How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Ooh.... Mum has some fake tan leg make up stuff. Thanks for reminding me.

Thanks for the luck guys. I wasn't expecting mine to show a loss so here's hoping.

My arse is sore. I think I played on the toddler slide too much. Woe.
Haha, yeah, I didn't think playing on the slide so much worked your bum.... I did a lot of roundabouting too. So if anyone wants to work their bum muscles go to the park!

I have news. Down another lb. Which is tres bon. I need another 3lbs in two weeks to hit the consultant's stone challenge. A man lost 6.5lbs this week so got sotw, sotm and his stone award. I wanted sotm. Git ;) I did shift 6lbs this month though, which I am really pleased about. I did win the raffle too. woop. And i got another new dress from the charity shop. £7.50 size 14 and a designer I didn't know, but mum did and his dresses are usually a couple of hundred pounds. Super win.

Got home. Fed the babe, fed me, he has just had his bottle and down for a nap and i am going to plan my sore arse off!
Eei thanks ladies.

I've had a lot of practice, and sometimes you can go months without seeing anything, other times there are loads. Mum got Nate a cute tshirt (brand new with tags for 80p) and a shirt for 80p too. She got herself a nice dress as well.

I've found somewhere which will sell Nate's old clothes. Apparently she decides the price to put them at and the money is split 50/50 which is more than fair as it is her shop, and she has all the overheads.

13lbs left to lose before mid July and 3 in the next 2 weeks. Aiming for 2 this week so I need to stop being on here and get planning!
Well done on the loss. Those 3lbs will be off before you know it. WOW to another dress, would love to see a photo.
Ah I am in my jimjams I'm afraid.

Aim is for 2lbs this week. Hoping to keep up these losses. I've planned out this week and the shopping is coming tomorrow :)

Today has been
B: yogurt, pear, banana.
L: sausages (1 syn), onions, sw chips, egg, beans. An Apple.
D: pearl barley, sweet potato, onion, garlic, carrot and chicken bake thing.

Hea - 3 mini babybel light
Heb - 2 hifi light
Syns - 1 sausages, 0.5 milk, 13 peanut butter kitkat chunky.

Bit light on the superfree today but still on little plates.

Tomorrow: a bit of a pork day!
B: sausage sandwich with onions and mushrooms (heb and 1 syn)
L: Bacon and onion sw quiche with salad
D: pork chops with cabbage and cheese (hea) it has yet more onions and garlic in, my mum makes it and it is utter comfort food. Probably serve it with carrots.

So there is one syn in my meals but I am sure I will use more! I think aiming for 70 for the week is a good idea for me. I did daily ones this past week.
Thanks britt :)

Yeah, the smaller plates have worked a wonder. I had a lot today, I'm always really hungry on a Wednesday. Just had another cup of tea so full 15 syns today.

Wondering what to do tomorrow. I think Nate might need some time to run around at home, and Tesco is coming in the afternoon.

Got a letter and house is delayed again until the 20th of May. Ahh, I wonder if it will be delayed again!
It is super exciting. If I can lose these 6lbs in may I will be really pleased. I have 5 weigh ins in may so it should be achievable. I didn't have any mini goals set up past 5.5 stone, but now I have grown my inch back my bmi goals have altered slightly.

Nate had a new word today.... "knickers" that cracked me up this morning.

B: sausage sandwich with onions and mushrooms. Heb and 1 syn. I also used 1 syn of milk and 0.5 syn of sugar. So 2.5 so far and i know she is putting vermouth in the dinner but I don't know how much yet. 17.5 for the week 2/7

My dad had a choc choc bittik in front of Nate but didn't share any. So I asked Nate if he'd like a biscuit and he said "okay!" Then, after he was told to he said "yes pleeeeease" with a big grin on his face. And he padded after me while I got him q cow biscuit. Oh, and he now runs around saying "bbuzzzzzzzz" when I tell him to be a bee. Very funny.