How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Aww congratulations! That's great news! How exciting! Is work still going well?
Oh I'm glad it is still going well. Mine is good too.

Just had a really yummy food day. Another red one. Breakfast was just fruit and yogurt because it was a busy morning. Lunch was a cheese and mushroom omelette with salad. Had one alpen light bar for a snack when Nate had a biscuit. Dinner was curried cottage pie with extra superfree and instead of potato I mashed butternut squash topped with a second hea of cheese. So got 1.5 heb left and all but half a syn left too. Oh and dinner was served with broccoli and cauliflower.
Food sounds lush. I'm moving in with you. I can't seem to stop eating! I'm like a baby that needs feeding every 2 hours. Keep having something little and often - even if it is a muller light. Fingers crossed for a good loss this week as it has slowed down a lot!
Little and often will do well for a loss.

It was a lovely dinner. Tomorrow breakfast is the same as today then lunch of jacket potato with beans hea cheese and salad. Dinner is a black bean stew and rice or orzo depending on what the stew is like. I'm working 9-1pm. Meeting first thing and my brain isn't working. This stupid flu thing is still running on me. My voice has nearly gone and it's sucky. 3 weeks now. I'm never taking Nate for a flu jab again. It gave hin the damn flu and in turn gave it to me.
Oh no poor you! I have never had the flu jab, but noticed the posters encouraging small children to get it done! Hope you feel better soon xxx
Thanks hun. It's been awful. Never mind preventing it it bloody spreads it. The dog kept whining and bouncing last night because he didn't want to go to bed. This woke Nate up 3 times, which meant he was up and down the rest od the night. Argh. Exhausted, ill and not happy. Thank god that horrid dog is going back today. He was supposed to go back yesterday. He's an unpleasant dog and I'm sick of worrying about him getting Nate.

Hope everyone else's day goes better than mine is about to!
Hi hun sorry to hear you've both been poorly hope you feel better soon! You'll probably curse me for saying it but nate must have been unlucky and picked it up from somewhere before the jab took effect, it doesn't have the live virus in it so can't actually give you flu.
Food sounding good, not been on plan at all lately, not been going crazy but just kinda ate whatever. Think I've been maintaining but not actually weighed in weeks. Just not been in the right frame of mind for it.
Went wedding dress trying on at the weekend (far too early!) but did what I didn't want to do and totally fell in love with a dress that fitted almost perfectly. It's a closing down sale so once it's gone it's gone and its half the original price! Still can't afford it right now and they can't reserved it for me so might have to let it go! Found a woman online selling her one (same dress, same size but has had slight alterations) and she lives round the corner and selling it for a quarter of the original price, much more doable!
Fingers crossed it fits! Will find out tonight! If it's snug will be good motivation to get my head back in the game!.
Hope your day does get better hun. Good riddance dog! :) x
Ooh I hope the altered dress is perfect well done on the bargain hunting. I dont hate you at all. It said they might get coughs and sneezing etc in the side effect leaflet hence assuming it was that. Everyone has had a good giggle at my voice today but a lush man popped in and so I enjoyed my husky voice then! Rawr.

We will be having the dog again a couple more times next month too. He's not tooo awful really I guess. He is a thief and never trusted alone with Nate though.

Nate had breakfast this morning of jam toast and half a banana. Then when I left he had banana porridge with mum, then cheese and crackers and a cake. He did lots of poo for her. Lol. Just napping now. I will have lunch and a nap too I think.
Ooh sexy voice! Haha! It can cause a little sniffle but anything worse is likely to be a coincidence.
Ooh nates had a nice morning then, and always a bonus when the pooey nappies are on someone else's watch :)
Thanks hun, I hope it fits too but trying to not get my hopes up! I'm hoping whoever did the alterations left the excess material in the seams so it could be let back out again. Just have to wait and see!
Nap sounds good, enjoy! What are your plans for the afternoon? X
They should do if they were any good. Brides get bigger as well as smaller afterall! Ended up not having lunch which is a good job really had fruit and yogurt for lunch but was starving at work. Usually fruit and yogurt is fine on a Monday. Ended up having 2 buns at 200 cals each. Feel too tired and run down to be doing the black bean stew so going to do egg, chips and beans with a quick salad before. I'm not pleased with the buns but on balance I was too tired to have lunch and it balanced out I guess calorifically just not nutritionally.

I weighed myself this morning and it showed 1lb loss in one place on the floor and a 5lb loss on another patch. Lol. The 5lb came up first hence moving it thinking it can't be right. Either way a LOSS has shown up and that's the important part. Just nees to not let myself get too hungry!
Put the scales back to where they were! Can you put mine with yours please. Would love a 5lb loss this week! Sad to hear you are still feeling tired, just try and not do too much. Keep life and food simple for yourself until you feel better xx
Evening Fran - sorry to hear your still not feeling too good. 3 weeks is a long time for it to drag on, daughter is in her 2nd week now and her voice is still croaky. Her glands are swollen and she has lots of mucus (sorry TMI) in her throat, luckily her chest is clear.

Your food sounds lovely as always yum yum chips egg n beans, a proper cold days meal. Good luck at the scales hunni xx
aww yay Scarlet!! I wanted to like like like that! yipee!

Thanks hun, i chopped up a linda mccartney red onion and rosemary sausage in the beans and added garlic and paprika. Amazingly yum. Aww I hope she gets better soon. I coughed up something really hideous yesterday. I hope her chest stays clear it's awful if anything gets down there. Nate's nearly better so here's hoping we can go swimming on Saturday again, it's been a month.

Skip this if you are of a nervous disposition....

I just did THE most humongous poo ever!!! scales went down by 1.8lbs!!! Nate did a third poop for today too. I think it was the curried cottage pie (leek, onion, garlic, mushrooms, carrots, pasatta) topped with butternut squash with broccoli and cauliflower on the side. KAPOW! toilets beware.

OK, safe now. Got my super busy day tomorrow. work 10-2pm (loads to do) then 2-3:30pm toddlers then we usually jump off to the park after that for a while. dinner tomorrow is quick as you like Gammon with heb wedges and carrots and whatever other veg i can find.
Awwww Fran I have missed you and your descriptive posts they make me LOL

Another one tomorrow and it will take you closer to that 5lb off lol
Hahahahaha! I love your posts, Fran! Thank goodness the rest of my office has gone to lunch as I am just sat here chucking at my desk. :giggle:

I've bloody well missed you. Welcome back!

I have been busy busy and not getting on here much for the past few weeks, but trying to plan despite too many celebratory engagement dinners with too many family members. I'm back at group though so I'm going to kick this butt once and for all. Hopefully the scales show a good loss for both of us!

Ohhh Scarlett, how exciting! I am itching to go wedding dress shopping but my sister is in Australia until next August and I promised her I'd wait until she's back - she's even cutting her trip short so we can go 9 months before the wedding to give them time to order the dress in. I fell in love with a dress in a shop window which is totally not what I thought I'd want but I just can't get it out of my head. And it's a Vera Wang. I am aware that it might just look like I've wrapped myself in loo roll...


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