I really dont know what to do

Well I have been very well behaved
sat in work and between work continued to knit the jacket - I have done the back one front both sleeves and pockets - so just one front and the yoke to go and it will be done;

now as for the food
I have completed my day (hopefully I wont feel the need for anything else)
I have had 17.5/19 points
one healthy A two healthy B's lots of free food and 3 syns out of a possible 10
so it looks like today I have eaten less points by eating using the slimming world WoE - I will keep track of this in my nice new notebook
I have to say I do feel a lot fuller - If I was on WW (only) I would most likely have had a packet of crisps BUT on SW I havent instead because it is free I have eaten a lot more fruit - and of course felt fuller because I am eating more filling food :)

long may this feeling of fullness continue :):)

may anyone reading this feel full and have no need for an evening snack
Hi H

Sorry I haven't been to your diary for a few days. (bad claire bear!)

You sounds like you're doing really well, and so motivated!!

Well done you

OHHH visitors and MORE invites thanks so much

well my word for today is BELIEF
I need to believe in myself

today I KNOW I can do this

right now as for the meet you need to leave this with me
I find it really really hard to go into new situations (I have diagnosed social phobia) I cant do public transport on my own and find it really really hard to do things without the support of my most wonderful DH (who is quite used to going places with me only for me to say I cant do this and dissolve into tears and needing to go home) or of course my most wonderful daughter - at this moment in time I just cant do it (had a panic attack thinking about it and was awake most of the night - and yes I do know I sound pathetic) so nearer the time I might be able to organise daughter to come with me - if that would be acceptable or I might even have planned it so well I will be able to do this on my own - I would be great to meet everyone - just not quite sure I can do it - sorry

anyway I have planned my food for today and have spoken to a lovely person who has offered to get me the slimming world directory and post it to me - so hopefully in a couple of weeks I will be able to extend what I am eating
I have planned todays food and it works out at about 10ww points so far and 2syns - I cant believe how I might be able to survive on so few points - but my word for today is BELIEF and I must believe I can do this

hope everyone manages snack free days and many many steps :)
Hi H

Of course you don't sound pathetic!! And we won't take offense if you can't make it - but it would be lovely to meet you - and of course DD is welcome :) (I'm lucky I have my sis with me!) But I shall say no more about it, but just know that whatever you decide is good with us :) xx

I'm so glad you're enjoying SW ... hope you get a great loss ... when are you planning on weighing next??

I'm so glad you're enjoying SW ... hope you get a great loss ... when are you planning on weighing next??


I am being very naughty and weighing in at my ww class on monday :) not telling them about the switch - Mel (leader) is so inspiring much better than my sw class I used to attend - so hopefully with the help of very nice people on here I can do SW but attend ww (only because I have a monthly pass and its paid for)
A good leader is worth bucketloads! Mine (although no-one will ever be good as my first leader Mary) is good and encouraging.

So ... Good Luck for Monday!!! xx
Hi H! I firstly must apologise for being so lame.... I have hardly been on here at all - have been very pre-occupied. Well done on the SW!

Now, do you get treatment for the social phobia? Ie; meds? Citalopram is a wondeful thing for panic attacks and social phobia's - I should know having been struck with them like anything recently. Just wondered if you have/are being treated as it can go away with a little help...

How are u besides? x x x
Hi Lou yes I am treated I have the sister drug escritalopam - slightly stronger and for me less side effects - the good thing about this one is it helps with the depression too - so it means being on it I can cope with everyday life - and if I am thrown into situations with a little support I can cope with most - but sometimes the odd one really gets to me and I feel so out of my depth and panicky I have to go home or at least back to my car (one of my safe places)

sorry you suffer - its not easy is it :)
well my word for today is BELIEF
I need to believe in myself
today I KNOW I can do this
right now as for the meet you need to leave this with me
I find it really really hard to go into new situations (I have diagnosed social phobia) I cant do public transport on my own and find it really really hard to do things without the support of my most wonderful DH or of course my most wonderful daughter - at this moment in time I just cant do it (had a panic attack thinking about it and was awake most of the night - and yes I do know I sound pathetic)

so nearer the time I might be able to organise daughter to come with me - if that would be acceptable or I might even have planned it so well I will be able to do this on my own - I would be great to meet everyone - just not quite sure I can do it - sorry

Just a couple of things to say and then I'll shut up.

