Well.... maybe. After my last post I relaxed - went out to dinner, had some wine, had lunch and dinner out the next day and then travelled for 2 days so didn't drink much water. And during the last day, when I drove 8+ hours and got home at 2am, I also ate a package of biscuits I picked up from a service area when I stopped for petrol.

Can we say "sabotage"? So had an unpleasant surprise when got on scale this morning - am back to where I was 1.5 weeks ago. :sigh:
I'd be really angry with myself except that I haven't quit and I figure this is part of what I need to address. I don't know why I sabotage myself, just that I do. I was reading the Beck Diet book and it was making sense, so of course I put it down 2 weeks ago and haven't looked at it since - even though it came to Ireland with me and I had loads of time on the ferry to read! Grrrr. It's enough to make me want to slap myself.
At any rate, back on ss as of yesterday; have today without interruptions and then my aunt arrives from the US tomorrow. She'll be here for about a week and when I pick her up at the airport I'm swearing her to both secrecy and support. I'm sure she'll be up for the support - but the secrecy could be tough. She's like the tom-tom drums of the family - all news goes through her.
While I'm looking forward to her visit, I'm also looking forward to the 2nd week of May. From then to 3rd week July I have, at the moment, no trips, visits, dinners, etc. planned. While the odd dinner may pop up, I will have 2 months in which to really focus on the diet and my issues with food, sabotage, comfort eating, yadda, yadda, yadda. It's scary and exhilirating at the same time.
Thank goodness for this forum - I think I would have quit by now without it, but knowing you are out there, struggling with similar issues and still doing CD, still hanging in there, still posting and sharing, makes me think I can do that too. Thank you all!