IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED, try try try again and again (and again...)

A week since I posted on my diary. I doubt people who know me well here need telling why...

I had a lovely weekend with my friends in their rented gite near Amiens, but overate to ridiculous levels. Since then, have been fighting with myself, winning the odd battle, but too often ceding hopelessly.

On holiday from tonight for a week... it's almost as if I admit defeat before I even leave! Am keeping up the walking, and have printed out the coach to 5K programme to start at the house. So even if eating like a porker, I will at least be moving!

Back on April 2... probably in more than one sense of the word...

will I ever get off this treadmill?
Hope you have a lovely time Jo, at least C25K is upping fitness levels, will no doubt burn more calories etc :)

The treadmill is the millstone around all our necks :) I have no doubt I will be loitering around the forum 'til I'm old and grey - basically sh*t happens, weight goes on, and here I am again :).....still I count myself lucky to be in such good company :) x
Admitting defeat would be abandoning all walking. Well done for the new running programme too (much respect for that one). You know how you eat on holidays, you also know that you'll be back in control when back at work.

Have a lovely holiday, Jo.:D
Hi Jo,

have a nice holiday! Don't worry about the rest.

As for the treadmill, never admit defeat! You probably won't get off it but at least you have recognized how food works for you and you are not ballooning into morbid obesity. Lots of people live in a 'holiday' and 'not on holiday' type mode, and I too struggle when I know the holidays are coming up (like now), but you (and I) know how to recover afterwards. Not ideal but better than just giving in altogether.

Great if you are considering starting the C25K - take it really gently and you don''t have to move from week to week if you don't feel ready. but any activity will improve your health, even if you don't see any direct weight loss, and keep up the general walking too, the amount you do is just so impressive I think!
Just because you step on the carbs dosent mean you're automatically on a binge, so don't beat yourself up as if you were.
Try a few normal behaviours if you can while you're off plan, like not eating in secret ;)

You bloomin well can do normal and are not a hopeless case.

Have a lovely time, if your weather is as glorious as ours you should.

See you when you're back.
Hi Jo and welcome back - hope you had a good week in the country. Did you get any veg in?
Things much the same with me; just had a week off, mainly spent in the new conservatory, thinking about planting some seeds and clearing out the greenhouse; off next week with the kids.
aaah lovely to read you guys :)

I actually managed to pull back into PV + fruit shape for several days on holiday, which I was pleased with, even if I did lose the plot again as the holiday came to an end. The walk + run idea wasn't a great success, so I doubt I'll continue. As soon as I speed up, I feel the arthrosis (hip one day, knee another, shoulders even several days!) and was then hampered with the walking! I did however manage an hour's walk every day but one, which was a first. I walked the 7km to the nearest boulangerie (then rang OH to come to pick me up; I even went in and bought him bread and didn't cede... yet later went in and bought him three viennoiseries, myself (ahem) seven, and hid the extras in my bag so that he didn't see!!

Anyway back in civilisation, what do I see in the media? Our dear guru up in front of the French medical board on two counts (making more money out of his business than medecine, something "doctors" aren't allowed to do apparently. I also saw he made an unfortunate (but funny, I thought) comment ref obesity in teenagers, suggesting those who managed to get through their schooling with a normal BMI should receive extra points!).) Sooo the headline of a magazine here reads: "Dukan: la chute d'un gouru". I probably ought to buy it to see how severe the issue is.

Back to me. I'm off Dukan at the moment (not because of media pressure!). I'm back in control, and currently alternating PP and PV with fruit planned from tomorrow, but with various social things on the horizon (and a voice in my head telling me to do something else rather than Dukan), I'm hanging in there.

74.2K on the scales this morning. I saw 77K on holiday at the outset! Crazy leaps up and down in my weight, which do affect my mindset negatively, so I'm avoiding the easy Dukan water loss for now.

I hope everyone's ok. I won't be around much this week, as am replacing a colleague. Enjoy Easter all of you. Think of me tomorrow at work (not a holiday here - heathens!) but I'll be in the country for a 3 day weekend from tomorrow evening...

