to forgive her a bit anyway, we had a lovely chat last night (we live quite far away so only see each other once every month or two) and she said that seeing me last time she was up (and seeing me so happy and confident) had inspired her to do something about her own weight issues, and since then she has lost half a stone, which is fab :)
Congrats, and done in a great time frame. I remember when i was about your bmi, be prepared for the fact that your next stone you will see a big difference. The closer you get down to the normal weight, the more of a difference each couple of pounds makes.

Thank you.

13lbs left and I've also started at the gym to tone up and speed up the last few lbs.
Cannot wait to be target! X
Iv only started sw but my mum has said for every half stone i loose she will give me £50 i hope to loose 3 stone

I dunno weather she thinks this will encourcage me to loose weight and is saying im fat or shes offering the money because she doesnt believe il loose it lol slightly confused on that one but lets go !!!

Git my first £50 and 7.5lbs last week after 3 weeks on sw
Onward and downward
Iv only started sw but my mum has said for every half stone i loose she will give me £50 i hope to loose 3 stone

I dunno weather she thinks this will encourcage me to loose weight and is saying im fat or shes offering the money because she doesnt believe il loose it lol slightly confused on that one but lets go !!!

Git my first £50 and 7.5lbs last week after 3 weeks on sw
Onward and downward

Hey what an incentive!

Well done x