I may lose some battles but I'll win the war.

Hey hun, Mal is still off the weed :eek: I am surprised, but Kirsty is back on them :mad:, what can I do, can't tie her down even though I want to lol
I am pretty certain there are a lot of recipes in there that would be suitable for batch cooking...I am also pretty certain that you'll love the recipes, I am slowly going through them all, and will go back and redo my favourites, like the Creamy Coriander and Mint Chicken, that's really to die for if you like curry and I love it lol
Anyway I must go got to get myself ready and I keep hanging about lol
Have a good wi and catch you tomorrow :hug99: xxxx
I'll pop back in the morning to see how you are :)

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I'll pop back in the morning to see how you are :)

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:bighug: hope everything is ok xx

Thanks ladies

I'm a bit better again today. Still not back in working order but way less pain.:D More noises off which I'm hoping is a good sign.:eek:

I'm chuffed too though as I lost 3.5lbs at WI. Yippee Post Christmas gain is finally gone and I have even lost an extra pound.

Now I'm looking at 1.5 more for my next shiny 2.5 stone. Gonna try for next week. Assuming I'm back in working order it shouldn't be too tough. I'm all fired up and ready now. Bring it on.:D

I might even try to get back to listing my menu and positives when I get a mo. :)

Anyway I'm off to update my signature and ticker etc.:D
Purple Patsy said:
Thanks ladies

I'm a bit better again today. Still not back in working order but way less pain.:D More noises off which I'm hoping is a good sign.:eek:

I'm chuffed too though as I lost 3.5lbs at WI. Yippee Post Christmas gain is finally gone and I have even lost an extra pound.

Now I'm looking at 1.5 more for my next shiny 2.5 stone. Gonna try for next week. Assuming I'm back in working order it shouldn't be too tough. I'm all fired up and ready now. Bring it on.:D

I might even try to get back to listing my menu and positives when I get a mo. :)

Anyway I'm off to update my signature and ticker etc.:D

Got totally confused with diaries before!!! Oops :)

Glad you're a bit better and WELL DONE on WI too x

Yes list positives as it makes you feel more positive :) And food x

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:woohoo: well done on your fantastic loss hun

and yep, positives are a good idea, I find that they help so much xx
:bighug: anytime hun xx I can be exactly the same, and this is your diary, so if you can't vent here then where can you??
Well done on your loss. glad to hear you're feeling a bit better.
Purple Patsy said:
Thanks Lisa

You've been such a help with your wee pep talks. Hope you get as good news on Thurs.:D You really deserve it.:D
Thanks x And thanks for visiting my diary too where the conversation gets weird. Quick!
I hope so too! :)

EmmyR1984 said:
:bighug: anytime hun xx I can be exactly the same, and this is your diary, so if you can't vent here then where can you??
Exactly x

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Hey hun I totally agree with Tilly and Emmy, your diary, do and say as you please and if anyone don't like it, they sure as hell know where the door is :fear:

My head is a sieve today, not sure if I said it already but even if I did :woohoo: :winner:, you little star you and with you feeling out of sorts too...fandabbydozey hunni, keep up the great work.
Am feeling a bit better now and hopefully will be able to keep up with everyone's going ons :giggle: :eek: xxx
Sweet dreams lovely speak to you on the morrow :zz: :hug99: xxx
Thanks x And thanks for visiting my diary too where the conversation gets weird. Quick!
I hope so too! :)

Exactly x

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Thanks Lisa

Well done on the loss :)

You put what you want in your diary and if people don't like it they can sod off :D

Thank you Tilly

Hey hun I totally agree with Tilly and Emmy, your diary, do and say as you please and if anyone don't like it, they sure as hell know where the door is :fear:

My head is a sieve today, not sure if I said it already but even if I did :woohoo: :winner:, you little star you and with you feeling out of sorts too...fandabbydozey hunni, keep up the great work.
Am feeling a bit better now and hopefully will be able to keep up with everyone's going ons :giggle: :eek: xxx
Sweet dreams lovely speak to you on the morrow :zz: :hug99: xxx

Glad you're feeling a bit better and enjoyed seeing Jo and Matt again. :D

Hope you continue to improve apace. Take care you don't overdo it too soon though as it could set you back.:)
Hey sweetie, while I do feel a lot better I am getting a headache everyday, another one today, my sinuses are right up ...think I need a nap lol, didn't sleep well last night, don't know why I just kept waking up, might have been because it was so cold, but just not sure...you're right, I have a tendency to overdo things too quickly....maybe I need to take it easy a bit longer .
Hope you're feeling ok today hun ? :hug99: xxx
Hey sweetie, while I do feel a lot better I am getting a headache everyday, another one today, my sinuses are right up ...think I need a nap lol, didn't sleep well last night, don't know why I just kept waking up, might have been because it was so cold, but just not sure...you're right, I have a tendency to overdo things too quickly....maybe I need to take it easy a bit longer .
Hope you're feeling ok today hun ? :hug99: xxx

I think I might be repeating myself here but I swear by Sudafed Blocked Nose spray not just for if your nose if blocked I find it sorts out my sinuses too. It might be worth a try as it works really quickly and gives relief in a matter of minutes.:confused:

I'm much better today and there was even a little evidence of this this morning (TMI possibly) but oooo it wasn't half a relief. :eek:

Think I'm more on plan too now, got my head in the right place again. Now I need to start thinking more about exercise and start to follow your wonderful example. I think for each hour you do I'll be able to do a minute to start with if I'm lucky.:eek: It has been a while since I was last spotted purposely engaging in effort. :eek:

Must be about five years as when my mum broke both her arms I had to pitch in and do a lot more for her. Something had to give.:eek:

Think I'll start gently with the Wii fit or zumba or Just dance. Will probably have to just watch them for a bit and work out which one I reckon I'll live through:D

Hope you feel better Lovely Lily:D