IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

have a great weekend hun xxx
Anja - actually the law over here is sick note from day three (as it used to be in the UK in my day... none of this self-certification skiving milarky...) but here they choose to ask for one for each day off. So, if it's a "stuck on the loo day", one needs two days off to be able to see the GP the second day. Daft but true.

One thing that should go on the "things I've noticed since losing thread thing" - I'm not sick very often... touch wood!!

Cathy - are you insinuating that I'm heavy?!! heee!!

I think the audio job is finished but my colleague is off the next four and a half days so I guess her people will come to me... can't complain <well I can>

The other half has arrived - took the motorways and paid the €32 toll! - AND has a full tank... theoretically, between 1/2 and 3/4 required to return...

Not weekend yet... who's wishing me gone?!!
Lol. we never want rid of you - sorely missed at weekends.
awh thank you... Monday 1st is a holiday... (oooh and did I mention holidays on 11th, 12th too?!!! and I'm taking 1/2 day the 10th) I LOVE FRANCE!
LOL apart from the petrol ;)
Jo I too have a 4 day weekend this week, due to public holiday on Tuesday for The Melbourne Cup (horse race)! School gives us Monday off too. :)

And you will be missed.
not wishing you gone just hoping you have a great weekend as you love it so much
Jo I too have a 4 day weekend this week, due to public holiday on Tuesday for The Melbourne Cup (horse race)! School gives us Monday off too
oooh i rememeber watching kath and kim going to that :D
LOL :D wont a fire do? running would warm your feet up ;)
nah a fire wont work (shh vicky :p)... it has to be melbourne :D...

gonna dig out my sports bras and togs and get running! :D ...well maybe a walk to start with ;) x
I've asked Father Christmas for a sports bra...
oooh ill get my sports bras..no - crop tops...make my boobs look even flatter. tracksuit bottoms???? anorak?? what to wear?
trackies/yoga pants/leggings/running tights (bottom half)

sports bras (essential top half)

t-shirt (top half)

lightweight jacket

and gloves...cos god your hands get cold :( x (can't run with your hands in your pocket)
trackies fine, sports bra fine, t shirt fine, lightweigt jacket?? (purple anorak? hood too so hair wont get wet?)
gloves good idea. where do i put my house keys?
in a zip up pocket of purple jacket?...if no pockets....

stick the one key you need to get in the house on a shoe lace and tie it to your waist band or your bra strap (on the outside so it doesn't stab you)...I would say put it around your neck.... ok if you're in a public area....but not so safe if you're off the beaten track...

you can also get those little arm purses...decathlon do them as well x
cool thanks babe. ooh im looking forward to it (praying for no rain monday though cos i wont be out of its chucking it down!)
I missed this discussion - sorry!
Yes Sarah, Decathlon! Silly me! duh! <darn it!>
So Vicky, what did you wear? I'd been thinking of putting a money belt on for my keys... <or digging a hole in my front courtyard and burying them!! like I do on the beach when I swim!! haaa!>

OK Vicky asked in the weigh in thread how I felt about my stabilising weight... I have to say "blooming relieved".

I mentioned earlier in the week that I've had THOUGHTS this week ref breakfast, which I managed to quell by promising myself I could have the sought after 12 pastries at 10am at normal breakfast time... but I really struggled yesterday too. On the way home, on a crowded metro, my mind went into overdrive. My other half was at home, I knew whatever I bought had to be eaten FAST, and so I ran through the various options - depending on which metro station I got off at - and decided what I'd buy... then talked myself out of it... then it was back on... etc etc. Until I got off the metro shakily at my stop - bought 3K of plums as requested by the other half - and made it home without getting my purse out.

Relieved to have lost 600g yesterday to give me a STS for the week? YES YES YES!!! HORRIBLE WEEK!


And, you know what? I felt "disappointed" that I hadn't tasted the much craved foods...

Do I need a reboot and clean up of my hard drive? Oh YES! I feel fine now again... as usual in between... but the urges are coming hard and fast...

So contingency plans this weekend required - I'm making soup for afternoon snacks, when otherwise I could get "bored" (not really bored, but I'm not at work, so I've more time to talk myself into things)... and will probably use tolerated items to make a Dukan dessert, which will probably be foul, but that's par for the course!

Oooh and cheeseburger pie for Monday lunch to be eaten HOT!
or digging a hole in my front courtyard and burying them!! like I do on the beach when I swim!! haaa!>
Do you Jo?

Jacket pocket :)

Jo well done for not succumbing again to the rubbish you wre likely to buy.
Good luck over the weekend as you and i both know from experience how hard it is to be good.
I think a STS is an achievement you have maintained and you know that you could do this.
what have you been eating or do you post it in the menu thread?