How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Thanks hun. I'm just sick of it. If they didn't go on at me about seeing me again there'd be no issue. And now my friend who I will be seeing is bringing her daughter along-it sounds harsh but I have had 2 baby free evenings in 2.5 years. I don't want to go out for a meal with someone else's kid climbing over everything. I'm so grumpy!
I know what you mean! You just wanted a child free, Fran centered weekend! Its takes so much planning and organising and then other people take that for granted. Enjoy yourself as much as you can.
Enjoy the time out - even without the responibility and life-consumption of a child I just need some me time. It's frustrating when friends don't make that time - especially when they bug you to make time for them. My friend is a bugger for whinging at me to see her but then when we do arrange to meet up I turn up to find she's dragged a random colleague from work or some girl she's met in the pub along. I wouldn't mind ordinarily - if I saw her all the time - but when she's hassling me for proper quality time it doesn't make any sense! Plus she's the worst for whining that she doesn't have any money to go out with me when I know she splurges it on eating out in London with the cool kids and trying to live the lifestyle she aspires to without the cash to back it up! Huff.

I hope you're there by now and having a wonderful time! Send us pictures!
Oops - posted in the wrong diary!

Have a picture of my dinner anyway seeing as I can't seem to delete it..!


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Hi Fran. How was your weekend? Hope you enjoyed yourself xxx
Hi guys. Weekend was good. Feeling tired and emotional now. Going to tidy up, get some washing on, set out tomorrow's clothes and pass out catching up on corrie. Put about a stone on but feel happy it will be going down again for next Wednesday.

Come back to a poorly little boy who is utterly exhausted. Mum was pretty ****ing rude, but what's new? I know he is hard work but stop offering help if you don't actually mean it! It puts me in a shittier situation than if you didn't offer at all. Cuddles with Nate and an early night with calpol then a cup of tea and some straightening out for me.

How are you guys doing? That was a lovely picture of your tea em. Haha
Sounds like you had a good time. Poor Nate, is he okay? Is he poorly because you went away and wound himself up? Silly mum, mine used to do the same - behaved like a martyr after looking after my two. It really used to piss me off!
Good luck getting back on plan. WI for me today!
Hey Fran, just trying to catch up with things round here! Glad you had a nice weekend :) and your pic with Nate really shows how slim you've got! Love the bright dress. Nate is super cute, gorgeous hair. When do you have your hair appt? I wanna see!
Have a good day hun xx
Hi fran, sorry you had your friends let you down very rude of them to make such a fuss then not follow through with it!
Hope you had some well deserved me time even if your mum did spoil it when you got home :( bit unnecessary! Anyway hope you have had a lovely time with nate since you got back (missed that he was poorly but hope he feels better soon) bet he missed you loads xxx
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Hi Fran. How are you? Hope Nate is feeling better xxx
Hi Anju, Nate didn't ask for me at all. I tried to prepare him about me leaving and he had a change in routine so I suppose wasn't getting his usual mummy cues. he said he missed me though. Thankfully I have found a lovely lady to cover my Tuesday shift, so hopefully things will ease up. she was in the mood to stir up a fight since I got back. I'm surprised I haven't bitten through my tongue! She eased up this afternoon though. Nate's just got a little cold, it's the usual bug/cold season as you probably know yourself! How did you get on at weigh in?

Hey Minks! I can't really get a good picture of the colour, but I love it. It's nice and fun but only really noticeable when I move about.... which doesn't make for a good picture. haha. Thanks for the compliment I've gotten a lot bigger given everything going on. I'm hoping to just get smaller and smaller until xmas! how are you getting on? I know work was crazy for you for some time.

Hi Scarlet, love the new picture. Very cute. I loved the me day, really relaxing and enjoyable. If they are that bothered about seeing me they can make the journey this time, which won't be happening, but it takes the pressure off of me. Not long after I got back I had to get Nate off to bed then I was off to work at 10am the next day, then finish at 2pm, took him to toddlers, and the child minder I got to know last year can take him on Tuesday 10-2 and I will just meet her at toddlers. Dad said he will drop Nate off at hers so that's really good. My friend's little boy has just started to go to her too, which is nice. He is a lovely lad. Are things still crazy busy with work? how is running going still?

Tell me about it Jo! How's your family doing?

Hey texty, it was really good. pretty knackered again now I am back! I've not really had chance to catch up with everything.