[h=1]Le gourou de la minceur Pierre Dukan devant la justice[/h]
L’Ordre des médecins a ouvert une « information pluridisciplinaire » contre le créateur du très controversé régime Dukan. Le gourou de la minceur est en effet accusé d’avoir violé le code de déontologie médicale.
Il y a quelques mois, le docteur a écrit une lettre ouverte au Président de la République, demandant l’instauration d’une « option régime » au bac. Sa suggestion ? Attribuer des bonus aux lycéens dont l’IMC se situe entre 18 et 25 de la seconde à la terminale.
L’idée n’a pas plu au Conseil départemental de l’ordre des médecins de Paris, qui soutiennent que de tels propos pourraient porter préjudice aux jeunes filles atteintes d’anorexie ou de surpoids et déjà fragiles psychologiquement.
S’appuyant sur l’article 13 du code de déontologie médicale, qui stipule qu’ « un médecin doit faire attention aux répercussions de ses propos auprès du public », l’ordre des médecins a décidé de porter plainte.
Le corps médical met par ailleurs en doute la probité du Dr Dukan qui, se trouvant à la tête d’une entreprise au chiffre d’affaire annuel de plus de 100 millions d’euros, semblerait faire plus de business que de médecine. L’Ordre des médecins invoque l’article 19 du code de déontologie, qui déclare que la médecine ne doit pas être pratiquée comme un commerce.
Le Dr Dukan avait déjà été confronté à la justice l’an dernier lors d’un procès (perdu) contre le Dr Cohen, autre médecin vedette spécialiste ès régimes.
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im also glad to see you back :D hope you have a lovely weekend in the country :D
Morning Jo :)

Great to have you back with us and lovely to read about your time off - so deserved! x

So is the plan for the moment a bit like conso, Dukan+Fruit and the odd social occasion?...could be a plan :) I think Anja kept losing even when on conso x

Sorry to hear that the running had a bad effect :( currently feeling the after effects of exercise....no pain no gain? PAH...it hurts!! :(

How are plans for the wedding going?

Hope you have a lovely weekend in the country :) xxx
Great to have you back Maintainer - hope your feeling positive and moving on and up - totally understand the food battle been there done that and got many t-shirts. Be kind to yourself!!! x
Morning diary and all,
73.5 this morning, so an improvement (and surely not all left on the hairdresser's floor last night?). She is always amused at my eating my Dukan muffins during my hair appointment (rather than returning here ravenous at 9pm and devouring all in sight). An ex-Dukaner herself, she still admits to having the odd PP day as she loves salmon and prawns so much! (She lost 3K, regained 4K and is about a size 8 now. No comment!).
Happy Good Friday to all and I hope you're all still fast asleep (jealous? Me? nah! I'll happily go to work today, safe in the knowledge that I have a trillion long weekends in May to look forward to!).
Happy Easter too!
Maintainer said:
aaah lovely to read you guys :)

I actually managed to pull back into PV + fruit shape for several days on holiday, which I was pleased with, even if I did lose the plot again as the holiday came to an end. The walk + run idea wasn't a great success, so I doubt I'll continue. As soon as I speed up, I feel the arthrosis (hip one day, knee another, shoulders even several days!) and was then hampered with the walking! I did however manage an hour's walk every day but one, which was a first. I walked the 7km to the nearest boulangerie (then rang OH to come to pick me up; I even went in and bought him bread and didn't cede... yet later went in and bought him three viennoiseries, myself (ahem) seven, and hid the extras in my bag so that he didn't see!!

Anyway back in civilisation, what do I see in the media? Our dear guru up in front of the French medical board on two counts (making more money out of his business than medecine, something "doctors" aren't allowed to do apparently. I also saw he made an unfortunate (but funny, I thought) comment ref obesity in teenagers, suggesting those who managed to get through their schooling with a normal BMI should receive extra points!).) Sooo the headline of a magazine here reads: "Dukan: la chute d'un gouru". I probably ought to buy it to see how severe the issue is.

Back to me. I'm off Dukan at the moment (not because of media pressure!). I'm back in control, and currently alternating PP and PV with fruit planned from tomorrow, but with various social things on the horizon (and a voice in my head telling me to do something else rather than Dukan), I'm hanging in there.

74.2K on the scales this morning. I saw 77K on holiday at the outset! Crazy leaps up and down in my weight, which do affect my mindset negatively, so I'm avoiding the easy Dukan water loss for now.

I hope everyone's ok. I won't be around much this week, as am replacing a colleague. Enjoy Easter all of you. Think of me tomorrow at work (not a holiday here - heathens!) but I'll be in the country for a 3 day weekend from tomorrow evening...

