I really dont know what to do

yeah i know a few people who do that, but i fear i would have the ironing board out all the time- prefer to know its done and put away!!
Hiya,glad you are feeling better and sorry to hear about your burnt cover!!

I tend to iron as i need it too but i do DS's stuff cos he has lots of room in the drawers etc.
Have a nice evening x
Now, now H

Poor Twigs can't be held to blame, you just have to embrace the over 50 syndrome our heads are all over the blooming place. Still at least you are doing well with the ironing and now you will have a new board or cover to do it on, every cloud has a silver lining!!

Hope you have a good day despite that

Now, now H

Poor Twigs can't be held to blame, you just have to embrace the over 50 syndrome our heads are all over the blooming place. Still at least you are doing well with the ironing and now you will have a new board or cover to do it on, every cloud has a silver lining!!

Hope you have a good day despite that


Noo! I say blame Twiggy! Everything's always her fault I tend to find! ;)
I do think there is something 'wrong' with ironing - why cant I love creased clothes

I do have a friend that puts all washing away and never irons it until she wants to wear it - she says its fresher that way

I rarely iron anything until I want to wear it!

I tend to dry things outside which means less things need to be ironed - result!

In winter, I just wear big coats :D:D or let the heat of my body take the creases out - it works....you just have to get up and get dressed at 4am so the creases are out by the time you go to work ;)
Noo! I say blame Twiggy! Everything's always her fault I tend to find! ;)

Thank you SO much Sharon - I knew you would be on my side and understand :D

you just have to get up and get dressed at 4am so the creases are out by the time you go to work ;)

The way I have been sleeping lately that wont be a problem - BUT if it doesnt work for me I would still have to do it :) AND not have anything to wear :)

I dont iron EVERYTHING now what I call my house clothes and often in the winter not my dog walking clothes - but at this time of the year even doggy walking clothes see the iron :)
I forgive you hunny pie

right today is a new day and I am going to turn it around - still have a three point breakie but going to have a 7 point lunch - in fact what I had for dinner last night it was really nice
pitta (2) x2
houmous 3
salad - LOADS of herb salad
so a 7 point lunch I usually have 4 points then I will have 9 to play with so will have about a 5 point dinner so much smaller than I usually have - this I am hoping will stop the mindless eating at work when I get bored in the afternoons

I love work but boredom sets in and I eat - so I will eat some of my lunch at lunch time then have some left for if I need it
will also take a couple of apples too - so possibly 8 points for lunch/snacks at work then a smaller tea and still points for my snacking in the evening IF I need them if not will save them

right off to read a bit then off to work
have a GREAT day everyone
Hey Hazel,
You could always pop over and do my Ironing, Actually best not I'd like a burnt free board lol... Your sounding supa focused, hope you have a fab day xx
Essex is far to far - unless you want to deliver it I think I will decline the offer of more ironing
wish it gave more activity points :) then perhaps it would be more appealing :):)
morning H, good luck with your 3 point turn!! you can do it. personally i agree that shaking things up a bit helps, wether its trying new foods or just varying what and when you eat so let us know how it goes
well food for today

no breakfast but will explain later

2 pitta breads wholemeal (4 points)
3 tablespoons low fat lemon and corriander houmous (3 points)
1 bag of herb salad (yes really I can get one bag of salad into two pittas)

so 7 points

I whole punnet of strawberries (late breakie and snacks through day)
ok so YES I am a binge eater (2 points)

dinner tonight
Lunch was SO lovely I am having very similar
mushroom pate
so another 7 points

total today so far 16 points - three still to eat
and I LOVED my food

I feel really good I havent been hungry all day- in the afternoon instead of a packet of crisps etc I ate strawberries - I have another punnet to take to work for tomorrow
Hi Hazel

I don't think it's bing(e?)ing if its on healthy food ... I love strawberries - on Slimming World they're a speed food as they're supposed to speed up your metabolism!

LOVE humous and pitta ... Nando's do a great starter of humous with a peri peri drizzled and pitta - but it's calorific :(

Good idea to shake the diet up .. I did it a few weeks back, and it seems to be working - well so far so good! :)

Have a great evening
Thanks Twigs
I have to say I did love those strawberries - nearly couldnt stop at one punnet (they were big punnets too) but I managed to save one at work in the fridge for tomorrow
Jane I have heard this before
but will save it for the weekend when I get the next lot of strawberries then at least if I dont like it I am at home and can spit it out :)