IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

what a strange pie that sounds Jo. I cant imagine what it tastes like or even looks like. I would have been put off by the name of it from the start.

Glad your OH is off for more juice, hope he manages to get a good supply. I dont know how we would manage if that haeppned here, theres only one petrol station in the village and the next one north is 30 miles away and south 35 miles away, we would be stuffed.
what a strange pie that sounds Jo. I cant imagine what it tastes like or even looks like. I would have been put off by the name of it from the start.
its lovely. :D
what a strange pie that sounds Jo. I cant imagine what it tastes like or even looks like. I would have been put off by the name of it from the start.

Glad your OH is off for more juice, hope he manages to get a good supply. I dont know how we would manage if that haeppned here, theres only one petrol station in the village and the next one north is 30 miles away and south 35 miles away, we would be stuffed.

Ref the "cheeseburger pie" - I resisted for quite a while, but all the Atkins board were raving about it, so I thought I'd give it a shot. very nice too!

Your village sounds massive - haaa! My nearest petrol station in the country is 15 miles away!! But it was thankfully full!
even that one in the village is 2 miles away. Hope they sort it out soon
couldnt be without my petrol ...im going to minehead thursday and i dont want to put any in till i get there as its 4p a litre cheaper but means being good all week lol
cheese burger pie mmmmmm
scrump the recipe is on jos thread i put on thursday. its the low fat version.
mm may have to try it lol
I had pie yesterday, apple with ice-cream, couldnt eat the pastry though, wasnt that it was bad, just not interesting enough.
I may try it, In my earlier post I said the village is 2 miles away its twelve miles away , my number one key wont work nor will the one underneath it
Hey Jo :)

Glad things are going better for you, how are you finding the weekends?.... I had a mini slip up yesterday....but I thought about it before I accepted a dessert offering... I'd been good all day and made sure I really savoured the food as I ate it... asking myself with each mouthful... is it a quality treat...as before dukan it wouldn't have mattered! :)...so not the weekend binge...more the weekend prize :)

onwards and downwards :) I hope they sort out this strike thing for you soon...I still can't believe it's gone on so long... I remember the fuel shortages here in the past couple of years...people queuing off the forecourts to get petrol "incase" and it never became a problem...panic buying was the bigger issue :)

It's really scary when you think how reliant we are on "black gold" :(... x
Good morning Jo,

I'm catching up again... Glad to see you're managing your food issues - I had to do the same - one (or maybe 3) but not until the packet is empty! Just ignore the scales - have you removed the batteries? - till you feel that you can have a look, if you leave it long enough on your current healthy eating then surely you will clock up a loss to spurn you on?

Good luck on the car front too! Will you have to stay put (either end) if you run out? Maybe engineer it for the car to run out of petrol in the country (ah, no it won't - will it? - as there seem to be less shortages out of the cities?)
I did it again. Got on the darned scales on a Tuesday, cos I was "feeling" thinner, and saw the graphic unforgiving +1.2K from Friday... oooh I could have eaten my way through a stash of croissants this morning, but played my usual "ok you can, but not until 10am when you normally have breakfast", knowing darned well that once here, I'd go off the idea...

Scales are devils in disguise! Must remove battery... but won't, cos it's soooo nice when they murmur sweet nothings!

We should be ok for fuel... other half will be emptying us out tomorrow with a four to six hour drive (depending if he takes the motorway or the "scenic route" which he prefers!!). Then he hopes to fill up there, and return... (worried? me?!). No way will we stay in the city for this coming 3 day weekend.

He's been warned. If you come back without enough fuel to get us to the house on Friday night, you'll spend your time Friday walking from station to station with a can to FIND some! hihi!

Home time... thankfully...

(If I ran out in the country, it'd only count as "vacation" where this place is concerned. As, incidentally, does a sick day without a sick note. Yep, just the one. Real meanies here!)
oh hon. we really shouldnt weigh ourselves every day but we do!
Omg my ex would have come back with empty tank saying..oh i forgot! hope your blokae has more sence Jo!
Fortunately he does cos he too wouldn't like to be stuck here for a weekend in a tiny flat, when a big house and countryside awaits... plus it's a three day weekend - YIPPEE - November 1st, All Saints Day, being a holiday here... (so I won't see you guys on Monday). Am aiming to stick to PP fodder, mind, else that would be a bad precedent set.

Awake since 4am, when alarm went off for the man... never mind, I'll have a siesta this afternoon! <shhh don't tell my boss!>
morning jo ,hope u get ur full tank of petrol and you enjoy ur 3day weekend ,ave a good one !!!
Morning Jo, Hope you manage to have a wee snooze later. I went to bed at ten.30 last night it's usually midnight but I was falling asleep in the chair.
Hope the OH comes back with plenty juice for the weekend, you could tell him if he doesnt, he will have to carry you all the way to the house lol.
I did it again. Got on the darned scales on a Tuesday, cos I was "feeling" thinner, and saw the graphic unforgiving +1.2K from Friday... oooh I could have eaten my way through a stash of croissants this morning, but played my usual "ok you can, but not until 10am when you normally have breakfast", knowing darned well that once here, I'd go off the idea...

Hey great strategy - it's WORKING!

(If I ran out in the country, it'd only count as "vacation" where this place is concerned. As, incidentally, does a sick day without a sick note. Yep, just the one. Real meanies here!)

Eeeuw but I suppose I can see their point (not the real sick notes - it would be impossible to GET a sick not here for a day's sickness: For example winter vomiting bug type thingie - defo not coming into work and infecting everyone, nor allowed anywhere near doc's surgery for fear of infecting them....) I suppose your medical system is set up to actually make those notes possible?

As for leave days: in my old job we had a white-out situation a few years back, started snowing at lunchtime, Cambridge 100% gridlocked / ice locked (ungritted bridges anyone? and nobody commuting to the villages managed to get home before midnight , that was about 80% of staff.
The next day it cleared a bit but there was a threat of more which never materialised. Everyone who stayed at home got a days' holiday docked in retrospect.
At least Jo you know where you stand from the start!
Lol Jo do you put your headphones on and snooze?