How to lose half your body weight in 10 days (Or a bit longer!)

Glad your gain was less than expected! All that extra body magic sounds brilliant and what a good find with the EE book! It seems the SW gods were trying to send you a message... :D It's great that your group is so supportive.

That's a shame about the childminder. I'm glad your mum has eased up though.

How are you doing today, chicken? :)
Haha, yep, I took it as a sign from rhe sw gods too! Things seem good so far today. Got a bunch of housework done this morning before work and prepared the lunch I am about to scoff too. Saves me coming in from work and shovelling anything and every thing in, or going off menu and thinking "I may as well eat all this too".

I hate french toast so I made it into scrambled eggs and a piece of fruit and a cup of tea this morning. Heb and half a syn.
Lunch is couscous salad with feta for my hea and 1 syn of olives.
Tea tonight is roast chicken at mum's .

I made the couscous salad this morning so I would have it and not just decide I dont fancy it and go for comfort food or off plan.

Food shopping is arriving between 4pm and 5pm and I'm sorted for the week.

I know I can do this, I will do this.
Yes you can! And you will!

Ooh I really fancy a cous cous salad now you've said that. I think we have some in the cupboard and I've got a jar of olives in brine in the fridge. Yum.

I am madly popping fibre capsules as I am so bloated at the moment. It's making me not want to do anything and I wake up in a bad mood because I feel so dreadful. Aunt Flo is nearly a week late now (but on her way because I'm cramping and my boobs are humungous!) and I'm sure that's not helping. Grumble grumble. Probably explains the munchies, too.

Roast dinner at my mummy's on Sunday! I've asked her for chicken or beef so we can have something leaner (normally I'd go for lamb or pork but I'm a crackling fiend). I'm out for dinner twice next week and I'm basically not going to be on plan - not going overboard, but not on plan. Unfortunately, as that's Tue & Thu it'll hit two weeks of WI! Woe!
Ooh I dunno swollen boobs, bloating, cramps, late period.... I'd get a test ;)

The couscous salad was really good. I made it with stock and added ground coriander, ground cinnamon etc. It was really good.

Sounds like you have a busy week ahead. Maybe try to see it less as two not good weeks but rather two weigh ins with smaller losses instead of a possible gain and a loss. Did that make sense? I'm pooped. Walked to mum's we had sw roast dinner, Natle most of my potatoes. Monster. He had a great time, he adores Bella, my brother's girlfriend's sister's youngest kid. They are SO cute together! !! When I put Nate to bed he said he wanted to play with Bella. Mum made candy floss after dinner and the kids were loving it. Nate had two little bits. His eyes were pink he was so tired. He was being really nice and aminable and not clinging to me all the time, which was nice. He loves my brother, he has always been like catnip to kids.

Had a good food day.

B- heb toast, eggs, banana
S- yogurt and an apple
L- couscous salad with hea feta and 1 syn of olives
D- roast chicken dinner. 6 syns for stuffing
1 syn for milk, 4 syn hoops and crosses, 3 syn hifi light.
15 syns total

Rumbling tum now but I have fruit and yogurts in the fridge.

Working 1-5 tomorrow, hopefully with something going on. I think I will be mowing the lawn in the morning. Then on Saturday we are all going to bridport now... I was going to go on my own to see if any of Nate's old clothes have sold. They have a market on a Saturday which is nice too.

Mum said today it is a shame the travel cot isnt at their house so nate and I could have stayed over :eek: *in shock*
Your Mum sounds like mine - I never know whether I'm coming or going with her!

It's lovely that Nate gets on so well with Bella and your brother. I can see my brother being similar - he's always been life and soul and he's basically a puppy at heart! If I am lucky enough to have kids they will get spoilt rotten by my family. My sister's desperate for a baby but she hasn't ever really had a man on the scene. My brother's gf's niece and niece/nephew-to-be live out in Sydney so she's desperate to have a little one around. She's just finishing her PhD so they won't be having little ones any time soon.

I'll give Aunt Flo another week... I used to be all over the place but I've got the mirena fitted now and it's regulated things. My cycle used to be longer though so maybe it's just reverting back. I can hope!

You always have so much going on - I don't know how you do it! Fingers crossed all this activity will add up to a good result on the scales.

