I think i just need to keep an inventory of batteries and make sure i never run out again. It's frustrating getting to the top of the cliff and not being able to fall off - if ya know what i mean!! TMI? Prob sorry haha
I think i just need to keep an inventory of batteries and make sure i never run out again. It's frustrating getting to the top of the cliff and not being able to fall off - if ya know what i mean!! TMI? Prob sorry haha
I'm not being crude but hey, i can't blame you, lol!!! i am yet to meet a man who can work that magic....
karen, is it my mind or was sheree's fast exit for a purpose???![]()
oh i will SO pay for saying that 2moro![]()
lol I dont actually have one of those ones but yeah they do resemble that
PMSL.....doesnt that happen with blokes as well???! !!
EXACTLY!!!! No man can match it's abilities!! But they are welcome to hold it haha!!!
Yeah sheree obviously got a bit hot under the collar and is dragging poor unsuspecting dh up the wooden hill!!
hee hee, you can tell it's late with all our conversations, tiredness makes you lose inhibition slightly tee hee
Which bit Kazz? The keeping of the inventory? (defo) or the inability to fall off the cliff (without a flipping doubt!) Lazy flipping articles!!
Hi Karen3 weeks???? Wouldn't he get bored ? lol
8 dates?!?! think i'd get bored
What a dilemma!
Interesting how the threads with sex in the title get more responses!!!!
I'd say when you both feel like it Karen. My OH and I went on 5 dates ... but that was Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wdnesday and on Thursday I literally undressed him and made love to him on my settee! He moved in a week later!!!! He'd said he'd been so surprised/shocked/pleased - as I'd given off signals that it wasn't to be for ages ..... then I turned round and ravished him!!! We're still together 9 months later - and I still like to "shock" him by doing something he's not expecting!!!
Have a good time on your date .... and in your own time Karen!
Yep!!! We couldn't bear to be apart ... still can't! and so it just seemed like a good idea at the time! Still going strong - so I guess it was!!!