Sounds more exciting than it is. I'm a community nurse so we get a lease car. We get to choose it (within reason) and we make a monthly payment. I have a wee mini, just now, which I adore. So that's going back today and I'm getting a BMW 1 series, basic model. The good thing about a lease car is anything wrong with it, services, new tyres etc is all included in the monthly payment so no worrying about unexpected car bills. My OHs was on the blink last week. He's a mechanic instructor, which helps, but was still 250 for parts. Hopefully yours will get used to the cold. Like we have too

Aw you'll be tired and emotional if your wee ones poorly. Toast is such a comfort food. The good thing about ww is you can have anything so long as you point it. Plus you have another 49 weekly points on top of that your daily points that you can either spread over the week or use for a blow out

. So your toast will be fine. Was it 2 slice, white bread and butter?x