Just a quick post as I'm v tired and off to beddie byes!
Well I've been a pretty good girl all day - though not 100%
Today I have had:
5 x litres water
1 x veg soup (crisps)
1 x choc tetra
1 x malt toffee bar
1 x chocolate brioche (or chocolate bread as my kids call them)
1 x mini cadbury choc bar
some 'nibbles' - crisps
So not too bad a day - don't feel too guilty either as I could have quite happily eaten the contents of the cupboards at some point today!
My friends daughter came to entertain the little ones - they had a wicked time running riot in the street with her - she made them lunch and kept them happy till 3pm - me I half heartedly did some house work....lol!! Must be what it's like having an au pair - she's a very sweet girl - is 13 but not one bit stroppy or got any attitude - although I'm sure her mum (my best mate!) would beg to differ
Then I cooked the tribe a chilli, rice and garlic bread - so had my crisps made ready to scoff - was quite impressed with myself because I opened and closed the 'crisp box' cupboard about half dozen times and to get a pack of walkers but didn't and made crisps so that's progress
Just been to an Anne Summers party with some of my work mates - I haven't been to one in years and I've not laughed like I have for ages - I was crying playing the bingo....lol!! We had to write rude sayings, words, phrases above each box and everytime a number was called out it was hilarious - I think I shocked some of the girls with my 'phrases'.....LOL!!
Anyway, must go and wrap eldest's pressie - he's 11 tomorrow....ah bless - it's really sad actually because I can see the maternity hospital where he was born from our house (came in handy that did when I went into labour....2 mins in the car!!) and as they have just completed the new super hospital they are pulling maternity down

in fact the ward where I was with him was pulled down yesterday - it's really sad....or is that just me
We are taking him and a friend bowling and then to the Golden Arches (maccy d's) for lunch - safer bet for me than pizza hut as I'm not overly keen on McD's - just have to resist the sausage/onion batches homemade soup and nibbles tomorrow night when all the family/friends are round! My aim is to be 14.13lbs by 31 October - was 15st this am so I should be able to do it

31 October is my 1 year anni on a VLCD - obviously I should have been at target but slipped onto the country roads for a while instead of motoring down the motorway....LOL - but I'll still be 4 stone lighter than last October and know that I will never be 19 stone again!
Anyway, starting to ramble - pressies to wrap and bed to sleep in!
Hope your all OK - thanks everyone for your unfailing support - your all fabulous dharlings.....mwah, mwah, mwah
Lots of love