You're right about two smaller losses. I'm going to do my best. Not long til holiday now and it's not looking like I'll be sporting a bikini!
Ah mum's eh?! I put Nate down for a nap when I got back, went downstairs and mum had fallen asleep on the sofa. So funny. It is tricky with not knowing how she will be but I'm used to it. I think she is enjoying having all the family round and getting the excuse of running away to my place because she has to babysit. She left 2 hours after I got back. Lol.

Aw that must be hard, wanting a child but no fella around. When Nate is older ( like 10-15) and he wanted a sibling I'd try fostering. It is something I think about and I know a few people who do foster kids. So that could be something your sister could look into. Kids are lovely, but they're not an accessory, which some people seem to lose sight of. Not that im saying your sister thinks that! My nieces' mum said her friend wanted her little boy to look like mine. The poor child was barefoot because his shoes hurt him because they were too small. I gave her all of Nate's old shoes so at least his feet wouldn't be crushed. Nate has massive feet. Poor bloody kid.

I dont really do too much. I'm at work for a few hours 4 days a week, Wednesday is flab club then a wander round town usually, every other Thursday is mobile library, I go to church a couple of Sundays a month so I can be pestered. 'Tis cake this Sunday to say bye to the vicar. Thankfully every thing has cream on which I hate. That just leaves Saturdays for something to do. It has been a few busy ones with the zoo, then exeter for Alyssa' s birthday party, then a long walk and picnic because I needed to go into town. The alternative is stay home and have nate get bored and grumpy and me be bored and grumpy and no one is having fun or learning anything. Nate is loving learning about the tomatoes growing. We have loads, none are ripe yet though. And he likes crafting but I want to save that stuff for when the weather turns. He likes going out and about seeing things.

He really plays nicely with Bella, who apparent ly likes younger kids because she can be the boss. Nate is very compliant so it works out well. They were on the play set together and the child model conversation started up again. "Are you sure? Look at this picture!?" Yes I am sure. I only just found out mum used to get approach ed about me when I was a toddler too. Which means nate will grow out of it. Lol. It is nice people think he is so pretty, but I don't want that for my kid. 1 it would involve a lot of travel. 2 it is expensive. 3. I don't want Nate to grow up thinking his only value is in how he looks. 4. I don't want the day to come when he auditions for something, doesn't get it, and thinks negatively about himself. When he is older if he wants to do it he can, but I am not introducing him into that world when he is too young to say that is what he wants.
My OH and I were both lucky enough to have parents who did stuff with us. John's always saying things he'd like to do with our potential future children! We currently live in a block of flats and the ground floor is all young families. Some of them are there all day and it seems the only interaction they have with their parents is being screamed at. It doesn't have to be expensive! My friends are getting married next week and while bride-to-be was on her hen, Blake took their three-year-old out for blackberry picking and pond dipping in the local area. His face in the photos is just adorable - he was so excited with all his little finds and loved getting messy making crumble later. My parents both worked a lot when we were little because they didn't have a lot of money, but my Nanna and Poppa took us out regularly, just to the park etc, and were always encouraging us to think and ask lots of questions. We were always learning but we just didn't know it!

One of my favourite memories was my Poppa teaching me how to draw noses. I was drawing a picture of him (I still remember colouring in his yellow shirt) and he showed me how to draw two lines for the sides of the nose and two dots for the nostrils. The trouble came when I went to draw in his moustache after he'd left and I couldn't remember if it went above or below his nose - ha! I drew it above first off and then had to rub it out! It was precious time and I was very fortunate. I love watching my baby video (I say baby, it goes up to when I was 5) and seeing my very patient Nanna sit there while I cover her in the make-up play set I got for my birthday. She had two pink lipstick circles on her cheeks as blusher and she's sitting there telling me how beautiful I've made her feel. Bless her!

For what it's worth, I think it's the right decision not to get Nate involved in modelling at such a young age. He sounds like a very bright boy who's going to do well in lots of areas in life and your reasoning is sound! My sister was in a Cow & Gate advert as a baby but my mum didn't pursue it any further - she was just stopped in a shopping centre because my sister was such a stereotypically pretty baby (chubby cheeks, blue eyes, thick eyelashes, rosebud lips etc). I had a massive head so I wouldn't have been any good!

I'm going to take the bikini because generally I get to places and think "Well if they can get away with it then so can I!" and I regret not taking something. I'll suss out the competition first. :D I'll try to post some pictures of my options - varying levels of revealing...