[h=1]Le gourou de la minceur Pierre Dukan devant la justice[/h]
L'Ordre des médecins a ouvert une « information pluridisciplinaire » contre le créateur du très controversé régime Dukan. Le gourou de la minceur est en effet accusé d'avoir violé le code de déontologie médicale.
Il y a quelques mois, le docteur a écrit une lettre ouverte au Président de la République, demandant l'instauration d'une « option régime » au bac. Sa suggestion ? Attribuer des bonus aux lycéens dont l'IMC se situe entre 18 et 25 de la seconde à la terminale.
L'idée n'a pas plu au Conseil départemental de l'ordre des médecins de Paris, qui soutiennent que de tels propos pourraient porter préjudice aux jeunes filles atteintes d'anorexie ou de surpoids et déjà fragiles psychologiquement.
S'appuyant sur l'article 13 du code de déontologie médicale, qui stipule qu' « un médecin doit faire attention aux répercussions de ses propos auprès du public », l'ordre des médecins a décidé de porter plainte.
Le corps médical met par ailleurs en doute la probité du Dr Dukan qui, se trouvant à la tête d'une entreprise au chiffre d'affaire annuel de plus de 100 millions d'euros, semblerait faire plus de business que de médecine. L'Ordre des médecins invoque l'article 19 du code de déontologie, qui déclare que la médecine ne doit pas être pratiquée comme un commerce.
Le Dr Dukan avait déjà été confronté à la justice l'an dernier lors d'un procès (perdu) contre le Dr Cohen, autre médecin vedette spécialiste ès régimes.

Take care jo! So chuffed I could understand 99% of this :) x
have a lovely weekend Jo... i was also up taking the bin to the end of the drive in my jammies in the pouring rain not fun.... think we are to get this weather till tuesday my neighbour was saying. i trust his weather forcasts as hes a farmer lol
A friend in Belguim just said he dosent get the day off.
Its interesting some countries get Epiphany off but not good friday.

Im excited for the extra June holiday this year, as I'll get less holiday in my new job Im glad of any extra.

Is monday a holiday for you?
Yes Easter Monday was a holiday, thank you - our first since November 11 cos we didn't get Christmas or New Year as they fell weekends! (I'm getting this stuff in now, before having a trillion of days off in May you'll tease me back for!).

I know I've been AWOL recently, and I've no excuse but being hopelessly busy at work leaving myself just an hour lunchtimes to get down to the dreaded paperwork required for the big day! Today I'll hopefully get the banker's cheque required for the British Consulate, who don't accept personal cheques(!), to issue us two Certificates of Law. Costing the princely sum of €160. Translations by sworn court of appeal approved translators are currently being done of our ID papers etc. (€200). This wedding lark is proving pricey! On the fun front, things are moving along nicely and I'm more or less sorted for most things, at least in my mind!

I'm still staying out of ketosis. I've been messing around for too long with the water losses and, if I'm honest, Dukan isn't helping me with my food behaviour issues, and I need to learn more about listening to my body and eating when hungry, and not when not, and eating reasonable portions etc. All totally beyond me after all this time, yet I'm thinking I was better at this stuff BEFORE Dukan! Anyway, 73.0K today. I've a celebration meal, let's say, on Sunday lunchtime in the village hall. Birthday coming up. So concentrating on damage limitation before and after, rather, and trying to avoid the roller coaster losses and gains when on Dukan properly.

So that's me. Happy weekend! Rotten weather forecast here...; and a BIG match tonight (Southampton...)
I completely understand what you're saying about Dukan not helping to resolve issues around food. You don't have to deal with hunger or temptation when you're in the zone. I'm doing it because I really needed to lose the weight and it's a programme I can stick to, but what's going to happen afterwards I don't know. At the moment I feel like just having every day a pv day, and being allowed the odd piece of fresh fruit would be bliss, but I know it will be more complicated than that.

Don't lose sight of the phenomenal amount of weight you lost though. You're still slim. Best of luck.
Thank you Sara. I do so struggle out of ketosis and it doesn't seem to get any easier however long I try it, and the urge back to Dukan is so strong! I am staying close weekdays, but more for a need to compensating for whatever I shovelled in at the weekend than anything else! After this "short" two day weekend, I have two x four day weekends which could cause serious damage if I keep this "weekend mentality" alive! Anyone would think I didn't have a wedding to get slim again for as I just can't seem to find the motivation to resist at the weekend for now.

Here's hoping for a "clean" weekend. Fruit ok. Perhaps one treat. I'm torn between trying no treats, which inevitably sends me in a spin, or one treat, which can but doesn't always! aaaaah! And the forecast is bad so I can't see I'll be walking far either to compensate...

Come on Jo. One weekend. You can do it... On French TV last night, there was a programme on "extreme dieting", and Dukan was one of them. I recorded but didn't watch all. Seeing the newbie's determination reminded me how I used to be. Must get there again hopefully without Dukan but, worst case scenario, I'll come back to the fold in a week.