Well, I weighed in. up a mighty 4lbs. impressive work! We had a new fella run the group today, and it was really good. He's lost 16+ stone so far and so it was really nice to hear from a consultant who had lost a lot of weight. All credit to people who need to lose a stone, it could be easy to ignore and carry on, and it is still hard work, but my C says she doesn't know what it is like to need to lose a lot of weight. This bloke did and he was really funny and really honest. I've checked out his blog and there are a few things I really do disagree with, but he has some very good suggestions and tips too. Paul Palmer's slimming world journey is his blog. Anyway my brain has forgotten what it was going to do. something about hoping not to gain until xmas. want to get to 13st 13lbs for xmas. i dunno. brain has broken. damn it. planned the week... shopping tomorrow... umm.. yeah brain has stopped.
Glad Nate is okay.
i gained half a pound but I am okay with it as I had relis over which meant a shift in eating patterns. I have been doing red days for the past month and have had great losses and 2 gains (first gains this year) think I haven't really understood original properly and my C is useless as she just said she wasn't sure as she mainly did green on her journey and why don't I try that instead!
Loving the new motivation for Christmas. I want to have lost another 2 stone, but I know that in 13 weeks that is a big challenge! Just realised that is very similar weight to your goal! Lets keep each other motivated and try our best xx
Oh dear your c doesn't sound very good :( maybe do ee again for a while to build your confidence up again.

Motivating each other sounds good to me. I have been filling in my food diary today just to remind me when and what I am eating.

Porridge with banana, blueberries, raspberries using a heb and some of my hea milk (350ml measured) I had a cup of tea using some of my milk and half a tsp sugar. I got stevia sweeteners and it makes my tongue go numb. Got other sweeteners coming this afternoon. I had an apple at work and fizzy water. Before work I made my lentil and veg soup. I've heated it up and will eat it in a second. Lentils, stock, curry powder, passata, veg and a potato. I have scoffed some cooked chicken too as I was sooo hungry and my carrots weren't cooked through in my soup yet. Glad it was cooked chicken and not junk though. I've defrosted some pork for tea. I will herb and spice it up and serve with new potatoes, broccoli, carrots and green beans.
Another good day. Been super hungry today though.

B: fruit and yogurt
L: ham and cheese (HEA) salad wholemeal roll (HEB) with pickles and lentil soup (same as yesterday)
s: apple, plum, grapes, half a fig
d: salmon pasta with fat free fromage frais, leek, courgette, mushrooms, broccoli
s: twirl (11.5) jelly (0.5)
Still hungry so had another apple and another yogurt.

Good news was I cooked 100g of pasta for Nate and I for tea, we only used half of it before I was full... which is probably why I keep being hungry now. It means tomorrow's lunch is sorted.

There's no more tap class starting, which is a shame. I've found an aqua fit class which would be fun but i dunno if I could make it or if I can afford babysitter, cost of travel and the class. boo :( Taking Nate either swimming or blackberry picking tomorrow which should add in some body magic.
Hey missy, I've been thinking about you lots lately, to the point that I dreamed I drove down to see you for a jacket potato last night!

Gym/swimming pool classes can be so expensive. I always just end up thinking I'm better off getting my arse out for a stomp for an hour, but that's not easy with a littley. It's a real shame about tap class.

How has your weekend been? Mum being nicer?
you are right Em. I took Nate swimming on Saturday and it was about £5 just for the hydrotherapy pool (warmer and no chlorine, it uses UV light) add in the bus fair and it adds up quick. It was the first time in nearly 2 years and he started off being really scared and clinging to me, by the time it was for us to go he didn't want to leave and he was "swimming" end to end with little arm floats on and he was practicing kicking by holding onto the rails. I was so proud. I might take him again this weekend. all the parent and toddler classes are while I am at work. boo. I was about 75%-80% on saturday and sunday, but 100% again today, which is a positive.

Mum's been better again. she does it pretty regularly, as you probably know! I got offered more hours at work today, which is lovely but if i took on more hours I would lose a lot of the help I receive and the hours aren't necessarily regular, they are just to deal with the weddings and funerals at the other church. For whom they have employed someone to do. The idea was I would take on some of the vicar's stuff and then I wouldn't have to deal with the other church and they'd employ someone for 3 hours a week to deal with their church. I said I could help in an unofficial way but I couldn't afford to do it properly.

I have plenty of potatoes if you do want to come for a spud. haha, pretty sure you should be dreaming of your wedding though. silly low fat sausage.

Nate keeps waking up in the night talking about a monster going to get him. I'm pretty knackered. I promised him I looked everywhere and there were no monsters and he was safe, so here's hoping he will stay asleep. Hoping to have another 100% day tomorrow and aim for a full 100% week next week. I figure this week is so much better than previous weeks hopefully we will have progress back down.