yesterdays food diary
magic porridge made with couscous, 0 % greek yogurt, frozen berries
was a bit rushed - had a banana and two tangerines
Chapati, lamb curry and salad
Also managed 40 minutes session on the bike, incase no one saw the entry above

Also on day 3 of the 30 day plank challenge - did 30 seconds. Which was bloody hard, don't know how I will get to 5 minutes. But will try.
I am feeling really positive at the moment. My clothes feel looser although I haven't actually lost that much. I am hoping this is due to the exercise I am doing. But I am getting close to a weight I haven't been at for at least 3 years. I never thought I would get back to anything near a normal weight. Although then again I have never really been a normal weigh, so its quite motivating to think maybe I will get there now.
I am trying, my relationship with food has changed, I no longer eat to bursting. I eat what I think is a reasonable amount, before that i don't know what to call it...mechanism..wasn't working. Then my idea of eating was to eat until I felt stuffed. But thats gone though.
My clothes feel looser, I can climb a flight of stairs without getting out of breath. I enjoy exercising. This isn't me, its someone else lol.
At the moment I feel nothing can knock me off track. The bad news I had last week could have ruined things but it didn't, I didn't turn to food, I just carried on with my new way of eating.
Lets see if I have a good loss tomorrow. I know I will have a loss as I am wearing clothes I haven't worn in two years at least.