I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

Have a fab Monday pp xx

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Thanks for knocking Sence back in to me , re the bread panic xx

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No probs hun any time. :D

Morning pp
Have a great day ;)

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Had to take mum to hospital again today so that means the day is a write off, And ended it with choccie cake ooops. :D Hope you had a good day. :D
Hi patsy been hosp need surgery , he bit concerned bout these bone cysts , had x rays done so he could look at them as oppose to the MRI,

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Not really , he just said they were a bit concerned about them and that's why he wanted x rays , to see them from another perspective ,

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Hi patsy,
Hope your ok,
I'm feeling a lot brighter today :)
Rang my area manager after the consultant appointment yesterday,
Been told not to worry bout work ( I wasn't especially after the other night wiv my stuff)
But on the other hand like you said yours was lost or thrown so I shouldn't complain,

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Hiya PP, hope you're having a great day and have a wonderful weekend...fingers crossed they are right and we have a nice warm one..will do us all good xxx:hug99:xxx
Hiya PP, hope you're having a great day and have a wonderful weekend...fingers crossed they are right and we have a nice warm one..will do us all good xxx:hug99:xxx
Had a quiet one today was planning to visit my godmother and take her to lunch but she was busy so that's been postponed nothing much else to report

Have a lovely day Hun xx

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Thanks Von you too. :D And have a fab w/end, :D