aaah lovely to read you guys
I actually managed to pull back into PV + fruit shape for several days on holiday, which I was pleased with, even if I did lose the plot again as the holiday came to an end. The walk + run idea wasn't a great success, so I doubt I'll continue. As soon as I speed up, I feel the arthrosis (hip one day, knee another, shoulders even several days!) and was then hampered with the walking! I did however manage an hour's walk every day but one, which was a first. I walked the 7km to the nearest boulangerie (then rang OH to come to pick me up; I even went in and bought him bread and didn't cede... yet later went in and bought him three viennoiseries, myself (ahem) seven, and hid the extras in my bag so that he didn't see!!
Anyway back in civilisation, what do I see in the media? Our dear guru up in front of the French medical board on two counts (making more money out of his business than medecine, something "doctors" aren't allowed to do apparently. I also saw he made an unfortunate (but funny, I thought) comment ref obesity in teenagers, suggesting those who managed to get through their schooling with a normal BMI should receive extra points!).) Sooo the headline of a magazine here reads: "Dukan: la chute d'un gouru". I probably ought to buy it to see how severe the issue is.
Back to me. I'm off Dukan at the moment (not because of media pressure!). I'm back in control, and currently alternating PP and PV with fruit planned from tomorrow, but with various social things on the horizon (and a voice in my head telling me to do something else rather than Dukan), I'm hanging in there.
74.2K on the scales this morning. I saw 77K on holiday at the outset! Crazy leaps up and down in my weight, which do affect my mindset negatively, so I'm avoiding the easy Dukan water loss for now.
I hope everyone's ok. I won't be around much this week, as am replacing a colleague. Enjoy Easter all of you. Think of me tomorrow at work (not a holiday here - heathens!) but I'll be in the country for a 3 day weekend from tomorrow evening...
[h=1]Le gourou de la minceur Pierre Dukan devant la justice[/h]
L'Ordre des médecins a ouvert une « information pluridisciplinaire » contre le créateur du très controversé régime Dukan. Le gourou de la
minceur est en effet accusé d'avoir violé le code de déontologie médicale.
Il y a quelques mois, le docteur a écrit une lettre ouverte au Président de la République, demandant l'instauration d'une « option régime » au bac. Sa suggestion ? Attribuer des bonus aux lycéens dont l'IMC se situe entre 18 et 25 de la seconde à la terminale.
L'idée n'a pas plu au Conseil départemental de l'ordre des médecins de Paris, qui soutiennent que de tels propos pourraient porter préjudice aux jeunes filles atteintes d'anorexie ou de surpoids et déjà fragiles psychologiquement.
S'appuyant sur l'article 13 du code de déontologie médicale, qui stipule qu' « un médecin doit faire attention aux répercussions de ses propos auprès du public », l'ordre des médecins a décidé de porter plainte.
Le corps médical met par ailleurs en doute la probité du Dr Dukan qui, se trouvant à la tête d'une entreprise au chiffre d'affaire annuel de plus de 100 millions d'euros, semblerait faire plus de business que de médecine. L'Ordre des médecins invoque l'article 19 du code de déontologie, qui déclare que la médecine ne doit pas être pratiquée comme un commerce.
Le Dr Dukan avait déjà été confronté à la justice l'an dernier lors d'un procès (perdu) contre le Dr Cohen, autre médecin vedette spécialiste ès régimes.