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oooh, they are gorgeous. The middle one is very sexy. I'm glad you are going to bring them with you, you will look stunning :) I doubt you will have any competition.

your memories sound so cute. I took Nate blackberry picking last year, there are only a few out right now but nate and the girls were loving it last night. So cute.

It can be hard, if it is 24 hours 7 days a week, on your own, you do get beaten down sometimes to not want to go out. Thankfully Nate likes to dance round the kitchen with me when I'm cooking, help mow the lawn, peg out clothes, do laundry, vacuum, sort out rubbish and other household stuff, which makes it easier when we don't have time to go out.

Aww you and your giant head. that made me laugh and go "aww". My rant was a bit ranty, sorry, it was just getting another round of it, after getting it the other day and last Saturday and everyone acts like I am crazy to not want to get him into it. Even mum, who is glad I don't want him to model, used to point out baby competitions.

had another good day, if smelly, and no binge-voice

b: kippers, onion, mushrooms, tomato
l: couscous salad with hea mozzarella (no olives, i forgot), banana, yogurt
s: shared nate's sw chips
d: beef pad thai, half an apple
s: chocolate 13 syns and 2 hifi lights heb

I am wiffy.
I did that last week I did a pork steak with rice etc and then had a massive salad and chopped a WHOLE red onion on top of my rice. The next day my mouth felt like the bottom of a budgies cage lol
Not yet hun its on my list of to do's - I won the SW EE all in one book this week so im planning a few meals out of that this week yum yum
Ooh nice one. I'm doing the menu from the magazine with a few on plan tweaks, like adjusting their beef sticky stir fry for something with more flavour. I dunno if my food processor still works, if not my chicken burger will become a chicken fillet burger. I will have to get my mayo back off of mum though. There are disadvantages living so close. Lol.

What meals have you planned? I got a new extra easy recipe book on Wednesday, it was only £1 and looks like it has never been used. Some really nice looking recipes in there too. I'm getting a nice collection of cook books now.
Ive not done the planning yet hun - I have a day to myself tomorrow so once the housework is done thats when ill sit down and plan - I have an awkward son who doesnt like to eat healthy lol so will have to plan meals that he will eat too

£1 is a bargain im all for that.
Oops, sent before I finished!

Thank you for the vote of confidence on the swimwear. 32 days to go and I'm going to kick my butt into serious shape. Sneaky midweek peak tomorrow and I'm hoping I'll be back where I was last week midweek. I think I'm going to weigh on Tue this week before the meals out so at least it gives me motivation to stay there or get back to it quickly.

Don't worry about the rant - it sounds frustrating!

I still have a giant head. Woe!
You guys would not be laughing if you were near me, I was smelly both ends this morning.

Oh your son is a pest. Nate struggles with stir fry, and although he likes spicy food his bum does not, so he gets a kiddy tea then. Tonight was fish fingers, sw chips and beans... follow ed by a whole mango and a yogurt and some banana.

It waa really lucky seeing the book, I was walking home to factor in seeing mum's dog and working in some body magic and it was a route I don't normally take and the table of books is only sometimes there. I thought I'd have a quick look, saw it and snatched it up right away.

You do not have a giant head you silly sausage! You must be so excited for your holiday. .. and for your other treats ;) ;) you will look fab, you already do!

I have 3 weeks before I go back up to Halifax for my friend's wedding and I have 16 weigh ins before Xmas. I would like to have my 7 stone by then, but that might be a push. I'd be happy at 13st 8lbs which is 1lb a week. I am currently 6lbs heavier than my lightest - so I am 14st 10lbs and I would like to be back at 14st 4lbs before I go away. I had a good Thursday and Friday last week but I was fighting the binge voice, this time it seems to have left me, so here's hoping I can continue having a good week.

Tomorrow bridport, cheese omelette for breakfast and fruit. Lunch will be out, I will hunt out a jacket potato or salad or something, dinner is chicken burger in a heb roll with sw chips and salad. Then I will be halfway through my sw week. Sunday is either shepherd s pie or going for lamb at mums, which is sw friendly. They had pizza tonight so I am glad I planned to not go round nate needed an early night too.

Feeling good. I will be glad when I've gotten through the weekend binge free.