I missed this discussion - sorry!
Yes Sarah, Decathlon! Silly me! duh! <darn it!>
So Vicky, what did you wear? I'd been thinking of putting a money belt on for my keys... <or digging a hole in my front courtyard and burying them!! like I do on the beach when I swim!! haaa!>
OK Vicky asked in the weigh in thread how I felt about my stabilising weight... I have to say "blooming relieved".
I mentioned earlier in the week that I've had THOUGHTS this week ref breakfast, which I managed to quell by promising myself I could have the sought after 12 pastries at 10am at normal breakfast time... but I really struggled yesterday too. On the way home, on a crowded metro, my mind went into overdrive. My other half was at home, I knew whatever I bought had to be eaten FAST, and so I ran through the various options - depending on which metro station I got off at - and decided what I'd buy... then talked myself out of it... then it was back on... etc etc. Until I got off the metro shakily at my stop - bought 3K of plums as requested by the other half - and made it home without getting my purse out.
Relieved to have lost 600g yesterday to give me a STS for the week? YES YES YES!!! HORRIBLE WEEK!
And, you know what? I felt "disappointed" that I hadn't tasted the much craved foods...
Do I need a reboot and clean up of my hard drive? Oh YES! I feel fine now again... as usual in between... but the urges are coming hard and fast...
So contingency plans this weekend required - I'm making soup for afternoon snacks, when otherwise I could get "bored" (not really bored, but I'm not at work, so I've more time to talk myself into things)... and will probably use tolerated items to make a Dukan dessert, which will probably be foul, but that's par for the course!
Oooh and cheeseburger pie for Monday lunch to be eaten HOT!