I just shoved some chocolate in (13 so total is 37.5, closer to what it should be at) I just don't want any :/ but I know really low syns does nothing.
That's so sweet you finished it scarlet. This is only little. I think charity shops are a bit hit and miss, ones near where there are a lot of older people are good for them. My kit didnt come with enough thread so I got a bunch of colours at the charity shop

I got an amazing 70s tea set about 8 years ago from a charity shop for £6! Before it was fashionable again. Haha.
Texty, I don't have the measurements yet, or my sewing machine, BUT I'm getting temporary good quality ones from the old house, including a blackout blind for Nate's room, then when they sell this place I'm getting some of these curtains, really expensive and lush, heavy lined. The ones I will be putting in the lounge are blue and edged in brown leather. I'd never afford these, even sewing them up myself, so it is very exciting. I've got French Windows from the lounge on to the balcony and my current bedroom curtains are for French Windows onto a balcony so they should fit.
I think my next project is either planning interior for the new house, although I can paint it for a while because it is a new build. Or just doing some silly designs for clothes for young boys. Just to play around.
Texty, you should see the prices on eBay for hifi bars. It is mad.