Hello Everybody Peeps
Thanks to Jennie, Mini and Isobel for dropping by to 'check up on me'.....LOL
Well what have I been up to? Mmmmmmm let me think now!
Oh yes!
Friday - my last day at work

(can you tell I didn't like my job.....lol - love the girls in the office I worked in hated the work - rather stick pins in my eyes to be honest

)!! - I went it a bit late because I had woken at 4am with an extremely dodgy tummy

not nice at all - the craps were just awful - worse than child birth - honest! Think mainly because they didn't subside! Anyway, dragged myself into work - 1 because I had bought half hundered weight of cake from M&S and we so couldn't have that hanging round the house

and 2 because I wanted my pressie

(fickle beeyatch that I am!!). Anyway, had a nice day - girls in the office bought me a gorgeous necklace and bracelet set from Next - quite blingy but very pretty - all different coloured shell discs on silver chain - will look stunning against black or brown!

Then from the rest of the admin staff I got a wicked Billabong handbag - very young and trendy just like me *cough, cough,

*!!! I also got some gorgeous pink roses (my fav!). From one of the Departments I got a lovely soft snuggly scarf and one of my fav young teachers bought me some wine - not yet opened and some Baileys truffles - erm all gone

- though I did share - honest - I've been dragged up well me.....lol

Felt quite sad leaving my friends in the office and one or two of the teachers

but things change and it's time for me to move on - nothing in the pipeline yet - really not sure what I want to do so gonna get a temporary job for now and see what comes up....dont feel very confident at the mo to do anything too taxing
Saturday morning we tootled off down to Herne Bay to stay with our friends - had lunch (I had a vanilla/coffee pack!!) then down the sea front for a stroll and had 2 coffees - they did have milk

bit stressful as the kids (ours and theirs) were all a bit of a pain ! Got back and watched X Factor (My name is Mich and I am an X Factor addict....LOL

) - after kids in bed (yee ha!) we had dinner ....Forgive me for I have strayed! Won't go into detail but didn't overeat!
Yesterday didn't have the full English that was cooked - to be honest since doing LL/CD I never have anything till lunchtime only water and really don't get hungry anymore - sometimes I wake up hungry and then have a drink and it passes.. ANyway, went to Howletts Zoo/Wildlife Centre - went about 6 years ago so was looking forward to it - kids loved it and so did we - saw the tigers - amazing animals - loads of different types of monkeys/gorrillas etc (so human like it's scary

) ended up having a bit of the picnic - again just bits. Then got the kids a little pressie each (money of grandparents

) and said goodbye to friends to head home - opened Charlie (middle son) toy in car about 15 mins down road and it promplty fell apart

- not happy it was a fiver so we took it back - a couple of quid I wouldn't have bothered but he hadn't even touched it

Anyway, got it changed for something completely different and started to head home......almost 6 hours later (normally just under 3hours) we got home.......OMG, OMG probably the worst journey we have ever had from their house - took us hour and 20 to do one junction of the fecking M25....grrrr! All I can say is I am so glad we bought a people carrier this summer - at least the kids didn't kill each other

Got home and ended up having crackers and cheese and watched Touch of Frost!
Today I have not been back on track but strangly haven't binged - just ate 3 meals (late brekki - slice toast, lunch - sandwich, dinner - chicken and salad) - bizzare - because I knew I wasn't going to go on packs today I haven't felt the urge to eat everything in sight

Oh and the scales said 5lbs down from last week so not bad considering I haven't been 100% all week.
Gonna get back on track again tomorrow - have exactly one stone to loose by 25 November - WeMitt Meet - so I t hink that is just under three weeks - need to get meself back in ketosis and get a wriggle on!
Hope everyone else is doing OK - sorry I've rambled a bit haven't I
Lots of love to all