Curveappeal yeah that's how I approached it before but I did 3 for 1. I found the introduction of carbs quite quick otherwise!
Sore lol!! Otherwise Ok trying to make up for the water missed up to 2 but only at about a litre where I'd normally be hitting 4 how did ur weigh in go?
I don't think so Mark- I'm only doing it to allow me to enjoy little ones birthday and doubt that I'll diary it.
Little ones birthday should be fun so be nice to have slice of cake at it. I have mine in freezer from my Lo's birthday two weeks ago
I still can't believe your resolve its fantastic!! How are you getting on now?
Sorry just saw your other post about the SIL, your better off arranging other childcare if thats whats happening. Your LO will be happier in end.
Im struggling to be honest, had hoped to be finished this week and refeed for Easter but with the poor week i had few weeks ago means i have to stay on longer. Its not that im hungry just i miss chewing and am tired of the dog breath. Just taking it week to week now, hoping i can get to goal by mid April.
Yeah seeing it as a blessing in disguise but still frustrated about it!
Have you tried making any of the recipes PeachPip suggests for chewing? I have to admit the breath bothers me and I have to use gum and breath strips! Looking at your losses Mark though you will be at goal no bother- you had another great week last week and so close to the 4 stone mark!
No dont really get time with the two monkeys running around me in the eveningHad to tell my 2 year old the shakes were daddys special medicine to stop her taking a drink
I have drank buckets of listerine at this stage and use the nu phar breath strips but the tongue colour is just yuck
Hoping to get to 12st even by mid April if i can then the hard work starts keeping it off.
Haha I know what you mean I only have 1 and by the time you get them to bed and chores done there's no time! Mine took one of the sachets out to a guest at the weekend and tried to give them Mummy treat! I had to do a quick intercept! 12 stone is a great target for your height and the way you are headed no bother till ya!
Scales have moved and damage inflicted pretty much gone- .2lb up from Sat wi but still have 2 days and could be lucky and lose the 2.6 needed to hit the 2 1/2 stone loss exactly... Stranger things have happened!
Have been in foul form with the whole childcare thing but sticking to the plan and think ketosis has kicked back in. Rethinking the whole reefed for next week after how awful getting back in ketosis was . Gonna discuss with pharmacist having a planned diversion on Wed and freezing the cake like Mark did to enjoy on another date. If I did that I should be at target weight by the 19th April and ready to come off for refeed then with no need to go back on TFR.