You are NOT pathetic - it bothers you so you worry about it - perfectly normal but please stop losing sleep over us lot - the only thing you need to be losing with us is lb's :p

If you can come then it will be lovely to meet you and if you can't then that's fine too - we will not pressure you to do anything that you don't feel comfortable with *hugs*
do take care & have a lovely day xxxxxx
the invitation remains open, with no pressure, you are very welcome to come along, under whatever circumstances you feel necesary-dd,OH, whoever !!-it would be lovely to meet you ,but if it cant be on this occaission so be it-there will be others.

And you dont sound pathetic-i am still worrying about this bloomin bbq on saturday so i have a small window into your world!

Take care, have a great day,and dont worry!!
Thanks for your understanding everyone

so glad I actually told you all - although it wasnt an easy decision - but a good friend helped me make it :) she will KNOW who she is

right today I have been super good and eaten all the right things
a day of ww points 19 points out of a possible 19
and a day of 2 healthy B's 1 healthy A and lots of free food and 4 syns
if I think I need anything else today (I doubt it I have just had dinner) I will just go to bed a bit early

so what am I eating doing this that I wasnt doing before - I am eating fat free yogs (extra calcium) and more fruit - so more vits and minerals
it will be interesting to see what weigh in brings on Monday - two days to go of eating this way

My daughters neighbour (her first neighbour) is moving over this weekend so being on kitty feeding duty I have offered our rather large car to help out with a load every time I go down to do the cats
J is moving to much near me than my daughter so its not even really out of the way - they can load it and unload it I will just be a driver - well it will depend on my knees :)
Evening hun of course you don't sound pathetic! In fact you sound soooo positive! Thanks so much for your kind words in my recent feeling low post :) so your kind of combining slimming world and WW then? Sorry if i have missed something! I am following the points plan but have been for ages, and have been thinking about maybe giving the core plan a go for a little change, i know its out of date now, but still seems to be successful! I have also looked into SW and followed it a few years ago but have totally forgotten how it works my brain is trained to points now! lol x
Evening hun of course you don't sound pathetic! In fact you sound soooo positive! Thanks so much for your kind words in my recent feeling low post :) so your kind of combining slimming world and WW then? Sorry if i have missed something! I am following the points plan but have been for ages, and have been thinking about maybe giving the core plan a go for a little change, i know its out of date now, but still seems to be successful! I have also looked into SW and followed it a few years ago but have totally forgotten how it works my brain is trained to points now! lol x

I am not really combining the two just doing a little analysis really
I did slimming world a few years ago and it worked for me I got to target stayed there for ages - gave up smoking started antidepressants and the weight gain started

so I joined ww in january and for the first few months did well and lost a stone - but since then the weight loss has just stopped - a bit on and bit off and nothing really moving
I found my old slimming world book so thought I would give that way of eating a try and just counting points as well and seeing what happens
I feel I eat better on slimming world - but whether I loose or not remains to be seen - come monday I could well have another sts - BUT I want to try all I can before I go to the docs for help - had recent blood tests and just been asked to have them repeated in 6 months so assume all is well on that front :)
I am as you might be able to tell determined to shift this weight somehow
Ah i see thanks i know it's all trial and error but thats great if it works for you and you are cenrtainly trying well done and keep up the great work :) xx
Hiya H...:)
Glad you are liking the sw plan...i was a bit naughty last night whilst getting DS's supper ready,a jam tart sort of ended up in my mouth as did a pkt of fruit pastilles oops..

It would be great if you could make it to the meet in October...im hoping i can make it.
Have a lovely day today xx
Thank you Fuzzy
well today word could be BOUNCY (I feel quite bright and bouncy today) or it could be MOTIVATED

but think I will stick with bouncy
right I BOUNCE down to my daughters and did kitten feeding duty
also loaded up the car and took a carful of stuff for J (her neighbour) to new house - she was surprised how much a shogun swallowed what she thought it would take
so I then unpacked it at the other end -
I was up in the night with a stomping headache and will shortly go back to bed to read for a bit - DH has gone to work for a couple of hours
Asda is beckoning later - then he will no doubt go off fishing if its not raining
today I already have dinner and breakfast planned
banana and fat free yog for breakfast 3.5 WW points free food on SW
dinner will be spag bol (home made) 8.5 WW points (due to 28g of parmesan) 2 syns on SW + healthy A of cheese

so quite a few points left for lunch and 2 healthy B choices to get in for slimming world

will stock up on free quorn products (sausages mince and fillets) whilst shopping

really hoping I see movement on the scales on Monday - but if Mel asks what I have done not sure what to say :) will just say eating more fruit and yog (its all true)

the sun is shining and I KNOW today is going to be a good day
hope everyone else has a good day too