How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

No problem. Is it sad I didn't have to look it up? Lol.
Looking for part time work, not evenings and weekends and I've discovered i'm UNDER qualified to be a cleaner! FFS I have a 2:1 hons degree from one of the countries top universities and I don't qualify for ANYTHING! It's too damned depressing.

Hmmmm, how does that work exactly?? Are there any part time shop or food place jobs? Sorry to hear honey :( xx
The kicker is I can't work evenings or weekends because the childcare would be more than I was earning :( There's a full time assistant manager job I could do, I was an assistant manager in retail, this is just a switch to hospitality, but I could blag I have experience in my parent's B&B. Unfortunately I know the place, and the woman who runs it makes people do a "trial" in which she makes them work for a week, or longer if she can get away with it, and never pay them, then she just readvertises the job, never actually employing anyone.
Life is bad when you type "i don't know what to do with my life career" into google. Worse when you click on an Oprah article. Hope returns when you start laughing at it and stop reading. I'm not finding my inner animal. mine would be a cake eating sloth. I cannot make shopping and crafts into a career. Yes so and so did it, so and so had contacts, lived in civilization, had a degree in business and several other things I do not have. I suppose I could craft a sloth outfit and bake a cake and eat it...
Fran a friend of mine, with 3 small children, works from home. She makes telesales calls and earns commission from every booking. I could find out more if you like, or you could google this in your area. Might be worth looking at?
Looking for part time work, not evenings and weekends and I've discovered i'm UNDER qualified to be a cleaner! FFS I have a 2:1 hons degree from one of the countries top universities and I don't qualify for ANYTHING! It's too damned depressing.

The kicker is I can't work evenings or weekends because the childcare would be more than I was earning :( There's a full time assistant manager job I could do, I was an assistant manager in retail, this is just a switch to hospitality, but I could blag I have experience in my parent's B&B. Unfortunately I know the place, and the woman who runs it makes people do a "trial" in which she makes them work for a week, or longer if she can get away with it, and never pay them, then she just readvertises the job, never actually employing anyone.

Life is bad when you type "i don't know what to do with my life career" into google. Worse when you click on an Oprah article. Hope returns when you start laughing at it and stop reading. I'm not finding my inner animal. mine would be a cake eating sloth. I cannot make shopping and crafts into a career. Yes so and so did it, so and so had contacts, lived in civilization, had a degree in business and several other things I do not have. I suppose I could craft a sloth outfit and bake a cake and eat it...

How can you be underqualified? I don't get it?? I think the job world has gone mad. It's a shame about the assistant manager job because I think you would be fab at it and an asset to any company, but that's very naughty of the woman who runs it making people do "trials". Glad you have had a bit of a giggle at some articles.

Good luck for WI today.
Thanks guys. I know it is barmy but I had a proper look at what I really enjoy doing and what career could come from that, and I will start trying to find was to get into that field. it is administration. Which is something I have thought about in the past, but all the jobs needed various qualifications, but looking into it more and looking for junior work it is something I have experience in and can see myself doing long term. Now to find a job!!!

Thanks anju, I worked in marketing and sales before and i got utterly depressed, to the point of wanting to go back on medication. It is one field I won't go anywhere near. That was really sweet of you to think of me though, so thank you. Nate takes the phone off me all the time. I bet he could do good telesales.

As for weigh in.... I lost 1.5lbs! In a new stone bracket, bmi down to obese (I) so the next bracket aim is to be overweight! Yay! Lol, how backwards. Got to work to my July goal now! 1.5lbs to get my 5.5 stone award.... Need to keep focussed this week!
Well done! :happy096: Next stone bracket down you must be so chuffed, all your hard work is paying off (and the smaller plate club). Lets hope that 1.5lb is off next week for a new shiny. Don't forget to change your stats.
well done on your loss. that is amazing. maybe I will try your smaller plate idea, i have noticed I am putting less on a plate than before.
Thanks ladies :)

Haha adelle, no chance of me forgetting to change my stats! 2 stone until I have hit my 2nd interim Target and I'm overweight. When I was last this weight I was shorter than I am now. So basically any loss from now on my bmi will be lower than it has ever been :)

Woop Woop the small plate club! Anju it is only because I was still eating as much as i was 5 stone ago, rather than eating less like you are. The smaller plate is so I feel I am having as much but I literally cannot fit as much on there. It is something to consider if you aren't losing weight. Basically i am a greedy pig.

Minks! Yes! A double shiny shindig! Bit worried I can't get another good loss after 2.5, 2 and 1.5 after my last couple of crummy months I will have to keep an eye on it!

Food stuffs before I forget
B: banana, yogurt, Orange
S: pear
L: pulled pork and smokey sauce in a wholemeal roll (heb) with beetroot and gherkins. Mmmm

Dinner is now diet coke chicken with mash. All prepared just waitting for the parents to return from seeing the bank manager. The one who thought I sounded sexy. Lol.

Got an appointment with the job centre on the 22nd. Perfect timing, except i will have to miss tap class. But mum and dad are happy to have Nate so he wont be screaming the place down this time.
Hi Fran - well done on the loss hun great news. Wow when I come back both you and Minky will have new shinys and certificates im keeping my fingers crossed for you both x
Ah thanks texty my love. Bit worried now, I've not had a good run of good losses since January. I really need to keep my focus.

Ok, so dinner was the diet coke chicken and mash, which I loaded with veggies. Didn't want my hea today, I'll have some tomorrow, promise. I have had some grapes and 3 cheddars (so good) and a custard tart. So that is my full 15 syns (12 for tart and 1 for each of the cheddars). Totally worth it too.

Oh, and I got a little bar of the maltesers bar thing. :) saving it for later in the week.