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It's funny you say that, after a week I did actually turn on someone, it was really out of characterful me, it was something along the lines of "in my opinion...." Me cutting in and telling them that I didn't really care what their opinion was, and that they should keep it to themselves! they were completely taken aback! They got the message though! Saying that, This is the same person who put an open family size bag of buttons in front of me last week and told me he thinks I should stop now!!! I barely know this guy as well which is what is so hilarious!
Honestly it's so unfair! and the dude with the buttons....... How rude!!! some people just can't make up their minds! Anyway Screw them. we're the brilliant ones and they can keep their horrible negative comments to themselves. They're just trying to bring us down because they're unhappy with their sad little lives.
Jojo x