I really dont know what to do

Am loving your lovely positive attitude, wouldnt it be great if you could bottle it.!!
SW defintely seems to be suiting you H so evrything crossed for Monday. Enjoy bouncing through the day

Well thank you dear visitors
I certainly bounced through my day - was tired mid afternoon due to being up in the night with a headache - but nothing an early night tonight wont sort

now todays food
more yoghurt and fruit - mini ryvitas and soft cheese with carrot and cucumber crudités and dinner was spagbol with parmesan
used 18.5 of my possible 19 ww points and as for sw I had both healthy B's one healthy A lots of free food and 5/10 syns
now I am so tempted to stand on the scales in the morning but dont have long till official ww weigh in on monday so will try not too - BUT I may not be able to stay off

oh and I had just ONE yes repeat 1 pringle - now wasnt that good I saw them at daughters (extreme cheese and chilli flavour) and wanted to try them so I did and just one - me I can eat them till the tub is nearly empty :)

so with an early night on the cards I am hoping that I wont need to eat anything else today

How are you today ?

Hope you are ok and are we still bouncing ? I love these words - always make me smile xx
Irene Cat Fitz THANK YOU

well to be honest Cat I would rather have a hug from Dylan (no offence :):) )

so glad the words are likes - so todays word could be WIND (will explain later

but I would rather have PEPPY as in energetic
energetic sounds far to serious PEPPY on the other hand is a FUN word

so everyone think PEPPY

right now back to the wind issue
dont read if of a delicate disposition
last night I had SERIOUS wind my intestines were very mobile lots of gurgling and so much wind was passed I could have been generating enough electricity to supply a small town

I dont know why it is (could it be the activia I have been eating)
anyway all seems far quieter this morning

one thing I have missed since starting WW is a cooked sunday breakfast - so doing the SW/WW approach I decided to have what I wanted today
so I have had 2 quorn sausages half a can of b beans mushrooms 2 fry(lighted) eggs and tomatoes all this cost me 6.5 WW points but on a green day all free food
I have no idea what I will have for the rest of the day - not much till dinner as I feel happily full at the moment

I have been down to kitten feed - one of the cats (K) has not shown her face since the first day - I know she hates me but I would like to find her to check her over - I was the one that held her for her first injection and it hurt her (bless)

DH has gone fishing and I feel content with the world

ps managed NOT to jump on the scales - but will do so tomorrow morning just to see what happens in the following week

so lets hope we all have PEPPY days
Good morning lovely your sooo positive! I don't do peppy on a sunday and oooouch my head hurts lol i like the word though :) hope the wind issue resolves its self soon for you dear and i'm sure kitty will be absolutely fine what a shame, hopefully she wont hold her grudge for much longer! Breakfast sounded yummy! Have a great day! xxx
Excellent H resisting those Pringles and how well you seem to be doing on SW. Fingers crossed for wi

Hi H

Wow - managing to resist the scales - whatever next?!?!

Hope you get a really good result tomorrow hon!

Hi H

Wow - managing to resist the scales - whatever next?!?!

Hope you get a really good result tomorrow hon!


I have had to have a lie down this afternoon - I will step on them tomorrow first thing (I am sure you know the drill)
and write it down just to give myself an idea of what happens in the next week

if I dont get a loss this week I really wont know what to do - unless I start eating meat again and try atkins - there is NO way I can possibly do a tfr type diet
Hey my lovely. Sorry i have been absent. It's so lovely to come back and see you sooo positive. You are a gem! :D You SW vs WW study is very interesting I have been trying to up my intake of fruit/veg and yog recently and have found it really helps with keeping fuller for longer. I am amazed at your pringle resistence well done you. Take care and i hope tomorrow is a brilliant WI for you. xxx

just stopping by to say hello

Hope you have a good result @ weigh in - btw - I had MEGA wind when I did SW - I only lasted 10 days on it - tummy was too upset - I then changed to WW & all was quiet again lol
well thank you for your good wishes
the word of the morning has to be JITTERY as in apprehensive but its also the feeling of the wind in my intestines :))

well this morning I did get on the scales - just so I know what I am on monday mornings
today I was 12st13 3/4 - now I havent seen a 12 at the front for months as I have been so at a stand still
so here is hoping for a drop from the weight of last week

if so I will continue eating in a similar manor to what I am at present and I will still do the comparisons

yesterday I managed on 16 points - not trying to cut down either that was just what I had
and I had 9.5 syns and missed one heathly a and one healthy b - just could not fit them in

so I am off shortly round to V's very jittery but that word could well change when I get back

good luck to anyone else with a monday weigh in
and of course how are all the scale hoppers doing :):)
:happy036: Hiya H.
:bliss:You have seent the 12's!!!!
:woohoo: Im sooooooooo pleased for you...well done,bet you cant wait for your official WI this week xxxx :D:D:D
well girls my official weight in (different scales as Mel is away) and I was 13st exactly I lost 3lb which is the same loss as my first week of ww and not seen since
so I will be sticking with SW eating and pointing it for a while yet

the big worry for me is - eating this way I am averaging just 16 points (allowed 19) if I have to go down one per stone bracket then when I get into the 9's (want to be about 9st7lb) I will be on about 12 or 13 points to lose weight - and that is not recommended - but we will see what happens - as I am right on the 13 I will attempt to not go above 18 this week :)
off to cook pasta and sauce with extra mushrooms for lunch
Thanks Irene I am still in a state of shock
I will be trying to eat this way for the next couple of weeks to see what happens
weigh in is mondays so wont be one next week - week after I am on holiday so will keep a careful check on my own scales - it looks like there is about 1/4lb between them so not much :) this pasta and sauce tastes delicious I have never eaten it before as my daughter used to like the one with cheese and broccoli and I just couldnt stand the smell :):)
WOW 3lbs!! That is an absolutly fantastic loss, and you deserver every ounce of it!!!
Did your leader ask what you'd done differently this week :D?

Have you updated your percentage thingy yet???

Ohhh I'm so pleased for you :)
