IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

I love it too. I love it chipped, mashed, and it would be lovely mashed and baled like that cauli thing! I am growing some this year - I hope they are productive.
Oh I keep it for ages in the fridge - a couple of weeks at least. Best wrapped in cling film once cut, and you might have to cut some brown edges off when you go back to it.
Lol Jo
MMM celeriac chips!!!!
MMM what a dilemma! I think it will be chips tonight! I had been trying to limit my veg but not having any better results. so sod it! I'll get there (wherever that is!) in the end! I suppose I could change my goal now, but it would be nice to get to this one first!
What is your other goal mouse?
I advised Mouse to move to Conso for the summer... to get some delicious summer fruit in and have a break, then kick off again in the autumn - cos she has been doing this an amazing cripes 10 months! But, with the early season for most fruit over here, we've probably already missed that boat!!

I prepare and cook the whole celeriac, mash it all, then freeze leftover. (The "I" is obviously my OH cos it's a big beast and not very "girl friendly"!)

I too am growing them... I hope they divide and multiply a trillion times :D
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yes i cant see how fruit over the summer as conso can harm its great for you.
eating fruit/drinking fruit cocktails over the weekend has unfortunately made a medical condition thats rather nasty rear its ugly head so ill be staying away from too much :(
Eek poor Vicky - you have my sympathy!
Morning everyone. I fancied chocolate today and found a dukan brownie recipe on the web but it had pumpkin in it and I am on a PP day. So I have chucked some kind of tofu chocolate cake together - will have to see how it turns out!!
Mouse you are so clever with your cooking. Wish I had the time!

Morning Lovely Jo - how is Paris today x
Hope you get some joy with the bloody solicitor soon - I don't like the idea of you having all the worry :-(

Is Hannah Banana ok now ? She was behaving a bit oddly the other morning?

My cooking can be a bit hit and miss - I am not one for weighing and measuring - but the results would have to be pretty abd for me not to eat them, especially when they involve my oatbran allowance:D
Morning ladies... I'm "ok", and I've pasted on a HUGE smile to let you know that, as of Tuesday, I'm being posted back to the main office... (different group, bosses, colleagues, you name it... BIG change...). Including of course being unable to post here while I figure things out.

I'm told that the team is VERY busy, so ...

BUT I'm determined not to let this (expected but unwanted) news to upset my food apple cart at the moment. I've got to stay positive to keep things together. On the bright side, I'll have nicer officemates in the other place... (got to have!)
Good luck! :cross:We'll be watching to hear from you once you're gone. :character00148:
Hope you get some joy with the bloody solicitor soon - I don't like the idea of you having all the worry :-(

Is Hannah Banana ok now ? She was behaving a bit oddly the other morning?

aww thanks Mouse - hoping this time next week it will be all done and dusted :D she is still out of sorts im not sure why :(

Jo - sorry about you being moved honey. Good on the better workmates, but jeez am going to miss you on here. xxxx
Sorry Hannah is still behaving strangely!

Jo, will miss you - will just have to send you lots of emails :)

- still if the atmosphere is better, that's got to be good!
It'll certainly make a change having to work for a living ;) but I can still do my early morning posts (do I hear groans?!)