I really dont know what to do

Good morning my sweet, sounds like you had a fabulous time.

Hope you are still smiling??!!

sorry I went awol for the day
just needed to get all the washing sorted and go to town - spent some time with daughter too :)
she bought me flowers - now this has made me smile - BUT the reason makes me smile even more

here you are mum these are for you
me - why- do you want something :)
her- MOTHER you are a cheeky mare - but they are because you fed the cats for us
me- thats really nice thank you
her - any chance you doing it again this weekend :):)

she knows I dont need flowers to go feed the cats :)

well the site is a small one on a working farm in the middle of the village
its at tallybont on usk - near the brecon beacons - really quite and well spaces nice level field with a little brook (the river usk actually) to lull you to sleep - the canal walk is great and the two pubs do good food and are dog friendly :) Jane if you do a search is should come up - but if not pm me for the phone number :)

right everyone after MUCH thought I am seriously considering doing slimming world for a couple of weeks to see what happens

I have my old books - only do green days being a veggie so that will be fine
if I find my old food diaries I should find syns values for non basic foods - will get myself organised to start Monday I think - wont say anything at classes - I just really want to see results
We won't tell anyone either !!

Good Luck xx
Good luck if you go for slimming world! A wee change is sometimes a great idea! :D
Thanks girls
I really dont know why I cant get ww to work for me at the moment and maybe a little time on a different plan will help - if not I havent lost anything :):)
Hiya H.:)
I wish you loads of good luck with SW..
Its worked for me ive lost 3½lbs this week and almost back at my goal weight..

Its defo good to have a change...good luck hun xx
Hey my lovely. I am so glad you had a nice time. Don't worry your secret it safe with us as long as you don't leave WW or take your diary or your smiles away. Take care my love and have a great day x x x
Well my diary will stay where it is - until I know what I am doing
(and most likely after that too)

I have found an old food diary from my sw days (five years ago) so will have all the information on non basic food items in there - if I can decipher my own short hand - after staying at target for over a year I do wonder why the weight came back - it was not the cleverest thing I have ever done - BUT I did give up smoking

right today is a nice sunny day and I am feeling so good - I am thinking I might cut my antidepressant down by half on alternate days so a regime of 10/5mg just to see how well I cope - after all I am on a third less than I was 6 weeks ago - and that is enough to make me smile

at work today I have been asked to knit a small childs yoke necked cardi - during work hours - can you believe :) now if that isnt reason to smile I dont know what is -
off to catch up with you all before work

Just popping by to say hello - hope you are ok & having good days xx
Morning H... :)
Sorry i didnt get back to you with your query yesterday...the limbos are 3 on G + R.
cant find the cheese...(sorry)

You must be a right super star knitter...enjoy xx
Hi H

The weekend sounds absolutely brilliant and glad you were more comfy this time. Try SW if you think it may help you have to give everything a try its the end result that counts.

Pop back later

Thank you everyone

Today I am smiling because the brain plays funny tricks

well yesterday I just ate as I would on slimming world (for a bit of an experiment) but still did all the weighing and pointing too - I am just curious it worked out at a very filling slimming world day with 2 syns used (out of 10) and a weight watchers day on 16.5 points - now I KNOW its psychological to feel fuller on less points - the big difference for me was I allowed myself far more fruit (I object to pointing something so healthy) therefore I had more fibre and felt fuller for longer - if I am having 2.5 points less than my WW allowance then of course it would start to shift the weight again - so as from next week I will give it a go for the rest of this week I am going to commit the cardinal syn (hee hee) of eating as I feel I want and then pointing synning it all just to see what happens - I will go to class on Monday for a weigh in (last week I put back on 1.5lb and dont know why) just to see what I am and give me a starting point for the slimming world start on Monday :) )

right I have a vegetable frittata I cooked yesterday packed for lunch 4points on ww and free on sw
for break fast I will have a punnet of strawberries (free or 2ppts) and a banana for a snack (1.5 pts or free)
must remember to get in my healthy a and b choices
I am quite looking forward to the challenge of doing both for a few days and making a comparison - NO girls I am not going to the extreme of doing the calories as well - even I am not that anal

today is cloudy and dull here so off for a bit of sunshine in your diaries
Morning H

Good to see you happy and positive. I must admit to being slightly tempted by SW ... but before I make my decision I'm commiting to 2 weeks of 100%ness on WW .... haven't done 100% for ages, so that's probably what's stopping me losing (you think!?) lol

Sun is shining here - although not sure how long it'll last!!!

Have a good one!

PS - are you coming to the meet in October??
Morning h,the comparison between the two plans will be interesting to see, and you might just find that sw does suit you better!!

And yes please come in october
I'm glad I made the change from WW to SW. Not because there was anything wrong with WW but felt my body and mind needed a change

Good luck

Irene xx