Ha rings moving ! Snap just wish trousers could move more not sure why my stomach isgoibg no where !
Hi all
I almost lost my wedding ring in the wood range when I loaded it with wood last week, just managed to hook it with the end of my finger before it was roasted - it's now on the other (fatter, weirdly) hand, but turning there too. Still got the stomach here too, sadly, though my jeans are a bit saggy at the back, so it's obviously gone from my fingers and my bum (when it's the belly area that is needing to go)!
Jo, glad you are managing to eat well enough and are pain-free-ish. A friend of mine here had one out on Monday too and she had to resort to paracetamol (and she thinks a bit has been left behind so she'll have to go back

Vicky, are you doing Dukan or Atkins or a bit of both? I'm hovering between the two - low carb and one PP day a week (green PV, mostly, but I cut out yogurt on PP - PV - days now) but I do eat more fat (no more 0%) though I don't think it's excessive, except maybe the cheese...
Hope all are enjoying life, we've had great weather (think that's about to stop) and been out walking loads, so nice. Will not enjoy being back in winter (mid-November was so cold, think it's heading here again next week).
Must go and retrieve offspring from activities!