How many dates before s.e.x?

Obviously i need to add my twopennath (or however you spell it) here!!!

I have a 6 date rule, but TBH, only usually last about 3 or 4.

If you give it up too quickly, it all becomes rather too easy for the bloke. The longer you manage to hold out, the more nervous they get that you might not be all that into them, the nicer they treat you. Plus, it's nice to be chased. But please don't think I think i'm an expert by ANY MEANS!!! Anything I've learned has been learned the very very hard way, and is the result of a lot of mistakes and tears.

In my experience if you don't wait, even just a little bit, it has always got too intense, too quickly. And that's no good if you want something more long term.

Anyway, you know what they say about opinions....
Beverley you tart - fancy moving in together after 5 dates & only 5 days!!!

OH & I met on a Sat night, he came to visit 2 weeks later (stayed but nothing happened), came again the following weekend & moved in the weekend after that. He was getting posted near me (he was in the army back then) & he paid his food & lodgings at the base for 5 months then gt it all back as he never slept there!!! That was over 10 years ago!!! This brings back some wonderful memories.

We are still very happy all these years later...

Beverley you tart - fancy moving in together after 5 dates & only 5 days!!!

No Nicky you misjudge me!!!! :eek: We had 5dates over 5days and then we had sex!! ;) He didn't move in until a week and 2days after that!!!! (although he might as well have as he was at mine more than his!!! :D )

Hope we too can get to 10yrs and be as happy as we are now!! :D :) ;) Ahhhh (Pierce I now want love heart icons as well as tears/crying icons!!!)
Moving in so quickly was - at the time - a big shock for everyone....but now so many years on it has become quite funny.

I was so lucky I had a bad marriage (married at 21 & divorced 18 months later!), it took a year before I saw anyone else & only 2 months after that I met Mark. I don't regret any of it though - I appreciate him so much more because of what I went through.

My moto in life is do what makes you happy, that applies to work & home life - there is no point in living with regrets!
